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Only thing I have done is I did grab the actual current ElementJS files and replace what the plugin installed. Just in a random attempt to fix the automatic flash fall back. It did not work.
I noticed also Microsoft put out an H.264 plugin for firefox on win7. That might impact some folks too.
Anyone had any luck solving the fall back to flash player issue?
Thanks! Those edits work great for me.
I found I could eliminate the conflict if I changed a line of code in the video viper plugin. Edit the plugin. Then find this line
add_shortcode( ‘video’, array(&$this, ‘shortcode_videofile’) ); // LegacyThat is the same video keyword that the mediaelement plugin is trying to use. So I just changed the Viper line to be
add_shortcode( ‘vvideo’, array(&$this, ‘shortcode_videofile’) ); // Legacy
So if I want video from Viper I use [vvideo] with two letter Vs.
I too am having issues with it not playing in Firefox or IE. It is like its not falling back to one of the other players like flash.
An example post I have been testing this with is at
I found if I edited the plugin’s code I could fix the autoplay issue.
Under “media_shortcode($tagName, $atts)”Change the preload and autoplay to this. Making them equal to empty values by default. Even having false in there causes the options to get added to any video when not specified.
‘preload’ => ”,
‘autoplay’ => ”,