Forum Replies Created
Hello again,
thanks for your message and apologies for any confusion which i admit is natural, it’s partly due to the long time period that the platform has been developed over and we also failed to clearly name and define the assets included. I will try to address that now so please excuse the style of the text as the purpose is to try and clarify rather than write perfect prose.
1) First and most important the plugin simply allows a WordPress user to access the SEO platform directly from the admin area of the website. For the best experience you can simply access the resources at our website with the same credentials – you will have more screen estate and find it easier than using the platform via WordPress ( you will also not need to have the plugin installed after, in fact you can just subscribe at the website and never need to install the plugin at all) For what it’s worth my recomendation is if you think you might be interested in the plugin, visit the website to find out all about what we do and register on the website if you are interested)2) About SEO – it used to be simpler and quite easy to get results but its much harder these days and more complex, it takes work BUT most of the work is knowing the right things to do, actually doing them takes less work but it’s still work and even a skilled SEO should expect around three months plus to see results. Do you need a degree in computer science or detailed marketing knowledge? No you need to be able to read and follow a guide and persevere through a variety of tasks, some mundane, easy, difficult, technical but they are all “doable” by ordinary non-technical people. Support and advice is available to paying customers.
3) About materials we provide. There is a large amount of “SEO Guide” materials available to our members now in a range of media but the key SEO resources are this
a) Basic SEO checklist available to trial customers only ( a brief limited document, it is not exhaustive or detailed)
b) Detailed SEO Checklist – Available to all paying customers ie “Premium” ( A detailed interactive checklist with a complete range of tasks that allows the user the tick each task completed as they progress and keep track of progress. It also integrates with the detailed user guide)
c) Detailed User guide – Available to all paying customers ie “Premium” ( This is a comprehensive detailed SEO guide for the entire SEO process, it is custom written for our platform and SEO tools to give premium users the best possible resources to perform SEO on their website. This guide is continually updated to keep abreast of the latest developments in Search marketing and in our own platform since they are both continually evolving.
d) Local SEO requires a specific approach and our platform allows users who seek to address local markets in a range of powerful ways that most SEO platforms do not. We do specifically address Local SEO in our user guide, in member articles, in user customizable platform functionality, citation functions and in other ways. We do recommend that clients read and use those.“If “creating all the foundational links first” is important/necessary for proper operation of this plugin, but is only available in something extra feature, then the plugin is at risk of placing the user in a susceptible situation.”
SEO is relatively complicated there are no real simple push button solutions that will do the work for you, if you believe that then you are misinformed and it is your ignorance and not our plugin that is “placing the user in a susceptible situation” What this means in essence is don’t embark on something like SEO without educating yourself and with a detailed guide you’re unlikely to get worthwhile results and may cause harm – that’s why we recommend our platform and the detailed guide.
Finally it’s regrettable that we cannot offer a simple button to push and for free but the unfortunately it’s not that simple and our services and staff cost real money so we do need to charge for them, I am sure that you can appreciate it. If you become a customer we will be happy to help further. If you subscribe request a call from me via support so that we can discuss your project.
Best Regards
JonForum: Reviews
In reply to: [Local SEO and Business Listings] Completely useless PLugin, doesn’t workHello,
Thanks for your review and sorry that you didn’t find the plugin useful.
If you have registered via the plugin and then run into any usability issues using the plugin you always have the option to simply visit our website (LocalAdWorks) and log in to your newly created account there.
This is an alternative way to access the SEO services which allows you to bypass any issues related to conflicts in your site’s themes or plugins which manifest when services are accessed via the website administration area.(Issues are not common when they occur the cause is usually the site’s code or themes)Alternatively please do contact support, we want to help!
We don’t have any record of a support query being logged but if you are having difficulties as mentioned please do go to our site and raise a support ticket, we are ready and willing to help any customers including Free users with the plugin, SEO and Local SEO problems.Finally, we disagree that it “wants to charge you for anything” the plugin gives full access to a very powerful complete “All in one” SEO platform, actually it is one of the most powerful available and we work hard to deliver the very best value we can to customers. Some features are on a time-limited basis but there are SEO and Local SEO resources freely available to free members permanently in our member’s area.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by gelthemes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sliced Invoices - WordPress Invoice Plugin] Lifetime Bundle – How Many SitesHi,
thanks for the reply it looks like a great product that will do everything I need I am looking forward to trying it out
JonHi thanks for your feedback,
I fully understand your concern but I can confirm 100% this is not correct. The scanned details are not solicited by Yext or anyone else – not even us!
