Please load all CSS in one file instead of splitting some inline and some static file.
In general, I think the code can be cleaner. Some HTML code that could be cleaner as well that isn’t necessary. E.g spans and output toggle HTML even if it’s not enabled or in use. Would also like to control the HTML5 output. As I don’t agree with all the markups.
Consider compatibility with oxygen builder (fails to render in the builder and throwing js errors)
Consider vanilla version for users that want to style the CSS themselves.
Off-set is not calculated correctly in my case. Would need an increased value on sticky/fixed header. Maybe let me specify the value to make it easier to be compatible with most users.
Also see some empty css rows such as
#joli-toc-wrapper nav#joli-toc.joli-collapsed li a:hover, #joli-toc-wrapper nav#joli-toc li a:hover { color: ; background-color: ; }
to add:
WOuld like a minimalist css so I can style myself. Right now I would need to edit the parent file or unload your css as it’s much css I don’t want or need or prefer to override with extra css in the UI. has 2-3kb compared to 8-9kb. Please consider adding option to choose what to load to just have the bare minimum and then users that want can use the functionality and style themselves.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry found the classic css file to use and alter the css.
Some quick feedback:
– The list is in order meaning<ol>
should be used instead of<ul>
– Remove nested divs and spans which is not needed
– Consider removing inline css, and keep everything in a static file. Don’t see why the css is added inline. Some rules are even overriding existing ones in the plugin css. Prefer to take advantage of cache with static assets than inline such css.
– Cleaner js file. once collapse isn’t in use don’t laod the js for this function. Would make the js output cleaner and smaller.
Better off-set support for fixed-headers. Use non js solution?
– Can js be disabled with a hook? Used for smooth scrolling and toggle show hide? or even offset?-
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
Hey Rookie,
Thank you for taking the time to give a detailed feeback.
The inline css corresponds to the user’s settings that override the chosen theme. For instance, a user specific background color. So unless echoing that in a custom php-generated css file, I don’t have a better solution for that right now. Do you have any suggestions ?
The toggle html code is indeed echoed out regardless of the chosen mode. I’m taking note for a future update in order to control this better.
What would you like to control for the HTML5 output ? choosing your markups (e.g. you mentionned ol instead of ul) ?
I am not familiar with the oxygen builder but will have a look at it.
About the offset issue, could you be more specific ? which offset and how does it interfere with your theme ?
I will fix the empty css rules for the next update and will see how I can improve the footprint.
“Remove nested divs and spans which is not needed”
> I don’t see what you are referring to. Can you be more specific ?I could add a hook to disable js if it can be useful for some people.
The inline css corresponds to the user’s settings that override the chosen theme. For instance, a user specific background color. So unless echoing that in a custom php-generated css file, I don’t have a better solution for that right now. Do you have any suggestions ?
Ok but why can’t this be printed it to the css file and replace the values rather the override and output duplicated code. I know most developers do this.
But could you consider moving it, and remove the inline css to the static file. Seeing even if all custom settings is left empty it still echo inline css which is just overriding the static toc style.
The toggle html code is indeed echoed out regardless of the chosen mode. I’m taking note for a future update in order to control this better.
Yes, do that, have removed it and cleaned the output on my end manually as there were many things that could be removed. Removed span, and divs and things that aren’t needed. At least not for me. To keep the output cleaner with less html and nested divs/spans
What would you like to control for the HTML5 output ? choosing your markups (e.g. you mentionned ol instead of ul) ?
Yes that and remove <header> block as I would prefer just a div or section markup within the content. Cleaned this myself together with chaning ul to ol.
I am not familiar with the oxygen builder but will have a look at it.
Do that it works but could be better compatibility. the offset issue, could you be more specific ? which offset and how does it interfere with your theme ?
I would need more offset, it jumps a little bit too far and then scroll up and end up too far down. Would need to adjust it. Where can I do it meanwhile in the code? I would like it to jump right first without a jump, scroll up etc.
