Thank you for your answer
Here are the logs:
=== START import 2021-01-17 12:44:13 ===
Connected with success to the PrestaShop database
PrestaShop data found:
785 products
112 product categories
12 CMS articles
113 CMS categories
5 employees
54 customers
2 orders
[WARNING] Your Prestashop database contains several customers. You need the Premium version to import them.
[WARNING] Your Prestashop database contains some attributes. You need the Premium version to import them.
[WARNING] Your Prestashop database contains some orders. You need the Premium version to import them.
[WARNING] Your Prestashop database contains several manufacturers. You need the Premium version and the Brands add-on to import them.
[WARNING] Your Prestashop database contains customer groups. You need the Premium version and the Customer Groups add-on to import them.
[WARNING] Your Prestashop database contains some attachments. You need the Premium version and the Attachments add-on to import them.
Importing CMS categories…
113 categories imported
Importing CMS articles…
12 articles imported
24 tags imported
Importing product categories…
112 product categories imported
Importing products…
0 products imported
40 medias imported
=== END import 2021-01-17 12:46:01 ===