Ohh, sry for that! My english is really bad! Anyway…
Now it’s like that:
View post on imgur.com
View post on imgur.com
As you can see in latest posts(home) and the posts in /blog, the texts are all in the same line… I can’t really put a format to it, not even a bold, new lines etc…
I was trying to make it follow the text format I’ve wrote it while I was creating the post… Like that:
View post on imgur.com
View post on imgur.com
I’m also trying to expand all the imgs that doesn’t have 250×250, to reach it, in the home page, but all I could do is prevent that imgs biggers than 250×250 pass this limite, but I couldn’t find the way to expand the smaller ones…
Ohh, I can’t really pass the link because it still offline… =/
I’m using xampp to host in while i’m finishing it. sry about that!
Anyway, thx for your attention! ??
This reply was modified 8 years ago by geminisag4.
This reply was modified 8 years ago by geminisag4.