We regularly mystery shop the scanner ourselves to ensure that there is nothing unethical going on and we have never had any solicitation at all not once.
best regardsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Local SEO and Business Listings] SIte Layout Up The Creek!Glad to hear you found the issue and it wasn’t our plugin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Local SEO and Business Listings] SIte Layout Up The Creek!Hi Steve,
our plugin has been tested with the latest version of WordPress and is passed as compatible, most likely its an issue with a conflict caused by another plugin or your theme that may need to be updated by the author.
Please can you use screen capture (awesome screen shot is good if you use Chrome) then com eto the localadworks website and send a picture of the message then we can investigate.
Once you have the screenshot suggest that you deactivate our plugin to see if it corrects your problem with the header too and let me know via website message also
thanksForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Local SEO and Business Listings] Does this work with WP Store Locator?Hi Lindsay,
For sure! our plugin is the #1 Local SEO plugin, it offers powerful search engine optimization and Social Media optimization also, as an optional extra we offer location management too which is very important, perhaps critical depending on your business.
thanks for your interest!ok thanks for the response, will try websharks support
If you could please use the “contact us” form on the website, include details of your website and a telephone number we can discuss this with you,Best Regards,
Hello Martyn,
I will call you to discuss this.
Best regards,
JonForum: Reviews
In reply to: [Local SEO and Business Listings] I don't want to pay 599.00 a monthHi,
I’m sorry that you didn’t like the plugin and I fully understand your position most people do not want to pay a full managed service fee, for that reason we offer a full range of “Do It Yourself” services that are supported by our proprietary Google approved roadmap that users can easily follow and a very powerful set of easy to use tools that are unrivalled.
The range of self service products starts with the Free plugin which includes the SEO roadmap, supporting guidance materials and more.
We also offer very affordable upgrades to achieve excellent ROI, you can trial our SEO starter service for just $0.01 to see how much value our service provides, the normal monthly fee is just $14.99Our full managed service is excellent value that offers customers a very positive ROI, our customer base and retention rates are testament to that. Many Full service clients are marketing agencies who offer SEO services but outsource their work to us as specialists.
Contrary to most SEO services we offer 24/7 transparency on our clients status and the cost, we don’t just say we have done the work, clients can see the work and the progress and track competitors in detail, we have no client tie in and our customer base is growing.
In addition we can act as single point of contact for web related work to allow customers to focus on the day to day work of their businesses.
Finally I can assure you this is not a get rich quick scheme, we have many years of experience in this field and we are in this for the long haul. In the early days there were plenty of charlatans, a keyword based domain name and a volume of links were all you needed but those days are long gone and there is no way to effectively fool the search engines in the long term, sadly the charlatans remain. Our work exclusively focusses on approved white hat practices and I do encourage you to seek transparency and accountability if you do subscribe to any SEO service.
I wish you well and please feel free to contact me directly via our Localadworks website.Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Local SEO and Business Listings] Useless PluginI am also kind of curious as to why your profile is only 3 days old. We see a lot of this by our competitors. They open up fake profiles and leave patently un-true fake reviews.
We hope that people will download our Plugin and see all the positive benefits for themselves.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Local SEO and Business Listings] Useless PluginThis is patently ridiculous.
The Free Features Include:
1. Business Listing Scan
2. Local SEO How To Videos
3. Local SEO Road Map
4. Google Maps Feature
5. My Youtube Videos… and more
Paid plans are as little as $14.99 per month and that gives you access to everything.
I am sorry friend, not everything can be free to you. We incur and have incurred many costs, like development time, server and scanning costs, to create a WordPress Plugin people can use to optimize their local business.
If you have some helpful suggestions and not just complaints about how you are not getting everything for free, we are all ears.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: WordPress Plugin Not Providing Updates To Users of Older VersionsThank you for the reply. That was not it.
We updated again to 5.6. The new version is still being served to people who download it for the first time, but the update notification is not being served to individuals who have installed a previous version.
The stable tag is 5.6 in readme.txt and the version is 5.6. The Download button also still only says “Download Version” but does not have a version number.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Local SEO and Business Listings] Pop Up Problems SolvedNo additional Pop-Up issues have been reported.