Also, could you send a cleaned js version without smooth scrolling and collapse function. Which would trim the js file? Together with where I can try to fix the offset.
A suggestion to echo and print out different js files as well maybe?
I will fix the empty css rules for the next update and will see how I can improve the footprint.
Sounds good. Please consider changing ID styling to class styling as it’s a better to practice. It’s also a lot of nested css selectors, think it could be cleaned maybe?
“Remove nested divs and spans which is not needed”
> I don’t see what you are referring to. Can you be more specific ?For example. I do not want the title, span does not seem to be needed.
<?php do_action('joli_toc_before_table_of_contents'); ?> <div id="joli-toc-filler"></div> <div id="joli-toc-wrapper" class="<?= $visibility; ?> <?= $smoothscroll; ?>"> <nav id="joli-toc"> <header id="joli-toc-header"> <div id="joli-toc-toggle-box" class="toggle-align-<?= $togglealign ? $togglealign : 'left'; ?>"> <div id="joli-toc-toggle"><?= $expand; ?></div> <div id="joli-toc-collapse"><?= $collapse; ?></div> </div> <?php do_action('joli_toc_before_title'); ?> <?php if ($title) : ?> <div class="title"> <span id="title-label"><?= $title; ?></span> </div> <?php endif; ?> </header> <?php do_action('joli_toc_after_title'); ?> <?= $toc; ?> <?php do_action('joli_toc_after_headings'); ?> <?php if ($logo) : ?> <div class="joli-div"> <a href="<?= $domain; ?>&utm_medium=watermark" target="_blank" class="joli-credits"> <span>Powered by</span><img src="<?= esc_attr( $logo ); ?>" alt="" title=""> </a> </div> <?php endif; ?> </nav> </div> <?php do_action('joli_toc_after_table_of_contents'); ?>
Just showing an example and excluding your credit mark. Maybe even the <div id=”joli-toc-header”> could be removed. I’m all about minimalist. And not add more code than needed.
<?php do_action('joli_toc_before_table_of_contents'); ?> <div id="joli-toc-filler"></div> <div id="joli-toc-wrapper" class="<?= $visibility; ?> <?= $smoothscroll; ?>"> <nav id="joli-toc"> <div id="joli-toc-header"> <?php do_action('joli_toc_before_title'); ?> </div> <?php do_action('joli_toc_after_title'); ?> <?= $toc; ?> <?php do_action('joli_toc_after_headings'); ?> </nav> </div> <?php do_action('joli_toc_after_table_of_contents'); ?>
Hope this helps, maybe admin can be cleaned and neater as well but prefer to frontend to be fixed first.
I could add a hook to disable js if it can be useful for some people.
Yeah would be good but I can unload it anyhow just may be easier to support.
But would like to know what the js file do so I don’t find out later something isn’t working while unload it.What I could see was offset, smooth scrolling and collapse function. Unloaded it and saw some glitches. As I’m not a developer and js isn’t my A Game, help me out.
@wpjoli Any comments on above improvements?
- It’s a good base but would prefer classes over ID.
- No inline css
- Reduce js use
- Improve headline progresses and strip existing ID if <h*-level and insert the headline name with hypens. Right now the plugin only support headlines within the_content block and not outside built with page builders. In my case Oxygen builder.
Hey Rookie,
I did not forget you ??
So About the custom CSS (or from the options), I will consider moving it to the main file and try to reduce nested selectors using rules from the sass file.
For the <header> tags, I can add a filter so that you have an option for the actual tag output then users can choose whatever tag they think is most relevant.
I would need more offset, it jumps a little bit too far and then scroll up and end up too far down. Would need to adjust it. Where can I do it meanwhile in the code? I would like it to jump right first without a jump, scroll up etc.
Are you talking of the floating widget ? I’m still confused what you’re talking about. Please attach a screenshot or any detail that could highlight this particular issue. In the free version (on the repo), there’s only one setting related to an offset and it’s about the hierarchy view.
