Thank you @t-p, that was a good article and i tried all the steps in there to no avail, but i do have an update and came up with a workaround based on the advice to use the classic editor vs. block editor.
Anyone else with the Updating Failed… JSON error may want to try these steps.
- Download the classic editor plugin.
- On a multisite, go into the network admin account under Network Settings and allow and select block editor as the default and check the box allowing site admins to change settings.
- Go to the site you’re working on with the JSON issue, go to Writing Settings and select option to allow users to switch editors.
- Go to the page with the JSON error, edit it in block mode and make the changes that result in the JSON error. Your edits cannot be committed to the database because of this error and in my case the changes aren’t available in the classic editor at all, however, the workaround is to view the code for that page, select all the code and copy, exit out of the page edit screen.
- Go back to that page under classic editor, click on Text view which is code view, replace the code with what you just copied, update the page and your block edits will be committed to the database with no problem.
Relatively simple but a big time suck. Hope this helps others out.