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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BP Site Post] How to insert an image (as subscriber) ?The guilty has been arrested ?? It was Autoptize and I will contact its author. I cleaned its cache and deactivated it and I see all the buttons now.
PS I see this notice on the frontend of some plugins you maintain. I think this will discourage many users when they see them for the first time and they won’t go ahead to try them.
This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BP Site Post] How to insert an image (as subscriber) ?Yes, I see the same behaviour for the text editor everywhere on the site. Since you say that you see all the buttons, I suppose I have a problem with my installation and I mark this topic as resolved.
Thanks for your time!PS I will try tinyMCE Advanced
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Error when searching with non latin charactersThank you for your response ??
I could resolve the problem using code you gave in another thread.add_filter('autoptimize_filter_noptimize','carolineelisa_noptimize',10,0); function carolineelisa_noptimize() { if ( strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/?s=' ) !== false ) { return true; } else { return false; } }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End PM] Need help for testing new beta version 10.0.1beta1Hi @shamim51
I installed the newest version from github after having cleaned up the database from any fep items.My feedback:
1. Sending attachments works well now.2. Deleted messages cannot be replied, OK.
3. The notification system works completely only on new message. With replies only email notification works (if a user has checked email notification in the frontend settings of course).
4. Announcements: In the Settings/Security I checked “Can permitted users add Announcement from front end?” and now I see the option to add Announcement on the frontend (only for Admin). The reason I had not checked it before is because it’s confusing. What do you mean by “permitted users”? Are you planning to give the Admin the possibility to allow some users/roles to add Announcements?
I left the Settings/Privacy tab with the defaults and I used the WP Core Tool for exporting and erasing. The result is good.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End PM] Need help for testing new beta version 10.0.1beta1Hi @shamim51
The Autosuggestion works well now. I had inserted code into my functions.php file in order to prevent non admin roles to access the Dashboard and this had consequences for the Autosuggestion for these roles.Here is my feedback so far:
1.sending messages: OK
2.if a user deletes a message thread and receives messages after deletion, the deleted thread is restored but the notification system for that thread stops.
3.sending attachments: As admin OK. As user I can only send to admin, not to other users (the subscriber role has ‘upload files’ capability). It is a strange behavior I cannot understand.
4.I don’t see any button for sending announcement
5. Unable to delete the plugin the ordinary way. Only manual deletion.PS My test site environment is not ideal, because I test plugins about GDPR all the days that may affect FEP. Unfortunatelly, as I live in the EU, GDPR is a priority, because I cannot launch the site without this. So I will see the problem with the FEP attachments after the GDPR problem. I dont have time to test it extensively now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End PM] Need help for testing new beta version 10.0.1beta1Well, with the theme TwentySeventeen Sending Messages is OK
But I use TwentySixteen. The error message was due to crap left in my database by some plugins after deletion. It is a test site. After cleaning up the database manually, I can send with Autosuggestion DISABLED.
If Autosuggestion is ENABLED, I can send as admin, but not as subscriber. It still grabs the homepage.
All plugins were disabled except AIO Security & Firewall
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End PM] Need help for testing new beta version 10.0.1beta1Hi @shamim51
It doesn’t work correctly for me. I can’t send messages.If Autosuggestion is NOT enabled, in all cases I have this:
screenshotIf Autosuggestion is enabled and I am the admin I have the above error as well. But if I am a user (subscriber) and try to write a recipient’s name, the autosuggestion grabs the homepage, and I have this:
If I find another bug I ‘ll post here.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End PM] Feature idea: Communication between friends@shamim51
I see such a feature in two option to globally block users in advance (so preventing unsolicited messages). In this case you could send a friendship request and if it is accepted, the other user would be unblocked and you could communicate.
2. as socializing tool. In this case the messenger would work as it is now, but you could send friendship requests as well, so that you can focus on some particular persons and improve relations with them.
If you decide to implement this feature, I think that friends should have a label “friends” or “contacts” on their avatars and, if possible, be filtered in the Directory via the search tool.
Have a nice day!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End PM] fep and GDPR@shamim51
About report integrationWhile integrating with wp core export feature is a good idea, I think that many of us will prefer a GDPR plugin that offers more features. The wp core feature doesn’t have a frontend for the user (to make requests) and it is not an automated process.
The most popular GDPR plugins are WP GDPR Compliance
and GDPRThe first one supports plugins on demand by popularity. I will request support for FEP and I suggest the FEP users that read my post to do the same thing.
The second one supports partially FEP but their report information is rather useless. You can see how many messages and announcements are read/unread and that’s all. The report is raw data where you see even fep tables with the database prefix and I am not sure this is safe.
If you think that it is necessary you could communicate with the developers of these plugins to see how they can integrate FEP in a proper way.
