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  • Thread Starter gerben-van-eijk


    Another.. shameless bump.. Perhaps someone has the answer now? or can give me an example of how to work around this.

    Thread Starter gerben-van-eijk


    Really, does anyone have an idea of how to go about this… ?

    Thread Starter gerben-van-eijk


    Shameless bump..

    Thread Starter gerben-van-eijk


    Myeah I guess I’ll go with that.
    I’m used to structure in my css and html though so going about it like that always makes me feel a bit less content. But I guess there are some things in webdesign you can’t get around.

    in the weekly-links.php file should be the links for each week.
    the idea is that this file is included, so when you have a new week, you only have to update the weekly-links.php file. and since it’s already included in the weekly pages it’ll update there aswel.

    and if the file is in your themes directory it should be
    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/weekly-links.php’); ?>

    but once again I haven’t tested these things myself, so it’s more like theory.
    I am currently working on my own website aswel and as I’ve mentioned I’m fairly new to wordpress so it’s taking up some time. but if I have some free time I will try this out myself.

    well it is similair to the header and footer files.

    simply make a new file called weekly-links.php or something other of your choosing.

    then in the template file for the weekly pages, put an include link just like it’s done with the header and footer on the place where you want the links to be.
    I think wordpress has made functions for the header and footer, like <?php get_header ?> so I doubt it will work like that. but if I recall correctly to include a file you could use this.

    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/weekly-links.php’); ?>

    the TEMPLATEPATH being the main directory for your theme, so if it’s in a sub-category named “weekly” it would be something like

    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/weekly/weekly-links.php’); ?>

    I think that should work, again I am not sure, since I haven’t tried this myself and I am fairly new to wordpress and my php is pretty basic aswel.

    I don’t have much experience with the span tag, but perhaps there are some issues with it and it’s padding.
    It might be an easier way to just keep the blogtitle a h1 tag with a h1 class listed to it.
    Since if the code works for the h1 tag for your post titles. it should surely work for the blog title aswel.

    So that would mean make it a
    <h1 class=”blogtitle”> </h1>
    tag or something similair

    and just copy paste the css to the class
    h1.blogtitle{ }

    if that doesn’t work either, eventhough they’re both h1 tags, then there might be some issue with inheriting padding or margin from another id or class.

    I am fairly new to wordpress, so I am not sure about the options within wordpress itself.

    But wordpress aside, in a theme you include php files like the header and footer. I bet you could make a php file with these links in it. and include it in the weekly pages.

    Then every time there’s a new weekly page, you just have to create the new page and update the links from the php file.

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