My issue is similar in nature…I’m trying to create a thumbnail archive and am noticing that while thumbnails exist in the upload directory for older posts…the Get the Image plugin can’t “grab” them.
(I also used a “wp_get_attachment_image” technique, and it failed as well.)
Additionally useful (?) info is that of 187 posts, only 71 (the most “current”) show up in the Media Library.
I get that the older posts weren’t created with the new media uploader, but that doesn’t explain why I can’t grab my thumbnails! Any ideas on how to work around this?
You can check out what I’m talking about here >>
December is the first month (working backwards…technically July 2008 is the “first month”) that I start having issues, and you’ll notice that the missing thumbnail at the bottom is replaced with a minuscule dot. SO! FRUSTRATING!