Forum Replies Created
Thanks for responding, but it is generating warnings in WordFence that site files do not match repository files. Each time I see that email, it triggers an immediate mental reaction that the site has been hacked.
Guess I’m just too used to my WordPress sites getting hacked.
Thanks guys, and dohhh (face slap) – I should have realised that’s what happened. Too many tasks and not enough time to think about any of them.
Many thanks for the prompt response and action.
I just installed wordfence 3.3.7 on a multisite install that’s sort of public ready and got the same issue – clicking the save settings/options buttons doesn’t work, nor does the scan now button.
Strangely, the save options buttons show the successful save message even if they’ve not been clicked.
This is on a VPS rather than shared hosting – finding this rather strange as word fence works on a couple of other sites I have in shared hosting with the same provider.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: theme recommendationYeah, but Chip & Esmi – the theme repository has no way to categorise themes by intended usage (e.g. Classifieds, News, Tickets, Stores, etc). It doesn’t even have “seasonal” seggregation for Christmas, Easter etc.
… this type of tagging in the theme repository was promised over a year ago, but hasn’t materialised.
This is what the OP is asking for guidance on.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Need advice: Best basic theme to build custom theme on?Chip – I’d say the same applies to twentyten – as I’m on record stating in the forums on this site, there was so much completely new stuff introduced in both WP 3.0 and twentyten at the first iteration, that was also completely undocumented and unexplained, that it made twentyten exceptionally difficult to customise (via child or parent theme) for non-professional programmers … in fact I gave up on it entirely.
The pace of change, and the rate of badly or non-documented additions and changes since WP 2.9.2 has accelerated with every release – instead of being able to come to and find all the essential explanations and how-to that’s needed, those of us without a PhD in programming now have to spend days on google just to get to grips with each new feature.
To be honest, several times it has had me on the edge of abandoning WordPress completely and a few times has had me on the point of giving up webmastering. I know that part of the blame lies within myself – I never went to university, did not attend programming college, and do not have the funds to shell out £100 for every programming book that I think I need to bring myself up to speed … BUT, none of that was a problem before WP 3.0 – and under 2.9.2 I was running both single site and multi-user installs.
Just an example .. some of my sites are still using themes issued pre-WP 2.5 and they’re dream themes to work with. However, several would benefit from microformats, custom post formats and types, and custom taxonomies. Can I find a straight-forward “do-this, do-that” codex page to enable all those? Nope.
I’ve said it before. WordPress needs to slow the development and let the documentation catch up – for everyone’s benefit, including those who provide support in this forum.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: WP3.1 MS erroneous behaviour – plugins availableSuper admin menu led to a lot of confusion over what affected the network, solely because you could reach it from anywhere.
That was exactly why it was SUPER admin – it could be reached from anywhere. Now it’s just “poor cousin fourth removed somewhere on a half sister’s side”.
Would roll back my sites, but I want to evaluate better what they’ve done with custom post types UI etc, hope they haven’t pigged it up the same way as the wp-stats/jetpack debacle. If they have, I’m rolling back and sticking at 3.0.5 then disabling all the call homes for core and plugins.
Finally, I found how to view the stats for individual domains and sites in my dashboard, and can see stats there, but only for pre-3.1 sites.
All sites upgraded to 3.1 are saying the site API key belongs to a different user, even though they are all under the single dot com user name and API key, which is the same as for the pre-3.1 sites that are still displaying stats.
To me, this makes it absolutely a 3.1 issue (code incompatibility, or deliberate killing of non-jetpack wordpress Stats?) and I’ve stopped all core upgrades until it gets sorted out.
I do not want jetpack – it will interfere with WordBooker, and other facebook and twitter plugins I use – one of them (Social Connections) is even tagged in the pinned thread as incompatible with 3.1
The analogy that comes to mind is trading in your car, and the new car having no dashboard clocks as standard. Adding them might be free for now, but the add-in then includes tracking chips to show where you are and what speed you drive at that report to police HQ, and includes digital road-toll chips that auto-deduct from your bank, etc. It also records who you carry as passengers, where you take them, and how often … which is exactly what the base64 obfuscated QuantCast footer-code did in the last version of wordpress Stats.
This is a serious error by wordepress in my opinion … I thinking I’ll have to switch to google for all my analytics from here on out. At least that’ll provide me with better targeted AdSense placements as well.
Shame, because I did like the original simplicity of wordpress Stats
Mine have all gone belly up too
I have 20+ domains and 5 of those are multi-site – I have users screaming at me that they need to see the stats … should I make each of them contact support?
