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Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Can only view pages on *some* blogs.I haven’t yet started the experiment, but I note that the included “Twenty Ten” and “Twenty Twelve” themes suffer from this on the affected blogs, as well.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Can only view pages on *some* blogs.So I haven’t touched the “test blog” that I created anew the evening I created this thread, since that time. The one that illustrated to me that newly-created blogs’ posts and pages worked fine with fancy permalinks.
Today, I visited that blog again and used it to test e-mail notifications, which consisted of me adding a post to that blog, and then checking my e-mail.
Posts (not pages) 404 on it now, and they didn’t before.
I’m at a loss here; I dearly hope I don’t have to go and rebuild my entire MS setup, but in the absence of a solution, it looks like I may have to.
This is incredibly frustrating.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Can only view pages on *some* blogs.I did upgrade WP. That could have done it, except the MS setup has flip-flopped between working and not working in the past.
Originally, I thought it was something that I’d simply mis-configured with MultiSite, so I fiddled with the permalink settings until it worked. I didn’t check (because I didn’t think to) back then if adding or editing a post or page would return the blog(s) to a non-working state.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Can only view pages on *some* blogs.Posts and pages work fine with any permalink setting on the following blogs:
– the main blog (top-level directory)
– any and every new blog that I create.Posts work fine with any permalink setting on every blog.
Pages *only* work with “default” permalink settings on the following blogs:
– any pre-existing blog, except the main blogOtherwise, all pages return the WordPress “not found” page.
I can temporarily “fix” pre-existing blogs as by re-saving permalink settings as described in my second post, but any attempt to modify a page on one of the pre-existing blogs breaks the permalinks.
Re-saving permalink settings is something that I have tried. Once a pre-existing blog is “fixed” by the method described in my second post, re-saving permalink settings will break it again. No amount of re-saving after that point will restore the pages’ accessibility.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Can only view pages on *some* blogs.I set up Multisite when it was in the 3.0 version numbers, not when it was in the 2.x range. I thought “WPMS” was the pre-3.0 multisite, and WPMU was the post-3.0… I see that I had that backwards in my head. I have a Multisite install started sometime in the 3.x version numbers. I never had a “real WPMU.”
The customizations include customizations to themes, modifications to the code of plugins, and configuration/setup of plugins like Subscribe2 and various multi-site plugins like ThreeWP Broadcast and MultiSite widgets. It took several days to get everything configured and working right with each other, and I had to tweak the code of three of the plugins.
I note that because this is a Multisite install, the newly-created blogs also have the modified plugins and themes running.
I further note that pages’ pretty permalinks were working at some point in the past, but now are not. I regrettably don’t know when exactly the behavior changed.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Can only view pages on *some* blogs.I discovered something else:
On the affected blogs, I can restore pages to working order by changing permalinks back to the default setting.
If I then change permalinks back to a “pretty” option, everything works until I do anything relating to editing a page. Updating, creating, or even starting to edit but not publishing will return the affected blogs to their non-working state of returning a “not found” error for every “page.”
The newly-created, unaffected blogs continue to be unaffected regardless of what sort of page modifications or creations I make.
A moderator removed the inline code patch. It was 11 lines, not 10. My bad.
Apparently WordPress’ forums don’t handle HTML entities well, either. The offending entity was
& # 3 0 9 ;
just, without the spaces.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: add_filter('the_author_link','…'); – does it exist?Yes, that is what I needed; thank you.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Add per-user options page to dashboard.Helpful, but not what I am looking for.
I should have been more specific:
All of those links talk about adding options to the Dashboard > Profile > Your Profile page.
I want to add a new page, visible to all users, at Dashboard > Profile > Profile Page.
On that new page, I want to be able to create fields that update usermeta.
Is there any way to do that? I have not been able to find anything.