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  • Thread Starter Gon?alo Peres


    Hi Alberto.
    I think this is a useful feature, along the possibility to customize a different message and welcome page for different lists. For example, if I want a general list where the subscribers are redirected to a page to download an e-book and another list (thematic list) where I want to show different confirmation and welcome messages (or welcome page).
    Hope you do consider this for future developments.

    Thank you and kind regards!


    Thread Starter Gon?alo Peres


    Ok. After reading some more about Polylang Syncronization, maybe isn’t such a good thing to enable it for “Custom fields”, as it replaces all custom fields in all translated posts. So, never mind and sorry for the trouble!

    Gon?alo Peres


    Rollback to version 1.6.1 or see a temporary fix here:

    Gon?alo Peres


    Version 1.7 of the Mailgun plugin again removes the settings page for Multisite installations.
    This is no good because we need different settings for each domain.

    To fix this, I went to “includes/admin.php” and commented the logic that removes the settings page on Multisite. Basically I just commented lines 46 an 55. As simples as this:

    //if( (!defined('MULTISITE') || !MULTISITE) && (!defined('MAILGUN_USEAPI') || !MAILGUN_USEAPI) ):
    	// Hook into admin_init and register settings and potentially register an admin_notice
    	add_action('admin_init', array(&$this, 'admin_init'));
    	// Activate the options page
    	add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'admin_menu'));
    	// Register an AJAX action for testing mail sending capabilities
    	add_action('wp_ajax_mailgun-test', array(&$this, 'ajax_send_test'));

    But I ask the plugin developers to please make the settings page available again.
    I don’t understand why you removed it? It doesn’t make sense and it still works with this simple fix.

    Gon?alo Peres


    Same problem here, also using WordPress Multisite 4.9.8.
    You cannot change the settings on wp-config.php on a Multisite instalation, because all sites share the same wp-config.php file and we need different settings for each domain.
    Went back to version 1.5.14 until this is fixed.

    Gon?alo Peres


    Ok got it! The correct way is:
    <a href="{sp-manage-subscription-url}">Manage subscription</a>
    <a href="*|SP:CONFIRMLINK|*">Manage subscription</a>

    Gon?alo Peres


    Yes, this is very annoying.
    <a href="*|SP:CONFIRMLINK|*">Manage subscription</a>
    <a href="*CONFIRMLINK|*">Manage subscription</a>
    after updating on the “Edit Email Content” screen.

    Please correct this.

    Thank you.

    Gon?alo Peres


    Greetings. Also getting this warnings on the “php-fpm.log” file.

    [07-Apr-2015 11:00:48 UTC] PHP Warning: getimagesize(1): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/ on line 656

    Ate the same time, in “access.log” we have this: - - [07/Apr/2015:12:00:48 +0100] "POST /?photocrati_ajax=1&action=upload_image&gallery_id=22&gallery_name=&nextgen_upload_image_sec=9203bd5f9d HTTP/1.1" 200 77 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.118 Safari/537.36" T:1.879 - - [07/Apr/2015:12:00:48 +0100] "POST /?photocrati_ajax=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 544 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.118 Safari/537.36" T:0.101

    Note: there is a difference of exactly one hour, but ignore it (WordPress overwrites the timezone set in PHP).

    Using NextGEN Gallery 2.0.79 and WordPress 4.1.1

    Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter Gon?alo Peres


    Thank you very much for clarifying that. Solved!

    I had the same configuration and had the same problems:
    https://mysite/en&#8221; was being redirected to “https://mysite/en/en&#8221; >> page not found.

    I replaced the current version (1.4.4) for the development version ( and the problem was fixed.

    Cheers and thank you for fixing it!

    Thread Starter Gon?alo Peres


    Ok, so i’ve done some more testing and the memory problem appears to be related to Polylang plugin.

    Like I said before, I overcome the fatal error by changing the loop on “/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/ngglegacy/admin/manage-sort.php”

    The problem goes away, if I do not use “$picture->alttext” inside the “$picturelist” while loop.

    So i look a little bit further up and tracked how the “$picturelist” was generated ($picturelist = $nggdb->get_gallery())

    So I tracked it down to “/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_data/class.image_wrapper.php”

    The “$nggdb->get_gallery()” call places some extra burden on “alltext”.