Do I recall correctly that WordPress has 40 million+ self-hosted installs? And how many of those are multi-user multisites? I guess there’ll be no time off at dot com support this side of Christmas?
Esmi – please get a definitive solution from the support teams – this concept of contacting support for manual intervention is not an efficient or acceptable solution. Someone broke the code, therefore someone there needs to fix it as a global solution.
I’m getting the not authorised error in self-hosted blog dashboards, and on dot com, I’m also told the account is not authorised to see the stats for the blogs – this is via the same dot com account that owns the API key for all my blogs. In the dot com account new subscriptions page, all blogs are showing as “not visible” because the API connection appears broken, and there is no way to switch visibility – ergo, they have failed to include auto-switching and account ID to API key association.
How much of this is also to do with the spyware encrypted encoding they inserted into wp-stats a couple of minor versions back for dumping user habits to a third party marketing company? Matt himself confessed to that and said it was needed for “exciting new features” to be placed in WP-Stats, which most people immediately stated they didn’t want – they want the original concept of the plugin – lightweight, fast, with no site delivery overhead. That’s something that went out the window when wordepress/automattic got into bed with the 3rd-party data collators … and probably the cause of all the above complaints about loss of site speed.
Everyone using WP-Stats needs it fixed, and adhering to what it says on the tin (no additional server overhead – that includes losing the 10K of encrypted encoding added to footers).
Yet another colossal muck-up to add to the many perpetrated last year.
If Auttoic are not willing to release a “Lite” version without the quantcast trojan, then the least they could do is make a confirmatory announcemnet regarding which was the last version of the plugin to not include it.
This would allow webmasters to roll-back to that version, ammend the php file to a ridiculously high version number (avoiding upgrade notices in wp-admin, and get on with life, enjoying the plugin as it was before this nonsense emerged.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Stupid QuestionThe custom logo system does not work – I had to upload to server then hack the header files to call the image directly.
Looking at the code, the uploader will NEVER work because of how the path in concatenate-stringed. Additionally stripping valid puntuationa and renaming the file according to unix time is just a complete waste of CPU cycles – what on earth is that all about, are you just using the theme to show off and test programming concepts?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Changing the size of the header?FOUND IT
…. and God Almighty – the theme creator needs smacked around the head for this one.
In both header.php and header-portfolio.php look for this code –
<style> #logo { <?php $margin = get_option('margin_top'); if (!empty($margin) && $margin==0) { ?> margin-top: <?php echo $margin;?>px; <?php } else { ?> margin-top: 50px; <?php } ?> } </style>
See that line ” margin-top: 50px; ” ?
Change that and leave the theme options page empty (i.e. don’t add a setting to it).
I have no idea why the designer thought it necessary to add a conditional in there, nor to have two header files – nothing in the theme notes, nor on his site explain the logic of it.
Hope it helps
GazForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Changing the size of the header?I’m trying to find the answer to this too – the screen display is not obeying changes to style.php – something hidden somewhere is over-riding it, maybe in all the javascript files, maybe in one of the template files – I’m still looking but haven’t found it after hours of hunting.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Help with scroll bar and Thumbnails.Using Firebug, it appears that as soon as you do anything with the index.php or footer.php something kicks in from somewhere and collapses the slideshow thumbnail div to 28px
The thumbnails then cannot load because there is not enough screen real estate for them to display – I’ve no idea why this is happening, I even tried replacing the timthumb bundled script with the latest from the google code depository, but it didn’t fix it.
This is not the only problem in this script – there is a serious wadge of functions that simply die or disappear after a few screen refreshes and any form of customisation. It also has very serious issues if you add any of the WP 3 theme support functions into the functions.php file – especially featured_images()
Just my opinion right now, but I feel this theme should be pulled out of the repository, or flagged with a big red warning – it is clearly not compatible with any version of WP 3.x and the developer appears to have abandoned his support site – there are hundreds of unanswered questions in the forums there.
Would rather the plugin was left with a “lite” version without the QuantServe mess in the footer – it has all I need without the quantcast stuff in it … bit like the option WordPress gave to the plugins that had link cloaking in them – lose the cloaking and you can keep it in the repository as a “lite” version, or keep it and you have to host it on your own site.
…. what’s good for the goose?
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How To Display Code On A Specific Category PageLOL Mark beat me to it, but I wanted to keep the “hokey-ness” and bracket the options
<?php if((( 13 == $paged || ($paged == 13 )) && (is_category('nba'))): ?> Text <?php endif; ?>