Forum Replies Created
Ciao, ragazzo italiano,
I added this code to the functions.php file of my Child Theme. Just make sure you modify the Child Theme and not the main functions.php file. If you don’t have a Child Theme set up, look up how to add one, or there’s a free plug-in called One-Click Child Theme by tychay that you can use to create it:
add_action( ‘after_setup_theme’, ‘remove_pgz_theme_support’, 100 );function remove_pgz_theme_support() {
remove_theme_support( ‘wc-product-gallery-zoom’ );
}To see it on one of our pages:
We also added a colored bar saying “Click main image below to view enlargements and captions”, because we found people didn’t necessarily figure that out. It seems to have helped. The code for that, which also goes in the Child Theme functions.php is:
add_action(‘woocommerce_before_single_product_summary’, ‘html_below_thumbnails’, 9);
function html_below_thumbnails() { ?>
<div style=”clear:both; color: #ffffff; font-size: 16px; font-style: italic; background-color: #9ca1ba;
margin-bottom: 20px; padding: 5px;”>Click main image below to view enlargements and captions.</div>
}Of course, you can change the background-color and the message to suit your site.
- This reply was modified 7 years ago by glazergallery.
- This reply was modified 7 years ago by glazergallery.
- This reply was modified 7 years ago by glazergallery.
Right now the way they are set up I get up to 50 MySQL databases of 300 MB each. I just told asked if there’s a way to combine them, since I’ll never need 50 databases. They said that is something that will occur down the road. In the meantime, I’d suggest if my experience was not unusual in that the installation of the plugin added a table with 300,000 entries and 220 MB to the database, that you put that information in the Installation instructions so people know to proceed with caution, especially if they have a large WooCommerce site.
Well, after paying my ISP $59.99 for access to their elite support techs, what he found out is that the database backup/restore did not by itself get rid of the three Relevannsi tables that were inserted by the plugin into my database, because they were still there. They shouldn’t have been, because I restored it to the day prior to when I installed Relevanssi. Maybe that’s a problem on the ISP’s end, but that’s almost beside the point because here’s the real problem: one of those Relevannsi tables added around 220 MB to my database, which put me 90 MB over my limit of 300 MB per database, and that’s what crashed my site as soon as Relevanssi was activated and set up. That table had 300,000 entries in it, consisting of an endless list of words, each spelled forwards and backwards. And that, sir, was done by Relevanssi. To put this is perspective, we have about 1760 WooCommerce products on our site, and all that together only adds up to around 170 MB.
And there’s more — on all our pages now that the public sees, is this garbage:
WordPress database error: [INSERT, UPDATE command denied to user ‘1_000613r_2’@’’ for table ‘wp_options’]
INSERT INTOwp_options
) VALUES (‘_transient_timeout_wc_related_19669’, ‘1520244288’, ‘no’) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATEoption_name
= VALUES(option_name
= VALUES(option_value
= VALUES(autoload
)WordPress database error: [INSERT, UPDATE command denied to user ‘1_000613r_2’@’’ for table ‘wp_options’]
INSERT INTOwp_options
) VALUES (‘_transient_wc_related_19669’, ‘a:1:{s:53:\”limit=4&exclude_ids%5B0%5D=0&exclude_ids%5B1%5D=19669\”;a:24:{i:0;s:4:\”1071\”;i:1;s:4:\”1113\”;i:2;s:4:\”1123\”;i:3;s:4:\”1125\”;i:4;s:4:\”1127\”;i:5;s:4:\”1129\”;i:6;s:4:\”1133\”;i:7;s:4:\”1135\”;i:8;s:4:\”1137\”;i:9;s:4:\”1143\”;i:10;s:4:\”1167\”;i:11;s:4:\”1168\”;i:12;s:4:\”1173\”;i:13;s:4:\”1175\”;i:14;s:4:\”1177\”;i:15;s:4:\”1179\”;i:16;s:4:\”1183\”;i:17;s:4:\”1185\”;i:18;s:4:\”1187\”;i:19;s:4:\”2554\”;i:20;s:4:\”2738\”;i:21;s:4:\”2884\”;i:22;s:4:\”2893\”;i:23;s:4:\”2900\”;}}’, ‘no’) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATEoption_name
= VALUES(option_name
= VALUES(option_value
= VALUES(autoload
)Well, here I am a couple of days later, having been logged out of WordPress and now since the whole Relevanssi disaster I can’t log into the Dashboard anymore! Now I really don’t know what to do, and NO, my ISP can’t help me with disasters caused by third-party plugins. I’d appreciate it if you’d help me straighten out this mess, since it was your plugin that got me into it! Here’s what happens:
WordPress database error: [UPDATE command denied to user ‘1_000613r_2’@’’ for table ‘wp_options’]
= ‘yes’ WHEREoption_name
= ‘adding_tags’WordPress database error: [INSERT, UPDATE command denied to user ‘1_000613r_2’@’’ for table ‘wp_options’]
INSERT INTOwp_options
) VALUES (‘_transient_doing_cron’, ‘1520196439.2778561115264892578125’, ‘yes’) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATEoption_name
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)WordPress database error: [UPDATE command denied to user ‘1_000613r_2’@’’ for table ‘wp_usermeta’]
= ‘a:3:{s:64:\”cfaf9f931c13fdfdf5c573d91266bb94ae5e860d05146f6f94d7ab7ec680ef99\”;a:4:{s:10:\”expiration\”;i:1520215453;s:2:\”ip\”;s:14:\”\”;s:2:\”ua\”;s:121:\”Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.186 Safari/537.36\”;s:5:\”login\”;i:1520042653;}s:64:\”d172b4c12482fa0e392f1970da5f0e4bace959c6bab0e7e4a44f8299c6181449\”;a:4:{s:10:\”expiration\”;i:1520216843;s:2:\”ip\”;s:11:\”\”;s:2:\”ua\”;s:78:\”Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0\”;s:5:\”login\”;i:1520044043;}s:64:\”c60984d147efc7f0f47e2a3ffa69a88729681825d117cfb63d3f549105f9999e\”;a:4:{s:10:\”expiration\”;i:1520369240;s:2:\”ip\”;s:14:\”\”;s:2:\”ua\”;s:82:\”Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0\”;s:5:\”login\”;i:1520196440;}}’ WHEREuser_id
