Gordon B?hme
Forum Replies Created
Hi @suthar05
on the given URL i can’t find any FAQ – maybe you have deleted them?
When the FAQ JSON-LD ist detected but you can’t see anything in the frontend then this can be because you haven’t enabled the HTML output. (?)
– when you use shortcodes you set the output with the attribute html=”true/false”
– when you use the Gutenberg block klick the “eye” to make the FAQ visible in FEGreetings
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Structured Content (JSON-LD) #wpsc] Showing Code On FrontendForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Structured Content (JSON-LD) #wpsc] Option to disable plugin’s stylesHi,
so if you set a CSS class, it now will be output additionally. But this is not a bug but we don’t use our own function to set the classes anymore. We use the existing WP standard, so that the operation is more consistent.You don’t really realize this until you use the blocks, because there is just already an input field for extra CSS classes in the properties.
So if you select a block in the backend, you can set your own CSS class in the block properties and overwrite the existing styles (e.g. with unset).
I will adjust the article on the website. In a future update, there will be a settings page where you can turn off the plugin’s own CSS. Until then, please use your own CSS and override the existing instructions ?? .
Thanks for the feedback!
GordonForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Structured Content (JSON-LD) #wpsc] Showing Code On FrontendHi @dmraushan ,
it is the same problem we discussed here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/after-recent-update-faq-page-showing-weird-codes/
Maybe you try what the other user tried or there is a way hat your ads script/ ads plugin does not insert ads-code into JSON-LD.
Hello @suthar05 ,
can you give me some more details?– Can you give me a URL so I can check it out
– Are you using a PageBuilder or Gutenberg?Problems with rendering can only be caused by interactions with other plugins or mutually influencing CSS.
So let’s see …
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Structured Content (JSON-LD) #wpsc] Showing icon in text view toolbarHi @saeedr ,
since nothing new has been added, I will close this thread.
GreetingsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Structured Content (JSON-LD) #wpsc] Showing icon in text view toolbarHi @saeedr ,
sorry, but currently this is not possible.
Workaround: open a second tab in your browser and create the shortcodes you need in a new post and then copy them to where you want them.
I’ll take the idea with the copy button though.
Thank you so much for using the plugin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Structured Content (JSON-LD) #wpsc] Using this plugin with ElementorHi @jamshidpour
since I haven’t heard anything now, I’m closing this thread. If there is still a problem, please open a new ticket.
GreetingsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Structured Content (JSON-LD) #wpsc] Using this plugin with ElementorHi @jamshidpour
thank you for your interest in the WPSC-Plugin.
The plugin works fine with the standard TinyMCE of WordPress. If this pagebuilder does not support the basic standard you can use the shortcodes directly after installing the plugin – this will work, also in Elementor.The best way is to use the shortcodes manually and copy them into a HTML block of the pagebuilder.
Attention: Check you have the quotes (“) typed correctly – when you copy and paste the shortcode from the support site, they are the wrong typeface for some page builders. This is the most common problem.
Actually we do not have the capacities to fully support every different pagebuilder (Elementor, Beaver, WPBakery, Divi … ) and do the service/updates for them.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Structured Content (JSON-LD) #wpsc] CSSHi,
also das Verhalten ist so, wie von Dir beschrieben. Das ist aber kein Fehler sondern wir nutzen keine eigene Funktion zum setzen der Klassen mehr. Wir nutzen den vorhandenen WP-Standard, damit die Bedienung konsistenter ist.Das wird einem erst richtig bewusst, wenn man die Bl?cke verwendet, da es bei den Eigenschaften eben bereits ein Eingabefeld für extra CSS-Klassen gibt.
Ich werde den Artikel auf der Website anpassen. In einem künftigen Update wird es eine Settings-Page geben, auf der man das Plugin-Eigene CSS abstellen kann. Bis dahin, bitte eigenes CSS nutzen und die vorhandenen Anweisungen überschreiben ??
Vielen Dank für das Feedback!
GordonForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Structured Content (JSON-LD) #wpsc] CSSHi @sathe ,
da hat sich nichts ge?ndert.Ich nehme an, Du nutzt shortcodes? Kannst du mir einen Link senden, dann schaue ich mal, was da passiert.
Kannst es mir über das Formular senden: https://wpsc-plugin.de/kontakt/VG, gordon
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Structured Content (JSON-LD) #wpsc] Missing field “name”Hi @123afm ,
without any URL i can’t have a look at it ??
Or could you solve this problem for your own?
Hi @theseoguy ,
i’ve testet the given URL in the markup validator (https://validator.schema.org) and there are no errors.
But even if everything is technically OK, this does not mean that Google will expand your snippets in the SERPs – only Google decides whether the content would satisfy the search intention and the expansion would make sense.
Hi @james4311
currently the plugin does not offer a setting for this. But we will integrate it in the next update. Then you will be able to set/unset anchors for each FAQ block.Alternatively you can use a “Table of Contents” plugin for this. E.G. https://de.www.ads-software.com/plugins/easy-table-of-contents/
This will automatically add anchors to all headings.Or you can extend your functions.php with the following code-snippet:
/** * Automatically add IDs to headings such as <h2></h2> */ add_filter( 'the_content', function ( $content ) { if ( is_single() && in_the_loop() && is_main_query() ) { $content = preg_replace_callback( '/(\<h[1-6](.*?))\>(.*)(<\/h[1-6]>)/i', function( $matches ) { if ( ! stripos( $matches[0], 'id=' ) ) : $heading_link = '<a href="#' . sanitize_title( $matches[3] ) . '" class="heading-link">#</a>'; $matches[0] = $matches[1] . $matches[2] . ' id="' . sanitize_title( $matches[3] ) . '">' . $heading_link . $matches[3] . $matches[4]; endif; return $matches[0]; }, $content ); } return $content; } );
Let us know if this works for you.
Greetings, Gordon
Hi @lvlessi ,
we’re sorry, but actually there is no way to export the data separately, because the FAQ are not stored in separate database fields – it is normal content.
We’ve added it to the feature-list. Maybe we find an easy way to make this possible.
Sorry, Gordon