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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugins Speed Test] Doesn't work hereAny updates coming? Its been over 9 months and isn’t working for me either.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cresta Social Share Counter] Floating Bar not showing on HomeI’ve seen this problem on so many social sharing plugins but on a more recent support post you say that you can show icons on the homepage? The point of any social sharing plugin should be to share from ANY page–posts, pages, sidebar, home!? Curious why is this so difficult to accomplish for every social sharing plugin..seriously?? :/ If you had this capability it would be a 5 star plugin
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AccessPress Social Share] Counters are not updatingTwitter counter hasn’t been working/updating the last few weeks? Cleared the caches still showing zero?
Technically its not resolved at all. The first sentence is true. This plugin is guilty too. When attempting to share a post, this plugin credits themselves but with “BY DESIGNMODO” which of course links back to their site! Proof here Its one thing to link in the dashboard, but to take credit in social post!? ATTN: Plugin makers, if you’re going to offer a “free” plugin at least allow us to turn off the shameless self-serving links! Put a donation button in the dashboard. There’s better out there. Lots of crippleware being put in the repo these days..
The plugin initially worked flawlessly for ad placement but then deactived ads for no reason. Tried reinstalling and still can’t set layout of ads, no markers or ability to Design/Preview. Apparently can’t even modify ad placement anymore in your Adsense account?! The whole point of this plugin is for ease of ad placement and connection. Does anyone know of a similar alternative plugin?, lots of junk out there. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Share Boost] Posting to Facebook as WhytoshyGood catch Lins. This plugin has SPAM/VIRUS links embedded in it and caused us lots of grief trying to figure out which one was the issue! It masquerades like its harmless BUT when you share a post it credits some phantom user “Whytoshy” which directly links to a spam/virus site: I have screenshots to prove this. Apart from this being disgusting and the worst plugins I’ve ever installed I’m shocked how it got past the team? PLEASE REMOVE this plugin from your site and the WP Repo immediately!
Please remove the above post, it was for the wrong plugin. Sorry the culprit is Social Share Boost!
There’s no error, its a warning message he got from a virus scan.
Please answer cscottb’s and my question What is base64 code doing in your Antivirus plugin!?
If this is true about the plugin than the plugin is a “trojan horse”! However, I tested the zip file on and it passed all the tests. Also a website scanner should catch the malware in the plugin on a live site if its running base64 code, etc. Another thing to do is test it with your desktop antivirus software–it passed Avast too. Finally you can just open the files in Notepad and see if the code is really there?..which I did. Here’s what I found in the code:
private static function php_match_pattern() { return '/(assert|file_get_contents|curl_exec|popen|proc_open|unserialize|eval|base64_encode|base64_decode|create_function|exec|shell_exec|system|passthru|ob_get_contents|file|curl_init|readfile|fopen|fsockopen|pfsockopen|fclose|fread|file_put_contents)\s*?\(/'; } /** * Prüfung einer Zeile * * @since 0.1 * @change 1.3.3 * * @param string $line Zeile zur Prüfung * @param integer $num Nummer zur Prüfung * @return string $line Zeile mit Resultaten */ private static function check_file_line($line = '', $num) { /* Wert trimmen */ $line = trim((string)$line); /* Leere Werte? */ if ( !$line or !isset($num) ) { return false; } /* Werte initialisieren */ $results = array(); $output = array(); /* Befehle suchen */ preg_match_all( self::php_match_pattern(), $line, $matches ); /* Ergebnis speichern */ if ( $matches[1] ) { $results = $matches[1]; } /* Base64 suchen */ preg_match_all( '/[\'\"\$\\ \/]*?([a-zA-Z0-9]{' .strlen(base64_encode('sergej + swetlana = love.')). ',})/', $line, $matches );
Can’t really tell whats going on, it maybe just innocent checks for base64, but until someone else chimes in that knows, I’m not using this plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better Backgrounds] [Plugin: Better Backgrounds] Not working in 3.3.1@davdidlee37 checkout this one Simple Full Screen Background Image
At least this one works: deedles916, how did you fix the issue with MagicMember?
Their plugin is causing the menu malfunctioning problem.
How do you change the core settings?Please reply TODAY! Thanks so much!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [White Label CMS] Cant get the Akismet nag removed!!?Is that what you do? Pretty sure this client would balk at that kind of thing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: White Label CMS and Child Themes@videousermanuals Thanks for responding. I found a better spam plugin and did that. So are you saying you don’t use Akismet?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: White Label CMS and Child ThemesCant get the Akismet nag removed?? Tried numerous menus. Help!
Ps. How do you guys deal with this when setting it up for a client?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Custom Coming Soon Page] doesn’t work with 3,0PLEASE FIX! I got the same problem with 3.0.1. Installs successfully, but then get this error message after trying to activate plugin: “../wp-admin/options-general.php?page=coming-soon-settings has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer.” Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): There were too many redirects. Was working fine before I did the upgrade to 1.0.9. Really like this plugin. Please update or provide older Version than 1.0.8. That one doesn’t work either anymore? Thanks.