I didn’t explore other GDPR plugins so far.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End PM] fep and GDPR@shamim51
You cannot determine which messages contain personal data, so all messages of a user should be exported.If deleting messages is an issue, then replacing messages with “Message deleted” is a good idea.
What happens now:
If I delete a conversation (threaded message) with John, the conversation is “deleted” only on my side, but John doesn’t know it and may reply to that conversation. In this case I will receive his reply and all the “deleted” conversation will be restored. That’s not GDPR compliant, because the conversation is not deleted or anonymized but only hidden.What could be done:
If I delete a conversation, it should disappear on my side, and all the text written my me that appears on John’s side should be replaced by “Message deleted”.
Optionnaly, John should not be able to reply to such a message as it’s obvioys I don’t want to continue that conversation. In the case of multirecipients, my nickname should be removed from the participants.In the case that both sides delete the same conversation, this could be permanently erased from the database.
Does all that make sense?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End PM] fep and GDPRHi again @shamim51
The headlines of the GDPR law are: you can store personal data only for a purpose where they are needed and only for the period they are needed, for ex. to perform a transaction. In all the other cases, you must erase the data or have the user’s consent to store them. You must inform the user how the stored data will be used and if you share them with external services and who. The user may have access to that data and ask for their erasure or correction.
I think that deleting messages is not realistic for the reasons you mention above.
What is mandatory, in my opinion, is the user’s agreement for storing their messages. Optionnaly, users may have the possibility to export their messages.The messages are not personal data per se, but they may contain personal information. Personal data is every thing that can identify a physical person directly or indirectly. This means that if a user, for whatever reason, publishes another user’s message (I mean publicly) with personal data or personal data go public after hacking, the admin may have a legal problem, if these data are stored without consent.
What I propose:
In the Settings (user frontend) you could add a checkbox (unchecked by default) with text <I agree that my messages may be stored by this site>. Otherwise, the user should not be able to use the messenger.Once a user gives their consent, an entry will be created in the plugin’s Settings (Dashboard) in a special tab for consents with nickname, email and date.
Exporting messages is not mandatory, in my opinion, because a user can see all their messages in one place (Message box) and manage them, but it is a good practice for legal reasons (a report for legal use, if a problem occurs). If you implement export feature, I think it would be better to integrate it in the report of popular GDPR plugins that make global personal data reports. I will write another post later about that integration.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End PM] Messages disappear temporarilyThank you for the images.
The problem was with this snippet that I had inserted in my child-theme’s function.php:
function my_authored_content($query) { //get current user info to see if they are allowed to access ANY posts and pages $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); // set current user to $is_user $is_user = $current_user->user_login; //if is admin or 'is_user' does not equal #username if (!current_user_can('manage_options')){ //if in the admin panel if($query->is_admin) { global $user_ID; $query->set('author', $user_ID); } return $query; } return $query; } add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'my_authored_content');
This snippet prevents users who can access the dashboard from seeing other users’ content, but I could not imagine that it could affect the messages post-type.
Thanks for your patience.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End PM] Messages disappear temporarilyThanks for your response.
It seems that the bbpress roles don’t cause problem. The problem is with the wp roles.
-if Subscriber, Contributor, Author and Editor have an empty Message Box and receive a message, they can see the message but eventually their Message Box shows empty.
-if these roles have an empty Message Box and receive many messages, they can see only the message they click on first and eventually their Message Box shows empty.These roles have to send a message to whatever person in order to see the messages in their Message Box again.
The Admin role is NOT affected by this problem.
There is probably a bug.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End PM] Messages disappear temporarilyHi
I updated FEP to 6.4 and WP & all plugins to the latest version and the problem persists.
It seems that something goes wrong with the roles but I am not completely sure.1. I tested with Admin, Author and Subscriber so far. When the receiver is the Admin of the site (me) there is no problem.
2. FEP normally shows the wp roles but when I deactivated bbpress, FEP added the roles of bbpress as well. That caused confusion because I have allowed 50 messages for Subscriber and 200 messages for Author. From the bbpress point of view Subscriber and Author are both Participants and may become Keymasters if they create a forum in a group. Well, the roles Participant and keymaster were set to 50 messages by default.
For myself, as a site admin, I set my role to illimited messages, but as a keymaster I am limited to 50 messages by default. If I change that, I guess that it will be applied for the other roles as well, in case they are keymasters of a group forum.When I reactivated bbpress, its roles disappeared from the FEP settings.
After this temporary confusion experience I cannot understand how the roles work for FEP. Should I configure the bbpress roles as well (as how many messages they can receive) or leave them to the default values?
I ‘ll continue with the other roles tomorrow and I will keep you informed.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MediaPress] Bug after reordering mediaNow it works well. Thank you very much!