= 1 ANDmeta_key
= ‘session_tokens’Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /data/55/4/41/66/4204229/user/4714197/htdocs/wpmain/wp-includes/wp-db.php:1399) in /data/55/4/41/66/4204229/user/4714197/htdocs/wpmain/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 920
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WordPress database error: [UPDATE command denied to user ‘1_000613r_2’@’’ for table ‘wp_options’]
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= ‘woocommerce_tracker_ua’I wanted to let you all know that I think I figured out what was probably creating the problem with the plugin updates. My WordPress site was running PHP 5.3. I had a parse error that paralyzed my site come up with a different plugin last week. I looking at the discussion on that plugin’s forum on, where its developer said it was no longer compatible with versions below PHP 5.4. My web hosting company had options to update to PHP 5.6 or 7.0 available, so I updated to 5.6, and that solved the problem with his plugin. So I decided to try updating YITH again, and now it works.
I don’t see anything in your plugin documentation on that specifies minimum PHP version but if you agree that this is relevant, I suggest that you add it.
As I told you 5 days ago, I’m using WooCommerce 3.2.6 — all the plugins are in the list you requested, above. My plugin list is showing all plugins as up to date, so WooCommerce 3.3 may not have been released to the general public yet. I can tell you that the YITH Essential Kit 1.4.8 and the YITH Catalog Mode 1.5.5 work fine, while installing either one of the newer ones immediately return a Parse Error that locks me out of my site so I can’t even get into the Admin panel, and anyone typing gets the same error message instead of seeing our web site. Having tried this several times I am 100% positive this is not a fluke and I don’t see any reason to try that again with my current configuration. If you look at the first email in the thread, you’ll see what the error says.
By the way, today I see that you’ve updated the YITH Catalog Mode plugin so I decided to try out 1.5.9 to see what happened. It broke the site — parse error. These errors are serious as they disable the entire web site. I had to restore 1.5.7. So I’m not even going to try installing any more updates of yours until I know you’ve tested it thoroughly.
I’ll do that if you can tell me how to do that without having the “Add to Cart” buttons come back. We don’t have a Shopping Cart on our site and we don’t want one. The problem with deactivating the Catalog Mode plugin is that the buttons come back and I don’t want to confuse our customers.
WordPress version: 4.9.2
WooCommerce version: 3.2.6
Theme in use: Vantage (SiteOrigin)Plugins in use:
MetaSlider 3.6.7 (Team Updraft)
Page Builder 2.6.2 by SiteOrigin
Products Admin Notes Simple 1.1 by Jamie Hall
SiteOrigin CSS 1.1.5 by SiteOrigin
SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle 1.11.3
Ultimate Social Media 1.8.2 by Ultimately Social
WooSidebars 1.4.3 by WooThemes
WP All Import – WooCommerce Add-On Pro 2.3.8 by Soflyy
WP All Import Pro 4.5.0
WP Super Cache 1.5.9 by Automattic
YITH Essential Kit for WooCommerce #1 1.4.8 (I rolled back to this and everything works fine)
YITH WooCommerce Catalog Mode 1.5.7Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Product Admin Notes Simple] Product Admin Notes Simple – commentGot it — thanks for making the change.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Product Admin Notes Simple] Product Admin Notes – 500 errorI wonder if the problem is that you are using WP 4.4.10. The current version is 4.8, and the plugin instructions say that it is compatible with 4.8 and above. Try backing up your site and then updating to 4.8, because that is the version I’m using and the plugin didn’t cause any problems for me. However, you may find that other plugins you are using will cause problems. When I updated to 4.8 on Monday, Jetpack was causing errors. To see which files and code lines are causing errors follow the instructions here:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Title Text for Product GalleryI’m having the same problem. It appeared briefly and then disappeared with later updates. Please fix! I can’t go back through thousands of images and change them all from “title” to “description”!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] [3.0] Want to get captions to align with images@tia — You have to add it to custom.css. If you are using a Site Origin theme, in the WordPress Dashboard go to Appearance: Customize: Additional CSS and copy and paste the code there. For other themes, go to Appearance: Custom CSS. If you have other custom CSS already in use, I’d suggest saving a copy of what you have right now to your hard drive as a backup first.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by glazergallery.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] [3.0] Want to get captions to align with imagesThanks very much, James, those all work well and I’m finally feeling somewhat relieved. I’m still not quite getting why the caption has to be all the way at the bottom if there’s a small image, instead of being positioned in a fixed relationship to the bottom of the image. But the fact that it’s centered at least makes it look as if it’s not randomly positioned, and adding the transparency helps, too, because the caption background is opaque and therefore I think it is less likely to be overlooked where the images are small as in