Hi Michael !
Thanks for your quick reply. It seems to me that that is an elegant solution, but as i am not a developer, i would be very happy if you can give me some extra hints.
I have understood, that you have registred a hook that is able to modify the arguments before registering (which is exactly what i want).
From the WordPress Doku i learnt that there is a function apply_filters.
From the Code your mentioned i learned that in cpt ui your call apply_filters.
Where do the add_filters take place or do i have to do that in main functions.php ?
Inside the filte think i have to do the logic (this not yet php, but my personal pseudocode;-):
if tax name is ceventfeatures, then
get the args from function input
add my lines at apropriat place
return args
Or could you give me an example how to insert an argument before tax registration?
Thanks in Advance and Thanks for your great plugin.