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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cloudflare] Newest Cloudflare Giving Errors Broke Entire WordPress SiteFYI, the plugin developer(s) gave answers regarding this in the Github repo for this plugin:
Basically, they say don’t use PHP 8 with WordPress; it’s still beta.
Which is technically true, but still…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cloudflare] Newest Cloudflare Giving Errors Broke Entire WordPress SiteOr you can manually add the
file in that folder.Get the latest version here :
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cloudflare] Newest Cloudflare Giving Errors Broke Entire WordPress SiteSame here.
Quick workaround until 4.5.1 is released is to comment out the line 15, in
:# return require __DIR__.'/bootstrap80.php';
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Member Profile Tabs] An alternative ?Thanks @merckdelmoro ! That worked #1.
For those interested, here’s the diff between the 2.1.1 version (not working), and merckdelmoro’s fixed version: those two lines in core.php will fix the missing tab issue. Yay.
The latest version that worked for me:
I was able to replace the latest version of the plugin (2.0.54) with this one to get back my profile tabs.
Looks like there is a change in 2.0.53 related to fixing profile tabs privacy. That is probably what broke our profile tabs.
I’ll try to diff the code of both versions, see if I can find how I could show tabs in 2.0.53+; maybe it’s a new privacy option that was added that we need to configure…Indeed. Just did when I noticed I was using an older version.
Thanks for your time.Plugin Name: Memcached Description: Memcached backend for the WP Object Cache. Version: 2.0 Plugin URI: Author: Ryan Boren
Also, a simple restart of the memcached process fixed this permanently, since that empty the memcache cache!
Ah, I see… Part of the memcached plugin install was to copy a file into ./wp-content/object-cache.php!
Renaming this file to object-cache.php.bak fixed the issue.I guess I should contact that plugin’s author, to tell him his cache wasn’t properly reset when it should have been?
I’m pretty sure the problem comes from the memcached plugin I have installed…
No idea why the problem would persist even with the plugins folder renamed though!I already did. I did an automatic upgrade first, and when I noticed that issue, I manually downloaded the tgz from the website, and unpacked over.
I now found that the values returned by wp_cache_get( ‘alloptions’, ‘options’ ) seems to be outdated.
Not sure what should trigger the cache to become invalid, but that seems to have failed… Continuing debugging.No.
I found that in ./wp-admin/admin.php:42
get_option(‘db_version’) == 17516
$wp_db_version == 18226But in ./wp-admin/upgrade.php:58, both get_option( ‘db_version’ ) and $wp_db_version == 18226
I’ll continue to investigate why get_option(‘db_version’) in admin.php seems to be wrong… (MySQL options table where option_name = ‘db_version’ == 18226)
I also tried emptying the active_plugins options in MySQL (to a:0:{}), and that didn’t help either.
I guess I’ll debug the PHP code to find why it redirects, when it shouldn’t (or why it thinks there’s nothing to update when there is).
I use another prefix that wp_ for my tables; maybe it’s related.I excluded the possible browser cause by using curl:
$ curl -i "" HTTP/1.1 302 Found X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.3 Location:
I tried to rename my theme folder, but that didn’t help.
I tried to rename my plugins folder too, and that didn’t help either.
I’m always redirected to upgrade.phpI hit the same problem, I found the solution.
You should not ‘Activate’ that plugin.
Once you have the plugin installed, you need to copy the wp-content/plugins/memcached/object-cache.php file into wp-content/object-cache.php.
At that point, the memcached server will take over from the standard WP cache mechanism.
You might need to edit object-cache.php to connect to you memcached server, if different than localhost:11211