Forum Replies Created
Thanks @great-taste, I think that’s exactly like your explanation.
However the main plugin doesn’t inform properly about this required-payment or license, it simply disable the extension without any messagge.
I think that a little notice might be appreciated, just to have a time to notify the customer about this change and give to him the possibility to pick a choice about.
By the way, I managed this issue quickly (by re-activating the extension dinamically) and now I’m going to develop a custom event manager.I think that doesn’t applied the right way to upgrade his products conditions and they doesn’t inform properly about the changes, making blank sections from one day to another on websites who use this extension.
It’s legit to require a payment, but not if you make my time waste, in order to understand which change you done and without repling to the questions.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by giangel84.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Custom Status Manager] Does this support Gutenberg?Hi @shawfactor,
This plugin is just for create new statuses and Gutenberg is just a builder, it not replace the way which wordpress register the statuses and the post type.
You can install both, WP Custom Status Manager and give the Gutenberg working too, simultaneously.Try it. If you get any issue please tell me about.
Thank you.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NK Google Analytics] Error – Please fix in next updateI fixed myself by editing the line 120 to
$total_ignored_roles = @count(get_option('nkweb_ignore'));
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cookie Information | Free GDPR Consent Solution] WordPress 5.1I tested the plugin today with WP 5.1 and it work fine.
Facebook’s App reviews method is stupid.
They ask for a screencast which should show how the app works, but the app cannot work because you need the authorization that you’re tring to ask.
It’s a fucking loop.You can simply use src=” instead of src=”
The first method doesn’t set cookie.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flamingo] CF7 acceptance field don’t stored on FlamingoThank you @nitage!
Your suggest is right. Closing tag with [/acceptance] fix the issue.
Now the “Consent” field is populated.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GDPR Data Request Form] Error sending formOk @audrasjb thank you again,
Have a nice work! ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flamingo] CF7 acceptance field don’t stored on FlamingoI have the same issue.
The “Consent” field appear blank.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GDPR Data Request Form] Error sending formThank you man and sorry, You are right!
Maybe my Chrome’s cache is making this issue, tried on Firefox the request is gone succesfully.Is the fixed captcha a correct approach? I think that randomise numbers could be better for security.
You can use mt_rand(1,9) to get random numbers, hash the sum as MD5, then get the answer (hashed as MD5) and compare the strings to check it properly.
Compliments for your work! Very useful plugin!
Thank you!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [All-in-One WP Migration and Backup] _aiowps_global_meta table is > 500MB!Well, I found the problem.
The table was messy. Inside there was just 100 lines of “file_change” scanning.Solution:
Manual empty the table and perform a table repair to get it clean.
??Sorry, I noticed now about posting this on incorrect area, before login I was in the correct plugin’s section. ??
- This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by giangel84.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] CF7 strip tagsSorry Sir! I’m an stupid dude!
Since I had a very stylized form, I didn’t realize I did myself the striptags functions before calling the shortcode to render the form’s html clean! This allowed just some tags and I forgot to add the tags <p> and a.
Obviously I did this many time ago and completely forget it.Thank you very much and compliments for this powerful plugin!
have a nice dev! ??Yeah, I found it.
Since $tag argument is not an array, the plugin’s functions fail.Solution:
Open the file “getparam.php” inside “/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7-get-and-show-parameter-from-url” then edit lines 38 and 48.Simply add a comment to exclude these lines and the plugin will work again.
38: //if (!is_array($tag)) return '';
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: GMT format for date_i18n functionTimezone is set from web site’s server, not from user’s client.
Infact by changing local computer timezone, website display always the same time.
Moreover I don’t need to adjust time related to user’s timezone.However I don’t understand how $gmt should working, wordpress documentation is incomplete since there isn’t any example about $gmt format.
By the way, I managed this problem in this way:
Requested time format: H:i<?php //fix hour timezone $hour = date_i18n('H', $timestamp) - 2; //fix -02:00 timezone $time_to_print = $hour.":".date_i18n('i', $timestamp); //Get format H:i ?> <time datetime="<?php echo date_i18n( 'Y-m-d', $timestamp); ?>T<?php echo $time_to_print; ?>"></time>
- This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by giangel84.
Yes, the issue is real.
I performed an italian translation and I sent an email to their support in order to help for this.
Meanwhile you can open PackpinTracking.php file and add this string at line 708:load_plugin_textdomain( 'packpin', false, plugin_basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . "/languages" );
put your translation files inside “/wp-content/plugins/packpin-woocommerce-shipment-tracking/languages” folder, named as packpin-xx_XX.po/.mo and it will work as well.