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  • Thread Starter Gerand


    Thank you for the reply!
    I ended up making a temporary solution that sets a predefined term to the attachment when it is inserted via the uploader.
    We decided it had to be done when inserted and not when uploaded (suits best for our purpose).

    I put a script in the admin footer that runs whenever a click is triggered on some pre-selected elements.
    It checks for the attribute “data-media-category” on the element, if it doesn’t have it we return nothing.
    It then overrides the function, fetches the attachment id and sends that plus the media-category defined by the attribute via an ajax request.
    Then I set the term to the attachment id on the receiving end.

    All I have to do is add the attribute ‘data-media-category=”blablabla”‘ to the buttons.
    ATM it only supports one taxonomy, namely media_category.

    It may not be the best solution but I had to do something quickly to make inserted items to specific fields “auto get” categories, so it works for now =)

    add_action( 'wp_ajax_gr_add_media_category', 'gr_auto_media_category_ajax' );
    function gr_auto_media_category_ajax() {
    	$attachment_id = ( isset( $_POST['attachment_id'] ) ) ? $_POST['attachment_id'] : "";
    	$term_slug     = ( isset( $_POST['term_slug'] ) ) ? $_POST['term_slug'] : "";
    	gr_auto_media_category( $attachment_id, $term_slug );
    function gr_auto_media_category( $attachment_id, $term_slug ) {
    	if ( !is_numeric( $attachment_id ) || empty( $term_slug ) )
    	$result = wp_set_object_terms( $attachment_id, $term_slug, 'media_category', true );
    add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', 'gr_auto_media_category_script' );
    function gr_auto_media_category_script() {
    	<script type="text/javascript">
    		function grSetMediaCategoryForPostAttachment( term_slug, attachment_id ) {, { action : "gr_add_media_category", attachment_id : attachment_id, term_slug : term_slug }, function() {});
    			jQuery(document).on("click", 'button, input[type="submit"], .button, .button-primary, .button-small, .button-large', function(){
    				if ( jQuery(this).is("[data-media-category]") != true )
    				var add_media_category = jQuery(this).attr("data-media-category");
    				var gr_origin_send_attachment =; = function(props, attachment){
    					grSetMediaCategoryForPostAttachment( add_media_category, );
    					return gr_origin_send_attachment.apply( this, [props, attachment] );
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