The smooth scrolling is part of the options and I can only let the end user to not activate it but there’s no reason to remove it. Same goes for the collapse function that is being used by the folded mode and for responsiveness.
Printing out the js on the fly may be a little more trickier as it’s already minified, but indeed some parts can be trimmed out. Will work on it on the next release.Regarding your minimalist version, the toggle is indeed printed out in all cases but is used by the folded mode. I could add an extra if to not have it display if not necessary.
The credit mark is surrounded by an if statement which will hence not display if the option is not ticked.About the divs with IDs, these are not meant to exist more than once on the output page, they are unique and I don’t think this is an issue. It won’t affect performance.
Hyphens could be added as an option for the anchor id. It is currently set to dashes as a word separator by default.
Indeed only the html within the_content is picked up on, but if this builder is not leveraging WordPress core’s functions means content cannot be filtered by any other plugin and kind of makes it “out of scope” if they use a custom design to output content. The popular ones such as Elementor, Beaver or VC are using the_content hook as far as I know.I did not forget you ??
Phew, thanks! ??
So About the custom CSS (or from the options), I will consider moving it to the main file and try to reduce nested selectors using rules from the sass file.
I would appreciate there is a lot of things there that can be cleaned.
For the <header> tags, I can add a filter so that you have an option for the actual tag output then users can choose whatever tag they think is most relevant.
That would be easy and helpful, thanks!
Are you talking of the floating widget ? I’m still confused what you’re talking about. Please attach a screenshot or any detail that could highlight this particular issue. In the free version (on the repo), there’s only one setting related to an offset and it’s about the hierarchy view.
No I’m just using it static. Joli toc has no option to set the offset. As I have a fixed and sticky header it covers the headline it jumps to.
The smooth scrolling is part of the options and I can only let the end user to not activate it but there’s no reason to remove it. Same goes for the collapse function that is being used by the folded mode and for responsiveness.
Printing out the js on the fly may be a little more trickier as it’s already minified, but indeed some parts can be trimmed out. Will work on it on the next release.Yes but if I’m not using or need it an option to disable the output to keep the code clean for users who prefer. Just do it based on users options. When do you think any update will be released?
Regarding your minimalist version, the toggle is indeed printed out in all cases but is used by the folded mode. I could add an extra if to not have it display if not necessary.
I would love that!
The credit mark is surrounded by an if statement which will hence not display if the option is not ticked.
Correct! ?? Please also consider removing inline css.
About the divs with IDs, these are not meant to exist more than once on the output page, they are unique and I don’t think this is an issue. It won’t affect performance.
Styling with ID is not the best practice for css from what I know, classes are to be preferred. The number of divs can be reduced and that affects performance. not 1 but all bits and pieces together it bloats. Why use when it’s not needed. Try to slim it ??
luckywp-table-of-contents is and slim one but it has it’s downsides which makes me not pick it right now. But it’s slim can be slimmer, easy and no extra fluff in the wp-admin.
Hyphens could be added as an option for the anchor id. It is currently set to dashes as a word separator by default.
No it should be “-” for me at least. But when you convert a headline like “what’s this” it needs to be “whats-this” not “what’s-this”.
Could you also explain the class for joli-heading on all headlines? Is it needed for the jumplinks? Why? Where to jump you specify with the ID to the headlines?
Indeed only the html within the_content is picked up on, but if this builder is not leveraging WordPress core’s functions means content cannot be filtered by any other plugin and kind of makes it “out of scope” if they use a custom design to output content. The popular ones such as Elementor, Beaver or VC are using the_content hook as far as I know.
luckywp-table-of-contents, can and manage it. No, they are not using it if you don’t fetch if dynamically. You can build a page without fetching anything from the_content and backend. Everything can be built in the builder.
I was gonna reply you here but you already opened a new topic.
Because you were quite fast to pick up on the latest 1.2.0, you probably noticed many changes without me repling here first. I’ve addressed several points that you mentionned, not all of them though.I took into account your remarks and will then mark this topic as resolved.
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
- The topic ‘Improvement’ is closed to new replies.