Sorry, the “_wp” I added was there because I needed it on my system, but the “fix” was adding the “.*” in that place. I had to define another prefix which changed the way dates are parsed. Most people won’t need that, and in fact the _wp prefix won’t even exist since I constructed it manually.
Now, in case you might need the new prefix line, here’s mine, added to common.local, which I use instead of common.conf:
__bsd_syslog_verbose_wp = (<[^.]+\.[^.]+>)
__prefix_line_wp = \s*%(__bsd_syslog_verbose_wp)s?\s*(?:%(__hostname)s )?(?:%(__kernel_prefix)s )?(?:@vserver_\S+ )?%(__daemon_combs_re)s?\s%(__daemon_extra_re)s?\s*
I haven’t tried, but perhaps this isn’t even needed any more after the recent updates I made…