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  • Thread Starter Tanya


    Also, I’ve tried this shortcode with Twenty Sixteen Theme and the Pique Theme as well as several of the Thrive Themes and it’s not working on any custom page. It is still working on the MailPoet default page, but that’s not a page I can edit and add my own text to.

    For my main site I’ve switched it back to your default page for now, but the link above still demonstrates how the shortcode isn’t working.

    I’ve also deactivated all plugins to confirm that there is no plugin conflict.

    So it definitely appears that there is something broken with the shortcode when applying it to a custom page.

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter Tanya


    Thanks @shireling I’ll look into that. The main site is part of a multi-network WordPress setup, hosted through WP Engine. The other domain is strictly a redirect at this point until I make some final decisions and I’ve not really done much with this, so not really sure what the options or best practices are lol.

    Thread Starter Tanya


    Well unfortunately, when I use that shortcode, just the shortcode displays:

    Any thoughts? I’m using WP 4.7.2 in a multi-site environment and Thrive Themes.

    And yes “Subscribers can edit their profile” is checked off.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Tanya.
    Thread Starter Tanya


    [insert expletives here] lol… your response made the light go on. The actual site URL is: I have a domain through Hover that I have a redirect setup for sending to – however, I turned on masking (stealth redirection) so that the url would hold as This breaks things and I haven’t used it in so long that I had completely forgotten that it was a problem. With stealth redirect turned off it loads properly. Sorry about that. Don’t suppose you know of an alternative way to mask the domain that doesn’t cause this problem? Thank you so much for you help.

    Thread Starter Tanya


    Sorry @shireling, that was kinda vague of me lol, I was multi-tasking… But no that’s not what I’m referring to. On my iPhone 6 the home page starts out normal, but after the text in the top panel it scrolls forever (like 6.5 portrait screen lengths) before the next panel shows up… then after the text of the next panel it’s the same thing with like 6.5 screen lengths of the panel background and then none of the other panels display. It displays fine on my mom’s HTC android though.

    Thread Starter Tanya


    Any update on this?

    Thread Starter Tanya


    Thanks for your patience Siobhan ??

    No the child theme isn’t showing at all under Appearance > Themes

    Here’s a screen shot of everything that’s on my Theme page:

    This is the top part of the style.css in my child theme:
    Theme Name: Pique Child
    Description: Pique Child Theme
    Template: pique
    Theme Name: Pique
    Theme URI:
    Description: A one-page scrolling theme for small businesses.
    Version: 1.2.9
    Author: Automattic
    Author URI:
    License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
    License URI:
    Text Domain: pique
    Tags: custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, featured-image-header, featured-images, flexible-header, left-sidebar, one-column, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready, two-columns


    Thread Starter Tanya


    Unfortunately that doesn’t work either. I feel like my setup isn’t recognizing the fact that I have a child theme at all. Does the fact that I’m setup in a multi-site network make any difference?

    Thread Starter Tanya


    Thank you. No the pages aren’t displaying the header image, I’ve just set the feature images to be the same image as the header to “fake it” lol. I don’t actually need to use the feature images on my posts because I use CoSchedule for my social sharing, so it worked to just use the same pic for the feature image on every other post. It’s close enough for my needs, though not perfect. You can see the difference between these two posts:

    No feature image:

    Feature image:

    Thread Starter Tanya


    Here’s a screenshot from my file manager – I’m working with a multi-site network setup. Do I have the child theme folder in the right location?

    Screenshot of file manager

    Thread Starter Tanya


    Yes I’m only trying to stop the featured image from replacing the header image on single posts.

    But nope, that didn’t work either unfortunately. Below is what the code in the header.php looks like in my child theme after applying your changes above.

    		<?php // Let's show a header image if we aren't on the front page and a header has been set
    		if ( ! pique_is_frontpage() AND get_header_image() ) : ?>
    			<a class="pique-header" href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>" rel="home">
    				<img id="pique-header-image" src="<?php header_image(); ?>" width="<?php echo esc_attr( get_custom_header()->width ); ?>" height="<?php echo esc_attr( get_custom_header()->height ); ?>" alt="<?php bloginfo( 'name' ); ?>">
    		<?php endif; // End header image check. ?>
    Thread Starter Tanya


    Yes, the behaviour is only there when the menu has sub-items. Top level menu items that don’t have sub-items work on the first click. Look forward to hearing back on this one. Thanks.

    Thread Starter Tanya


    Oh sorry about that, I took the post down. The work around that I’ve done isn’t anything fancy, no css or coding… I’ve just decided that I’ll simply use the header image as the feature image for every other post. This way, on my blog page it will alternate with a solid colour and the same image and then the header image doesn’t change on any of the posts either. The code provided definitely didn’t work, and if I apply a unique feature image to a post the header image still changes. But I’m just not going to apply unique feature images. For the way I work with the site and sharing it’s not a big deal as I custom set the share images through CoSchedule anyway. I’ve got a pretty full plate right now, but I do have another sub-site that I could replicate the issue in on the weekend if you wanted to investigate the issue.

    I was wondering if perhaps the fact that I’m in a multi-network setup might be part of the issue?


    Thread Starter Tanya


    I’ve decided on a work around so when you click on those two pages at first glance they seem like they have the same header… but if you watch closely the logo seems to shift ever so slightly on the second page. So the above still isn’t working, I just managed to make it sort of look like it is.

    Thread Starter Tanya


    Just to clarify, I understand that it would be a line similar to:

    '<p>' . __($_POST['street'], 'community-yard-sale') . '</p>' .

    I just can’t figure out what to replace the $_POST['street'] part with.


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