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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to display post / page on home page?I guess this category page shows many big images because it is the theme design? Usually I don’t see any images in category.
You site has an interesting layout. I can consider that in future.
Anyway, I will explain my question in detail, maybe someone else can help.
I want to put 2 full articles on my front page (home page). I am thinking of 3 scenarios to do it so I asked 3 questions. How can I do it?
Q1 For front page (home page), I want a full post or full page forever appear on top of the site, and a full page appear at the bottom of the site.
Q2 I want to display 2 full pages of articles on the front page. (one page on top, one page on bottom)
Q3 I want to display 1 full page and 1 full post on the front page.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to display post / page on home page?Brewinreview, what do you use to create the paragraphs “Welcome to … by style and by brewery.”? Post or Page or something else?
What I guess is nobody actually knows the proper process of how to move a site (that is already live) to a new host using duplicator except Cory, as it involves changing of nameservers and site could go offline and site and rankings could disappear from google if not done properly.
The process would be more difficult than local host to new host or using new domains so I guess nobody actually know how to do that using the duplicator plugin. All videos in youtube are mostly repeating the plugin author guides, so I guess is the video makers could be seen as “an expert” since they could not go wrong by just parroting what others have done.
I asked the question because I might be moving to a new host, so I wanted to learn in advance. I did not move anything yet. I think there would be more people doing moving to new host than moving to new domains.
Just curious, is resave permalinks a must do step to work correctly?
The video at did not do resave permalink. I guess it can be done when the video is about 3.00min mark, at Duplicator Installer, Step 3 Test Site Important final steps>click 2. Resave Permalinks>at the permalink settings page click save changes.
Hi Cory,
I would greatly appreciate if you could make one. I have searched everywhere including youtube and none shows how to move the same domain to different web host. Thanks.
Are hacked/virus infection files usually inside the WordPress files (WordPress files that are backup by UpdraftPlus)? I mean I usually hear people saying their WordPress was hacked or Google displaying “This site may be hacked” on the result page, so I wonder if restoring UpdraftPlus backup would most probably restore the site to good condition.
I did come across this guide , is this the best restore guide? I mean is there a more detailed/step by step guide with screenshots. I was looking for guide similar like , I am a beginner and I follow better with step by step/screenshots so I know I am doing/clicking the right thing.
In the second screenshot at , what is “Incremental file backup intervals”?
Thanks ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How should I use br codeI mean I am adding code at the side bar using text widget. There is no Visual editor in the widget. What is the recommended way of using br code?
I see. Thanks ??
Do you mean the setting is “‘Settings -> Reading’, and it’s called ‘Discourage search engines from indexing this site’.”
Only manual install WordPress will see it during installation.
Using one-click installers like Fantastico does not see it during installation.
“There is a setting when you install, but most people don’t use or even see it.” > What and where is this setting?
Ok thanks. I am installing WordPress in my own domain.
Does it mean that newly installed WordPress will by default be “visible to everyone and search engines?”
I do not need to click on any settings.