I don’t think it has anything to do with file size or width, at least not with those limitations. I’m getting the error trying to upload a 32kb file that is only 221 pixels wide and 227 high. That’s not a large photo at all and I saved it at 75 dpi resolution. This is really annoying. I was so looking forward to making this much easier.
BTW – Your camera should have settings on it to take your photos for the web at a lower resolution. They don’t have to be that big. 72 dpi is all that a web browser can display. The higher the resolution, the larger your photo size and file size. That’s the key. If you are going to print them out then you’ll need a higher resolution (at least 300 dpi) but you can always lower the resolution in a graphics program before you save them for the web.
Hope that helps someone.
Ginger Coleen