Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HUSKY - Products Filter Professional for WooCommerce] Filtering doesn’t workHi. I have same problem.
I am using GenereatePress PRO as theme and Elementor PRO as visual editor.
Please, take a look in my site
Looking forward to your comments
Best regardsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] Not compatible with ElementorHi there
Any advanced with these issues?
Looking forward to your reply
Best regards+1 me too
Same problem here!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Opal Mega Menu] I don’t know how to use your pluginForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Opal Mega Menu] I don’t know how to use your pluginyeap, anyway this plugin never worked with me and support is bad ??
Why this topic was marked as ‘resolved’?
For me, Migrate guru and Pilvia service aren’t compatible
Anyone else does have this problem or just me?
RegardsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce] Suscripciones con MPYo no pude. Cada vez que el usuario intento darse de alta al producto de suscripción, me sale el error que detallo acá.
Temporalmente lo resolví colocando el botón que proporciona MP dentro de mi sitio sin usar Woocommerce pero es algo que me tiene intrigado.
Si son tan amable, deja la dire de tu web en este hilo o mandamela a mi correo gefe78[at]
Gracias de antemano.I am interested too. I have same problem.
I hope you solve it soon.
Regards- This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by gfdesign.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce] Suscripciones con MPHola @fede77
Estoy interesado en este tópico. Veo que el soporte de Mercado Pago no responde.
Pudiste implementarlo? Funciona bien con productos simples?
Yo quiero vender la suscripción de un monoproducto pero no encuentro ningun tutorial como hacerlo con Woocommerce y Mercado Pago (Argentina)
Agradecería cualquier pista que me brindes.
Un cordial saludo@pavloborysenko I was able to translate these strings using PO file as you suggeted.
Strangely I didn’t receive the notification of your reply from this topic.
Anyway, thanks so much!
Regards from ArgentinaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [XT Floating Cart for WooCommerce] I am not able to translate a stringThanks a lot @xplodedthemes
Now it’s working
I’ll leave my five stars reviews
Best regards from ArgentinaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [XT Floating Cart for WooCommerce] I am not able to translate a stringPlease, don’t mark this topic as ‘resolved’ because I haven’t been able to trasnlate that string yet.
I’ve used ‘Loco Translate’ plugin and I was not able to find it. Even, I used Poedit to edit your .POT or woo-floating-cart-en_US.po files and I couldn’t find in all translatable strings the “Stock limit reached” string.
Please, would you mind review again?
I am sure you’re wrong ??
ThanksForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Opal Mega Menu] Plugin doesn’t work.hello! Is there anybody in this support?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Opal Mega Menu] I don’t know how to use your pluginHi. thanks for replying
Now, I know why I wasn’t able to set up your plugin.
For my site I am using custom links, and with them is impossible to link to “Mega” button. I always see the arrow cursor
Please, take a look in my screen shot
Do you know other way to access to Mega options for this case?
Looking forward to your comments
Best regards