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  • Thread Starter gayle1


    Yes, just had a longer look at it and am quite impressed. They can be included anywhere with code snippets or with widgets, so a different series of images can be shown on different pages. Very reasonable price at $9. It would be worth it to save time and effort. I might have another look later when I get home to see how easy it is to add images. If it’s easy, it might come in handy for a couple of my site owners; they could manage their own instead of me managing them all. But for your purposes, yes, it might be just what you are looking for. Still thinking about your City Portal. I have a few things to tend to first before I can consider anything else.

    Thread Starter gayle1


    Looks good. Still not sure it will solve the issue of using a different slider per page though, unless you can use a separate snippet in each page. Worth a try.

    Thread Starter gayle1


    Hold off on the ‘so smart’, ChecMark; I’m just a self-taught person who loves building websites. I do not profess to be an expert. Sorry I missed that slider when I first went there because I was concentrating on the overall design and feel in relation to the sidebars etc. Yes, that is a javascript slider. How strange. Why is access to the pages in your menu restricted by a Wordfence firewall that only allows a limited number of clicks per minute? Reason: Exceeded the maximum global requests per minute for crawlers or humans.
    I agree with the Google and Facebook ads; people (like me) have learned to ignore them. Interesting thought, though. Give me a day or so to think about it. I am working on three other new sites at the moment. However, of the other 5 I have previously built and still manage I might end up losing 3 because I have had a falling out with one of the main owners (my sister; never work with family!). It’s a pity; all 3 are in the top ten of Google in their respective searches. But it does mean that I could have more time on my hands. I will think about it and get back to you soon. Plus I will think about the sliders etc.

    Thread Starter gayle1


    There’s lots of slider plugins I have not looked at any of them but I imagine most would be as simple as adding their snippet to wherever you want it to appear on the page. Anyway, let me know if none of these solves the problem.

    Thread Starter gayle1


    Not sure if this is the type of thing you want

    Thread Starter gayle1


    I am not sure I fully understand. Starting with the sliders, do you mean like a marquee, perhaps at the top of each section? If so, you don’t really need a plug in, you can add a flash slider. I haven’t used Flash since it was Macromedia not Adobe; I make my life easier by using a little program called Flash Slideshow Maker. It was an inexpensive program I bought a few years back. Or you can use a javascript ConveyorBelt or a simple marquee, although a lot of people frown on them. This flash header I did in Flash Slideshow Its not wordpress, I did the site from scratch, but I just want to clarify if it is the type of thing you want. Obviously you would not want it to be this big, but those types of settings are in the parameters. Or this page I just shoved together for you has examples of conveyor belt at the top and a marquee beneath. If you are not sure about the code I can help you; but if this is not what you mean by slider, let me know exactly what you want. If it is just a simple image rotator you want there is a very good plugin here but it is a widget designed for the widget area. As far as the multiple sidebar, again I am not sure exactly what you mean but I will look into it for you.

    Thread Starter gayle1


    Hi ChecMark, Yes when I looked at your site I have to admit I wondered why you would bother with borders when it looked pretty good already. I think it forms its own subtle border just by the way you have it set out. Good luck with it all.

    Thread Starter gayle1


    Hi ChecMark, I know you are not asking me but I got an email to say someone had posted here, so decided to talk to you. I believe what you want is to add the desired border to the very first line in theme-my-login.css (line 1: .login). I followed your link and looked at that section in Developer (right-click; Inspect Element in Chrome) and found that it is definitely that block. I never did find the solution to mine. It was obviously a conflict between plugins somewhere; so I stopped using Theme My Login. If that is not the block you want, ie. if you want it around the block heading too, you will need to put a border in your theme style.css line 815; but that means each of your widgets will have that border.

    Thanks for the reply iBusinessLogic. I uploaded the files and thought they would be filed under their own names, but the plugin merely named them ‘logo….’ I cannot remember what extension it gave as I have deleted them now. Then it was choosing the wrong ones to display. There are only a few links as I don’t particularly want a link farm; just a few quality links from related sites and, as it is about Dexter Cattle, the field is relatively small. Nevertheless, it would be nice to include their logos. I will try again tomorrow to see what it is I might have missed. It’s late here. Thanks again.

    I am finding that the plugin is displaying the wrong logo for each link. I have not really tried any fixes yet; but was wondering if there is a quick answer. I looked into phpMyAdmin and find that all logos appear their with the same name. Is that normal? I inserted the links myself because I was migrating from an old page/script.

    Thanks argonius, I will test both those solutions. I know there is nothing wrong with the plugin; I think it is great other than the login problem. I installed it via WP ‘new plugin’. I was wondering if there is a conflict. I had akismet running, and not sure what else. I should have tried ag without each of those individually to check out which other is perhaps causing a conflict. I might do that later on today.

    Hi argonius, did you ever find an answer to this? I am having the same problem. The js console states Uncaught Reference Error: ag_script.js?ver=
    When I activate the plugin, I get a blank login screen even though View Source sees the whole page, and so does Inspect Element in Developer. When I deactivate the plugin, login page works fine. I would love to use the plugin if possible. Looking forward to a reply.

    Thread Starter gayle1


    I might have to go back and redo a lot of it to do that; I might give it a go, but I doubt it will work. The problem was there before I attempted to fix it via that custom background. Actually, come to think of it, it might be interesting to see what happens if I reinstall and carry out the steps in a different order. Maybe there was some tiny step somewhere that has created this dilemma. I will let you know if I find it.

    Thread Starter gayle1


    When you say ‘custom backgrounds’ do you mean my own css or the customization via admin? I actually only used the admin to try to overcome the problem.

    Thread Starter gayle1


    Don’t be sorry, WPyogi; it makes me feel better to know it’s not stupidity on my part. I thought perhaps I was missing something very simple, but obviously not. Weird. I will keep scratching my head over it and, yes, live in hope that someone can stumble across the answer. Thanks again.

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