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  • Thread Starter glendac


    Thank you so much for your help. I will contact the developer.

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter glendac


    The theme is Classica. I was trying to put the theme on a different hosting for a friend as I had lots of space but it didn’t quite go to plan so I left it on blacknight hosting. Someone else purchased and downloaded the theme then created the website initially.

    I had transferred files of to 1and1 for a day and it seems to have picked up the description of one of my websites hosted with 1and1.


    Thread Starter glendac


    Hi Archie,

    Thank You for helping out. Where in the index.php template do I insert

    <meta name="description" content="Irish Dress Designer, Irish Clothing Designer, Irish Fashion Designer." />

    This is content of the template index.php …

    <?php get_header(); ?>
    			<h1 class="page-title">
    				$blog_page = get_option('tz_blog_page');
    				$meta = get_post_meta($blog_page, 'heading_value', true);
    				if($meta != ''):
    					echo $meta;
    					_e('The Blog', 'framework');
    			<!--BEGIN #primary .hfeed-->
    			<div id="primary" class="hfeed">
    			<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    				<!--BEGIN .hentry -->
    				<div <?php post_class(); ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">	
    					<h2 class="entry-title"><a>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php printf(__('Permanent Link to %s', 'framework'), get_the_title()); ?>"> <?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
                        <?php /* if the post has a WP 2.9+ Thumbnail */
    					if ( (function_exists('has_post_thumbnail')) && (has_post_thumbnail()) ) { ?>
    					<div class="post-thumb">
    						<a>" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_post_thumbnail('thumbnail-archive'); /* post thumbnail settings configured in functions.php */ ?></a>
    					<?php } ?>
    					<!--BEGIN .clearfix -->
                        <div class="clearfix">		
                            <!--BEGIN .entry-meta .entry-header-->
                            <div class="entry-meta entry-header">
                                <span class="author"><?php _e('By', 'framework') ?> <?php the_author_posts_link(); ?></span>
                                <span class="published"><?php _e('On', 'framework') ?> <strong><?php the_time( get_option('date_format') ); ?></strong></span>
                                <span class="entry-categories"><?php _e('In', 'framework') ?> <?php the_category(', ') ?></span>
                                <span class="comment-count"><?php _e('With', 'framework') ?> <?php comments_popup_link(__('No Comments', 'framework'), __('1 Comment', 'framework'), __('% Comments', 'framework')); ?></span>
                                <span class="permalink"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/permalink_icon.png" alt="<?php printf(__('Permanent Link to %s', 'framework'), get_the_title()); ?>" /><a>" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php _e('Permalink', 'framework') ?></a></span>
                                <?php edit_post_link( __('edit', 'framework'), '<span class="edit-post">[', ']</span>' ); ?>
                            <!--END .entry-meta entry-header -->
                            <!--BEGIN .entry-content -->
                            <div class="entry-content ">
                                <?php the_content(__('Continue Reading →', 'framework')); ?>
                            <!--END .entry-content -->
                        <!--END .clearfix -->
    				<!--END .hentry-->
    				<?php endwhile; ?>
    			<!--BEGIN .navigation .page-navigation -->
    			<div class="navigation page-navigation">
    				<div class="nav-next"><?php next_posts_link(__('← Older Entries', 'framework')) ?></div>
    				<div class="nav-previous"><?php previous_posts_link(__('Newer Entries →', 'framework')) ?></div>
    			<!--END .navigation .page-navigation -->
    			<?php else : ?>
    				<!--BEGIN #post-0-->
    				<div id="post-0" <?php post_class(); ?>>
    					<h2 class="entry-title"><?php _e('Error 404 - Not Found', 'framework') ?></h2>
    					<!--BEGIN .entry-content-->
    					<div class="entry-content">
    						<p><?php _e("Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here.", "framework") ?></p>
    					<!--END .entry-content-->
    				<!--END #post-0-->
    			<?php endif; ?>
    			<!--END #primary .hfeed-->
    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    [Please post code or markup between backticks or use the code button. Or better still – use a pastebin. Your posted code has now been permanently damaged/corrupted by the forum’s parser.]

    Thread Starter glendac


    Thank You

    I have just tried entering a meta description into the header.php file.

    <meta name=”description” content=”Irish Dress Designer, Irish Clothing Designer, Irish Fashion Designer.” />

    Is this correct?

    Another issue I am faced with is I didn’t create the website initially.

    I am pretty new to WordPress so excuse my lack of understanding but if I edit the template files do they automatically edit the website structure or do I have to upload again through an ftp client or in WordPress?


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