Forum Replies Created
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Getting blank page after changing anythingI finally found a solution to mine, I upgraded my CG-feedreader plugin and all files associated with it to the latest version and the problem went a way! I don’t know if this will solve everyones problem, but it’s most likely related to a plugin of some kind.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Automatic Scheduled Posting of My Drafts to my Own BlogI have heard that when posts are set in advance that they don’t get pinged when they post like they do if you do it manually, is this true?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Sidebar on pages different colorNot sure if what you did will hurt anything, but I had the same problem with a little different solution that worked. You can see it here: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Reverting Back to the Default TemplateLooks like you’re missing all your wp pages. The only things I see are the wp folders and config.php file. You need to upload the rest of the files, there’s a bunch missing.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Getting blank page after changing anythingI upgraded over a month ago and it was working fine until yesterday. I deactivated any new plugins I had installed, but that didn’t seem to help. When I edit a post and save, I get the blank page, but now I’ve been getting the WordPress logo after making any admin changes.
I didn’t edit any wp core pages, only themes. I even did a new install for a whole new blog and still have the same problem. I did copy some of the plugins over to the new one as well, though so if the plugins are the problem I may have carried it over. But as I said I deactivated all new plugins, but it didn’t seem to help.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: How do I rename items in sidebar?Thanks, I think I did it correctly, I just changed the item that included the title, ‘pages’ etc. in the sidebar.php and all seems well now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Adsense plugin no longer working from Admin consoleI did what you suggested and it was caused by the ‘contact form’ plugin, so I sent a message to the plugin writer. But are there any other plugins available that do the same thing?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Does the ‘page creation’ get indexed by search enginesCool, thanks guys! I love WordPress and the people who make it even better! : )
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: CSS and removing that UGLY Kubrik blue box in the headerYou can always replace it by just inserting a new graphic header, just name it kubrickheader.jpg and replace it in the images folder in the default theme folder. You can also get rid of the blue by using a graphics program and fill the blue color with white or something else.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: subscribe2 not being found on internet explorer.Then my next question would be, is your wordpress files in your main html directory folder or a subfolder, such as blog? Because it it’s in a subfolder then you’d need to include the subfolder name in the path.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: CG-FeedReader ProblemsOk, I got the feedread working now, Thanks! But how do I implement some fo the parameter functions you mention? I’d like to display a little more in the description then just 6-8 words, and I tried to change the number of feeds, which I believe is what the ‘4’ is, to 8 but it didn’t seem to have any effect. Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: subscribe2 not being found on internet explorer.Did you upload the subscribe.php file into your main WordPress directory? I also just installed it and it works fine, but I did have to put the full path to the file . Running IE 6.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Theme Switcher header issueThis error message may be caused by whitespace either before the beginning of the theme-switcher.php script, or after the end of the script (eg, either before the “<?” at the beginning, or after the “?>” at the end).
Whitespace is any text that is not visible, such as blank spaces, line feeds, carriage returns, tabs, or any other non-printable character.
When you open theme-switcher.php in notepad, make sure that the cursor cannot go beyond the “?>” at the end of the script. If it can, remove any extra space.