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  • gcarson


    WPML – i would try this using an XML file. Here’s what I would do. I would set up a city & state category, just as you wanted as a parent / child. Then I would then export my blog to an XML file to see how wordpress formats this in an XML file. Search around the file, study what’s before and after each. Then, I would copy that format for all my cites and states, maybe in an Excel file. Have column A be what’s before the city, column B is the city name, column C is what’s after, then column D combines all of those columns. Then, take column D and paste it into an XML file. Take notice of the special top and bottom of the wordpress XML file you first downloaded and paste your info in the middle. Then upload. Should work. Make sense?

    Thread Starter gcarson


    DV do you have an email address I can send you the file?

    Thread Starter gcarson


    OK, this will output just the date and not the time. Having the time formatted the way it was didn’t conform the the way google likes it. This will work:

    $blogtime = date('Y-m-d',current_time('timestamp',0));

    Thread Starter gcarson


    OK spoke to soon. Google tells me that the time is invalid. Will report back.

    Thread Starter gcarson


    OK. I rigged the plugin to make the last modified date the time the sitemap was generated. I use wordpress as a CMS so almost all my pages change daily anyways. My issue is I upload info via a CVS file and the last modified date wasn’t showing up properly I tested tag pages by putting the last modified date function at the end to see what was showing up. It wasn’t showing up correctly. As a quick work around that works for me, I figured I would just output the last modified date as the current time when the sitemap is generated. In function render, starting on line 789 in sitemap-core.php, I changed added this line:

    `$blogtime = current_time(‘mysql’);’

    then i modified the output of the last modified function as follows:

    $r.= "\t\t<lastmod>" . $blogtime . "</lastmod>\n";

    This will output the current time. Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter gcarson


    Will do. I’m going to play around with the plugin to see what I can find. I don’t index individual posts, just the tag and archive pages. I’m not sure if last mod date matters for big G? But I figure having it there couldn’t hurt.

    Thread Starter gcarson


    still nothing? I can’t figure out why its not indexing the category and tag pages?

    Thread Starter gcarson


    Tried a bad fix but it worked. I just did an array for each number and then merged all the arrays. Hope this helps someone. And if someone has a cleaner way to do this, please let us know.

    Thread Starter gcarson


    anyone have any thoughts on this?

    Thread Starter gcarson


    Will do I’m trying to figure out when it happens. It seems to only happen in the titles. I’ll test a few and send it to you. Thanks for the reply. This has saved me time and is so much more convenient than uploading an xml file.

    Thread Starter gcarson


    Shamless bump, yes. But I sort of have an add on question. When i go to change the title to remove the question mark, it allows me to do it and shows up in edit post page but never actually changes on my post. I’m also using link to plugin so not sure if that’s causing it?

    Thread Starter gcarson


    Yeah, can’t figure out how to combine your code to work with what I have. On my pages, I have my navigation bar.. then under that, i have search by # | A | …. Z. Those then link to individual pages. I’m not sure how to modify the code you presented so that I can have the navigation in my header and then the output on each individual page.

    Thread Starter gcarson


    just tested the script you posted.. its pretty neat.. not exactly what i was looking for but maybe I can tweak to make it work..

    Thread Starter gcarson


    Will take a look. Here’s the code I currently use on my ‘Tags that begin with the letter A’ page. I have a page and change the A for each letter. The letters work, the page with numbers doesn’t. I’ll play around and report back.

    $tags = get_tags( array('name__like' => "a", 'order' => 'ASC') );
    $tags_count = count($tags);
    $count = intval( $tags->count );
    $percolumn = ceil($tags_count / 3);
    for ($i = 0;$i < $tags_count;$i++):
        if ($i < $percolumn):
        $tag_left .= '
    	<li><a href="'. get_tag_link($tags[$i]->term_id) . '"rel="tag">' . $tags[$i]->name .' (' . $tags[$i]->count . ')</a></li>
    ' . "\n";
        elseif ($i >= $percolumn && $i < $percolumn*2):
        $tag_mid .= '
    	<li><a href="'. get_tag_link($tags[$i]->term_id) . '"rel="tag">' . $tags[$i]->name .'  (' . $tags[$i]->count . ')</a></li>
    ' . "\n";
        elseif ($i >= $percolumn*2):
        $tag_right .= '
    	<li><a href="'. get_tag_link($tags[$i]->term_id) . '"rel="tag">' . $tags[$i]->name .' (' . $tags[$i]->count . ')</a></li>
    ' . "\n";
    <div class="list">
    <?php echo $tag_left; ?>
    <div class="list">
    <?php echo $tag_mid; ?>
    <div class="list">
    <?php echo $tag_right; ?>

    This prints the list out in three columns

    Thread Starter gcarson


    Thanks for the reply. Here’s what I’m doing. I’m printing out all my tags alphabetically. However, instead of printing out A-Z on one page (i have thousands of tags), I’m doing it by letter. I have the letter pages working, but can’t get the number page to work. So, I have a link that says something like ‘view tags that begin with a #’ and I want to print out all tags that begin with a number (or even code it to say print tags that don’t begin with a letter). But I can’t figure out how to do it. Any combination I do only prints out tags that begin with 1 and not any other number. Any thoughts?

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