    Line 124:

    case 'alttext':
      $this->_cache['alttext'] = (empty($this->_cache['alttext'])) ?  ' ' : html_entity_decode(stripslashes(nggGallery::i18n($this->_cache['alttext'], 'pic_' . $this->__get('id') . '_alttext')));
      return $this->_cache['alttext'];

    This “i18n()” call is the problem.
    If i just return the original “alttext”, without making the “i18n” call, everything works fine.

    case 'alttext':
      <strong>//</strong>$this->_cache['alttext'] = (empty($this->_cache['alttext'])) ?  ' ' : html_entity_decode(stripslashes(nggGallery::i18n($this->_cache['alttext'], 'pic_' . $this->__get('id') . '_alttext')));
      return $this->_cache['alttext'];

    So, looking at “/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/ngglegacy/lib/core.php” I can see that it’s checking for an “icl_translate()” function, which exists on Polylang plugin and is registering translations for every pictures “alttext”.

    I still have some more digging to do to on the Polylang plugin side. It would be nice to have a plugin setting to avoid these translations to occur on NextGEN Gallery side.

    Thread Starter Gon?alo Peres


    Greetings Donncha.
    I noticed this hasn’t yet been fixed in the latest releases.
    Just a reminder.
    Thank you again, for this great plugin.


    I just managed to implement a email search feature, in a light and very user friendly manner, without altering the Sendpress Plugin.

    Maybe Josh can use it, if it is to his liking. It’s easy to change this code to also allow search by names.

    So here we go.

    This changes were made in a custom theme. You just need to edit your functions.php file and add a admin.js file (or use an existing one).


    //simple check to save cpu cycles
    if($_REQUEST['page']=='sp-subscribers' && ($_REQUEST['view']=='subscribers' || $_REQUEST['view']=='subscriber') ) {
    	add_action( 'admin_print_styles', 'my_theme_admin_print_styles' );
    	add_action( 'admin_print_scripts', 'my_theme_admin_print_scripts' );
    	function my_theme_admin_print_styles() {
    		//you can get css file and images at
    		wp_enqueue_style('jquery-ui-lightness', get_template_directory_uri().'/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.css' );
    	function my_theme_admin_print_scripts() {
    		wp_enqueue_script('my-theme-admin-script', get_template_directory_uri().'/admin.js');
    if($_REQUEST['action']=='generic_ajax') {
    	add_action('wp_ajax_generic_ajax', 'my_theme_generic_ajax');
    	function my_theme_generic_ajax() {
    		global $wpdb;	
    		if( $_GET['ajax_do'] == 'sp_subscriber_search' && strlen($_GET['term']) > 2) {
    			$sql = "SELECT AS label, t1.subscriberID AS value
    			FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."sendpress_subscribers AS t1
    			RIGHT JOIN ".$wpdb->prefix."sendpress_list_subscribers AS t2 ON (t1.subscriberID = t2.subscriberID AND t2.listID = ".(int)$_GET['listID'].")
    			WHERE LIKE '%".$wpdb->escape($_GET['term'])."%'
    			ORDER BY";


    jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 
    	//if there is a hidden input for listID, it means we are on a valid search page
    	$listID = $('input[type="hidden"][name="listID"]').val();
    	if( $listID ) {
    		//add search input to subscribers pages
    		$html = '<form><input type="search" id="sp-search-by-email-input" name="s" value="" /><label> (search by email)</label></form>';
    		$('#taskbar h2').after($html);
    		$( "#sp-search-by-email-input" ).autocomplete({
          source: ajaxurl+'?action=generic_ajax&ajax_do=sp_subscriber_search',
          minLength: 3,
          select: function( event, ui ) {
    				window.location = '?page=sp-subscribers&view=subscriber&subscriberID='+ui.item.value+'&listID='+$listID;
    		//add delete button do edit subscriber page
    		if($('form#subscriber-edit').length > 0) {
    			$html = ' <a class="btn" href="?page=sp-subscribers&action=delete-subscriber&subscriberID='+$('input[name="subscriberID"]').val()+'&listID='+$('input[name="listID"]').val()+'">Delete from this List</a>';
    			$('form#subscriber-edit input[type="submit"]').after($html);

    Hope you enjoy this and thank toy for this great plugin.

    Gon?alo Peres


    I’m running WordPress 3.6 Multisite and NextGen Gallery 2.0.17 and was also having this same issue (You browser doesn’t have Flash, Silverlight, HTML5, or HTML4 support).

    I’ve replaced my current version (2.0.17) with the latest beta (2.0.18) and confirm that the issue has been resolved.

    Thank you ??

    Thread Starter Gon?alo Peres


    Hi Josh. Did you get the test message?

    Thank you.

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