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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lightbox with PhotoSwipe] Minimised CSS filesHi Arno, thanks for your reply!
Regarding CSS minimisation: you’re right, the two CSS files are relatively small, but I think minimising them would still help a bit.
I used to do a test, using the photoswipe.css and skin.css files.
Together, the two files were 16.6 KB.
After being minimised, they were 10.7 KB.
So that’s a reduction of nearly 7 KB.Mainly the benefit of minimising them is to help with the scores given by speed test sites such as GTmetrix or Google’s PageSpeed Insights, which a lot of clients consider to be important (and Google’s PageSpeed is also used for ranking on Google). Plus, even 7 KB can make a difference on a slow mobile 3G or 4G connection, for example.
Would you consider doing this at some point in the future?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lightbox with PhotoSwipe] Minimised CSS filesAnd a somewhat related question, if I may:
I also noticed that the plugin’s .js files are loaded inside the <head> section of the page. Would it not be better for performance if they were loaded in the footer area instead? I’ve heard that the general recommendation is for .js files to load in the footer.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sermon Manager] Temporary Closure of PluginThanks for the info! My heart also skipped a beat when I got the notification – glad you guys are diligently working on it! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sermon Manager] New Update@whacky47 in the meantime, you can revert to the last available previous version by going here: the bottom of that page you can download 2.15.15 as a zip file. You’ll then need to use an FTP program to upload its contents to the “sermon-manager-for-wordpress” folder inside your website’s Plugins folder – make sure you’re uploading the files to the right place, so they’re replacing the existing copies of the files.
Once done, you can verify it worked by checking the Plugins page in your WordPress Dashboard, which should now show 2.15.15 for Sermon Manager.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sermon Manager] New Management IntroductionWelcome, thanks for the introduction! This is great news, and I’m sure we’re all happy to have you and your team taking over the project and giving it some new life. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sermon Manager] New UpdateIt’s great news indeed! @alexg22 I hope you guys will eventually make an announcement to introduce yourselves and let us know what your plans are. I’m certain that many of us would love to know more about this! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sermon Manager] New UpdateThanks @alexg22. For what it’s worth, I’m using the
filters to customise the output of my sermon posts and archive. I’m wondering if the new version might have broken these filters somehow? This is likely the reason why I’ve experienced a problem but most other users won’t have.I’m happy to provide more details to your developers as needed. It might even be easier to take it offline and communicate by email with them.
Couple of questions, if I may:
Do you plan to make any announcement about the new ownership? Maybe introduce yourselves etc? I’m sure many of the SM users would love to learn more about you, and what your plans are for the plugin. We’ve seen the plugin change hands several times over the past few years, often accompanied by announcements of wonderful new features that will be implemented, but often with no delivery on those promises, and the plugin being left to stagnate.
I’m really glad there are new owners again though – it’s good news for sure – the previous owner told me privately that he had little interest in developing the plugin any further as it didn’t earn him enough money for him to care about it – he really just saw it as a money-making venture, and once he realised he couldn’t make loads of money from it, he stopped caring about it (so he told me directly). I think the plugin needs someone who’s invested in it for the sake of contributing to the community, not just viewing it as a source of revenue. I’m glad to see you pushing out new versions already!
And I’m happy to hear you’ve rewritten the code of the Pro version. I’ll test that out sometime in the coming weeks and give you feedback on it. I was working directly with the developer of the previous owner to help him with bugs and stuff (I’m a software tester by profession) so I’d be happy to give you feedback on the new version too.
Do you have new developers, or still the same developers from the previous owner?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sermon Manager] New UpdateHi @alexg22, thanks for the info. So the plugin has been sold yet again? Are you part of the new management? Can you give us some info about it?
I just updated the free plugin to 2.15.18, and immediately lost all of my sermon content on my sermon posts and sermon archive pages. I’ve had to revert back to 2.15.15 which is the next most recent version available here. (I’m not sure why I can’t download 2.15.17 from the plugin repository here? It’s not listed).
In any case, there seems to be a problem with 2.15.18 right now.
I’m also using Sermon Manager Pro v1.0.0-beta.15. I haven’t upgraded to SM Pro v2 yet, as I was involved in beta-testing v2 earlier this year and it was just too buggy for me to use it on my website. I gave extensive feedback to the previous owner about the bugs and problems I found, but I’m not aware of them being fixed yet. So I’m sticking with 1.0.0 for the time being.
Can you please tell me how to get hold of 2.15.17 so I can use the latest version of the plugin prior to 2.15.18? Thanks!
Thanks, much appreciated! ??
Hi @duongcuong96,
These files are only included by default if you are also backing up the WordPress install folder. But I am not doing that. I don’t want to back up the WordPress folder – I only want to back up the special files, in order to keep the backup size as small as possible.
That’s the reason that you have this setting, “Include special files” – so the user can only back up those special files alone, if they need to. Otherwise, what’s the purpose of this setting? There’s no other reason to have this setting.
Therefore, can you please add php.ini and .user.ini to the list of special files, because it’s important to include them there too – they are definitely “special” files.
Hi @duongcuong96
As far as I can tell, there isn’t a setting there for adding individual files to the backup.And in any case, it would make more sense to me, for these files to be included in the “Include special files” setting, because they are also special files, just like wp-config.php, robots.txt, nginx.conf, .htaccess, and so on.
Would you be able to include them in that setting, please?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lazy Loading Feature Plugin] Plugin changelogGreat, thanks Andrew!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Genesis 404 Page] Abandoned plugin?FYI, @billerickson has very kindly just bumped the “Tested up to” version to 5.3 for us, so the warning message on the plugin page here – as well as the warning generated by Wordfence – should now be gone. ??
Hi @ethanchoi, I would like to add my vote to this please. In my case, whenever I hit CTRl-TAB to switch from the WPForms tab to the next tab in Chrome, and then hit CTRL-SHIFt-TAB to switch back to the WPForms tab again, and then enter the letter ‘e’ by itself into one of the fields I’m editing, it automatically opens a new tab on the Entries page.
So in my case, I’m not even using a foreign character (eg. Polish ?) and I’m not even using CTRL-E either – I’m just hitting the ‘E’ all by itself – and the WPForms hotkey is activated.
This is clearly a bug, and I’d like it to be fixed by having the option to disable all WPForms hotkeys. I’m happy to use a function in my functions.php file if needed.
As this problem has existed for at least nine months now, it would be great to see it fixed ASAP.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by GermanKiwi.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Genesis 404 Page] Abandoned plugin?I was just gonna ask the same thing – if the “tested to” version could be bumped up. Thanks @billerickson for doing so, it’s much appreciated!