Forum Replies Created
Hi @mariatogonon , thank you for your support! I get a 5* review.
For 1 page exclusion it work!
Another question: If I want disable the popup on 3 o 4 pages what’s the combo of “and” “or” ? I tried both solutions but I always see the popup in the pages.
Thank you so much.
Done! I’ve write of yours support service throughout email. Thanks
Edit: with OceanWP 2.0.7 I get the same problem.
Hi @shawnogordo, yes of course I always use the last version of any plugin for which I require technical assistance. Anyway I think now that the most problem is with the OceanWP theme because with standard wordpress theme all is gone fine. Thanks.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] Ocean Social Sharing support Telegram?Hi @abhikr781, when I tried to add the code above in yours “social-share.php”, no new entries appeared in the “Appearence –> Customize –> Social Sharing” with tag “Telegram”.
At the present time I have circumvented the problem by using the Viadeo button, duly modified, to share the links on telegram.
HI @abhikr781: here I am!
1) Download & Active
2) Configure the Podcast channel as you want.
3) Create a new episode (alias a new post)
4) In the bottom of post editing page click on “Entry box setting” with a icon of gear ( I click on this setting I start to receive the mail from my wordpress mail-daemon.
Thank you
P.S. The problem starts when i click the first time, inside a post, in the “Entry Box Setting” (see the screenshot
The problem arises between the OceanWP theme and the powerpress plugin.
With the default theme, if I click on the link ( I get a voice settings screen (, while with the ocean theme I get the above error, hence the wordpress email with critical error.The problem, however, arose after the last update of your plugin 8.5.5, as the theme has never changed and everything has always worked well. Do you have any idea what the problem might be?
The problem arises between the OceanWP theme and the powerpress plugin.
With the default theme, if I click on the link ( I get a voice settings screen (, while with the ocean theme I get the above error, hence the wordpress email with critical error.It works! Thank you for the support!!!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] Yoga Theme : The menu disappears as you scroll downThank you!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] Ocean Social Sharing support Telegram?I add this codice in the php but into Social-share menù i didn’t find it
// Telegram
if ( ‘telegram’ == $site ) { ?><li class=”telegram”>
” aria-label=”<?php esc_attr_e( ‘Share on Telegram’, ‘ocean-social-sharing’ ); ?>” onclick=”oss_onClick( this.href );return false;”>
<span class=”screen-reader-text”><?php echo esc_attr__( ‘Opens in a new window’, ‘ocean-social-sharing’ ); ?></span>
<span class=”oss-icon-wrap”>
<svg class=”oss-icon” role=”img” viewBox=”0 0 24 24″ xmlns=”” aria-hidden=”true” focusable=”false”>
<path d=”M21.046,0.546c-1.011,2.159-2.882,2.557-2.882,2.557c-1.87,0.476-2.525,1.202-2.525,1.202
C14.478,7.244,14.463,7.185,14.424,7.082z M11.113,0c1.988,3.356,3.067,6.364,3.311,7.081V7.052C13.936,1.88,11.113,0,11.113,0z”/>
<path d=”M16.465,15.438c0,1.192-0.283,2.301-0.85,3.332c-0.566,1.031-1.328,1.825-2.295,2.385
// If name
if ( true == $name
|| is_customize_preview() ) { ?>
<span class=”oss-name” aria-hidden=”true”><?php esc_html_e( ‘telegram’, ‘ocean-social-sharing’ ); ?></span>
} ?>
<?php }
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] Ocean Social Sharing support Telegram?HI, @abhikr781 :
I copy yours social-share.php in my child theme and I found this link in Telegram Core Page: found, row 391, the code for whatsapp:
if ( 'whatsapp' == $site ) { ?> <li class="whatsapp">
but i’m not sure how modify this “template” to works whit telegram…
Furthmore, the popup doesn’t work on posts
See :
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [OceanWP] Ocean Social Sharing support Telegram?@abhikr781 I knew this article but the problem is the step #3: the code to add inside the social-share.php…