INSERT INTO wp_posts
, post_author
, post_date
, post_date_gmt
, post_content
, post_title
, post_excerpt
, post_status
, comment_status
, ping_status
, post_password
, post_name
, to_ping
, pinged
, post_modified
, post_modified_gmt
, post_content_filtered
, post_parent
, guid
, menu_order
, post_type
, post_mime_type
, comment_count
(186, 1, ‘2015-12-12 17:58:21’, ‘2015-12-12 22:58:21’, ‘[et_pb_section fullwidth=”on”][et_pb_fullwidth_slider admin_label=”Fullwidth Slider” show_arrows=”on” show_pagination=”on” auto=”off” parallax=”on”][et_pb_slide heading=”Welcome To Our Website” button_text=”Learn More” button_link=”#” background_color=”#ffffff” alignment=”center” background_layout=”dark” video_bg_width=”1920″ video_bg_height=”638″ background_image=””%5DVivamus ipsum velit, ullamcorper quis nibh non, molestie tempus sapien. Mauris ultrices, felis ut eleifend auctor, leo felis vehic[…]
Can you please see what is wrong syntex wise on this query?
When i imported the WP_posts, only Columns are created but not indexes.