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  • Thread Starter gasmas75


    Hello Arnan,

    Thank you for your quick response.

    There is an average of 25k visitors per day and the plugin is serving about 20 ads per page (banners on sidebar widget + in article groups). All of them are being tracked.

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter gasmas75


    I found the cause for the tree not displaying. Under settings -> Advanced -> Page same as filter -> should be Default.

    Thread Starter gasmas75


    When I use the /shop the category tree displays correctly showing all shop’s categories. When I am on any product category (with subcategories) I only get the root category without it’s tree

    Thread Starter gasmas75


    Sorry for the late reply. No, no matter what I choose on the settings, I cannot display the hierarchy. Really puzzling.

    All seems normal now. Emptied the cache from CF also and all ads seem to display correct.

    If something comes up I’ll start a new thread.

    Thank you for the great support and greater plugin!

    Sorry for not being clear. It’s the latest version (5.10.1) that corrects the new Group issue, but didn’t correct the post injection issue.

    Didn’t have these issues prior to 5.10

    Thank you for your prompt support!

    Hi again. The update fixed the ‘Add new Group’ functionality, but still the post injection doesn’t work. I’ve tried to manually update the database, clear the cache and also re-create a group. When loading the post it shows but after a refresh it disappears!

    On the php error log I get a lot of the below:

    [15-Jan-2023 17:47:13 UTC] PHP Warning:  Attempt to read property "ID" on int in /web/***/public_html/wp-content/plugins/adrotate/adrotate-output.php on line 377
    [15-Jan-2023 19:08:36 UTC] PHP Warning:  Attempt to read property "ID" on int in /web/***/public_html/wp-content/plugins/adrotate/adrotate-output.php on line 377
    [15-Jan-2023 19:30:08 UTC] PHP Warning:  Attempt to read property "ID" on int in /web/***/public_html/wp-content/plugins/adrotate/adrotate-output.php on line 377

    Any ideas?

    Hi @adegans .I’ve already tried manual updating after reading this thread and didn’t work. Also there isn’t any notification banner.

    The error shows also on my site. Using the latest 5.10 version. This didn’t occur before the update.

    It’s only on group adverts. I can edit the previous ones but cannot create a new. Also editing and saving a new group doesn’t show always the ads.

    This is an error recorded on php error log:

    [13-Jan-2023 11:22:32 UTC] PHP Warning:  Attempt to read property "ID" on int in /web/***/public_html/wp-content/plugins/adrotate/adrotate-output.php on line 374


    [13-Jan-2023 11:17:49 UTC] WordPress database error Unknown column 'woo_cat' in 'field list' for query INSERT INTO ***_adrotate_groups (name, modus, swap, fallback, cat, cat_loc, cat_par, page, page_loc, page_par, woo_cat, woo_loc, bbpress, bbpress_loc, mobile, geo, wrapper_before, wrapper_after, gridrows, gridcolumns, admargin, admargin_bottom, admargin_left, admargin_right, adwidth, adheight, adspeed, repeat_impressions) VALUES ('', '0', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '2', '2', '0', '0', '0', '0', '728', '90', '6000', 'Y') made by do_action('adrotate_page_adrotate-groups'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, adrotate_manage_group, include('/plugins/adrotate/dashboard/publisher/groups-edit.php')


    [13-Jan-2023 11:17:40 UTC] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /web/***/public_html/wp-admin/includes/template.php:2584) in /web/***/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1416
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by gasmas75.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by gasmas75.
    Thread Starter gasmas75


    To reply to my own question:
    I used ‘meta_value’ and ‘meta_key’ in my query along with some conditionals if the user selects a regular ‘category’ post.

    $order_by = ($instance['posts_orderby'] == 'menu_order') ? array('meta_value' => 'meta_id') : $instance['posts_orderby'] ;
    		$meta_key = ($instance['posts_orderby'] == 'menu_order') ? '_rpwc2' : NULL;
    		$posts = new WP_Query(apply_filters('el_posts_widget_query_args', array(
    			'post_type'					=> array('post'),
    			'post__not_in'				=> $dont_duplicate,
    			'tax_query' 				=> array(
    				'relation'				=> 'OR',
    					'taxonomy'				=> 'category',
    					'field'					=> 'term_id',
    					'terms'					=> $instance['posts_cat_id'],
    					'taxonomy'				=> 'featured',					
    					'operator'				=> 'EXISTS',
    					'field'					=> 'term_id',
    					'terms'					=> $instance['posts_cat_id'],
    			'posts_per_page'			=> $instance['posts_num'],
    			'orderby'					=> $order_by,
    			'order'						=> 'DESC',
    			'ignore_sticky_posts' 		=> true,
    			'no_found_rows' 			=> true,
    			'post_status'				=> 'publish',
    			'meta_key'					=> $meta_key,
    			'date_query' 				=> array(
    					'after'				=> $instance['posts_time'],

    P.S. If someone wants to contribute to a cleaner or better code, please feel free to do so.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by gasmas75.
    Thread Starter gasmas75


    Thank you you’ve been extremely helpful. I’ll give it a shot asap!

    Thread Starter gasmas75


    Hi @donncha. The URLs are mostly single posts. I’ve disabled the plugin for the moment, but I still have it enabled on the dev site. I can monitor if you wish and give back the results.
    For the record since I disabled it the issues with 520 errors are gone.

    Thread Starter gasmas75


    Hi @aurovrata,
    Thanks for your suggestion. Indeed this could work (and it does actually). But I already have developed a plugin that uses a dropdown menu of meta values and the editors are already using (and populated the database) with these values.
    For the time being our editors are sorting the posts separately on each category. It’s pain but it works.

    Thank you for your efforts and hopefully v3.0 will have this feature.
    All best,

    Thread Starter gasmas75


    Thanks @aurovrata for your input. I’m happy I gave a good idea, hope its implemented someday.
    Meanwhile I’ll work on a workaround.
    Thank you!

    Thread Starter gasmas75


    You want your editor to select a category, say fruits, and then be able to manually sort only the colour=orange ones?

    Close enough, because on the “Red” meta value there are entries that belong to more than one category.
    I don’t want my editor to select a category. I want to select a meta field value (Green, Orange etc) and manually sort them, so they appear on this selected order on the front end as if they were categories. Categories don’t matter at all.
    So instead of choosing a category, to be able to choose a meta value and sort manually.

    There is a workaround but i don’t want to use it. If I have a secondary category of Colour values then i can sort based on that category. But this isn’t good practice.

    Thank you for your patience ??

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by gasmas75.
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