Forum Replies Created
I made the changes to the database directly to move this project forward, it worked for the client, this project is going live. I didn’t see any js errors in chrome’s dev console.
I did investigate a couple more sites I us SlickNav on and they where fine I could select/input my color options.
I did a clean install (delete all files & the database – install wordpress) on my testing site and that fixed the issue there.
I apologize for my rant, I was frustrated with trying to get the Conditional Logic to work as I wanted!
I found the the anti-spam setting in the database, increased it to 50 and was able to continue my testing.
As for the Conditional Logic, I was not able to accomplish what I wanted, so the end solution was to use just one drop-down with all 15 location. This way the injected variable for the page link works as needed.
Submission limit reached for this form, please try back after 24 hours.
I just can’t believe that you have set a limit on the number of submissions on your free version! I’m working away trying to resolve this issue on my own and bang, I received that limit message!
According to your “Dashboard” I’ve submitted 5 time today. I understand the reasoning behind pro version development to pay for you time and effort. However to limit the basic function of your free plugin is unbelievable to me.
I was seriously considering paying the $89.00 for your pro version if it would resolve my issue but now I’ll just write bad, one star reviews.
I’ve read and responded to the support ticket.
I changed this ticket back to not resolved please leave it this way until I consider it resolved!
I submitted a support ticket, #CDB-258-68665 and joined
Thank you again for you reply and for the version update that did resolve the issue!
This is what I call great support, I report a problem and you fix it!
Thanks again for you work on this grate plugin.
Thank you for your reply.
When I uncheck the global option “Hide WordPress Toolbar” and then logout, the website still shows a WordPress Tool bar at the top every page.
Link to developing website:
What I want is to have the WordPress Tool bar visible only when they are logged in.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Shapely] Change Portfolio widget title to h1Thank you Vinod for your reply.
I can’t seem to get the right widget name for the portfolio I tried:remove_action( 'widgets_init', 'shapely_home_portfolio' ); //remove parent theme's portfolio widget
I also tried widget-home-portfolio and jetpack-portfolio as the name of the widget but it didn’t work either.
I ended up just using css to to change the h3 font h3 {font-size:50px;}
It works for the client.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Seo and Pagetitle display none (css)Simple answer yes, display:none means it’s gone and cant be seen for SEO purposes. It’s better to move it off screen and hide the overflow like this.
.page-title { position:absolute; left:-10000px; top:auto overflow:hidden; }
I resolved this issue by downloading Customizr then used FTP to overwrite all the theme files. Apparently the install through WordPress was incomplete or corrupted.
My child theme’s style.css header is:
/* Theme Name: Magnolia Inn - Customizr child Description: Custom child theme For Magnolia Inn Author: B & J Graphics Template: Customizr Version: 1.0.0 */ /* Theme customization starts here */
If I change Customizr to a lower case “c” then the child theme will not render.
Here’s a screen shot of the error:
I’m so sorry I left out the ! try the following.
.featurette-divider { margin: 2px 0 !important; }
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Validation WarningThank you Denzel for pointing me in the right direction to report this issue, it’s done.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Validation WarningWell the quick and easy resolution was to just copy the header.php file into my child theme and edit accordingly, it now passes validation. But I really dislike this type of fix, as the header.php file in the parent Customizr theme could change in a future update thus causing more issues later.
After doing some research (see the ARIA documentation) the <header> element includes a role=banner attribute by default so using the roll=”banner” ARIA within the header element throws the warning error.
This is a default unedited Customizr theme, updated to v3.5.11 on 4-21-2017. So it really needs to be addressed by the developers. Hopefully this issue will be fixed in the next Customizr update.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Hide menu item when category is unusedCheck out the following link, looks like just what you are looking for.