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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Go] Featured imageI would really appreciate some help. Images that are uploaded with quite enough size are being resized to a smaller size somehow and then stretched to fill the container. They show bigger in media library but the theme somehow changed them.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Pique theme logo and colorsIf let say “Thank you Fans” comes from post or page title you can try putting this html where you put your title.
`<span style=”color: #ffffff;”>Thank you fans</span>
You can try the same thing with your link if it appears in text and not the title.
If it is formatted by theme later on, then you would have to make changes in CSS of your theme.
I did this by using a “child theme” of pique. Child theme is the one you make your changes in and it overrides the parent pique theme.
From your page I can see that the color comes from h3 heading link. If you make a link out of a plain text and then use span to change size, color and style you could have a white link as big as h3 heading.
Hope this helps.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Pique theme logo and colorsHi,
Thanks for the help!
This is the final result.
Still not completely satisfied with red on dark and the way links look but happy enough. ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Pique] CalendarThank you for your answer.
Specific question for theme Pique is what about some native calendar support?
Just a nicely formatted table with correct dates would do the trick for many of us. ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Pique theme logo and colorsOh sorry… is the one. ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Pique theme logo and colorsThanks!
lindyhopzagreb.wordpress.comForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Pique theme logo and colorsKathryn, I can PM you with the page details. It is still closed for general public.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Pique theme logo and colorsThank you for your comments.
Pique theme in wp .com environment. I liked it.Pique theme in .org environment. –> Pique-child –> Jetpack –> Ninja forms
I used child theme because it was recommended by more experienced users because the changes made to css are kept after parent theme update and you can easily have a common theme for multiple sites.
In pique-child i made css changes and php to load google fonts (PT Sans and Oswald were available in .com… I like original fonts but they don’t show letters ????? consistently with the rest of the letters.) Also here I changed colors for letters and backgrounds.
Since I found no way to put logo like in .com version I installed Jetpack wich supports this feature together with other nice things it can do. Some changes in css I had to make here as well because jetpack overrides child theme in some parts.
Ninja forms was next. Some changes for these forms display in css as well to be consistent with the rest of the site.
So now the bigger part of the css changes is in child-theme and won’t change with the updates. For things I changed in jetpack css editor and ninja forms I don’t know what will happen. I would like to have all changes in one place for clarity and to be sure what happens if something gets updated.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Pique theme logo and colorsOk…
Ad 1. I couldn’t find a easier way to change colours than changing css
Ad 2. Same.
Ad 3. Same here…
Ad 4. By installing Jetpack, logo option appears in theme customizer.To change default fonts you can use something called google fonts plugin… there are several. One that I found by typng “font” in search field was one mentioning google and had a lot of downloads.
To make the other changes I followed the procedure for creating a child theme. Child theme works as a space where you can modify stuff in css and if you do something wrong, you can just delete it. Parent theme is always there as a default. So you have a blank page where you write css code and override parent code. When (if) you update your parent theme your changes from css file don’t go away because they are part of your child theme.
I am not really comfortable with changing css, but with the use of Firefox inspector I can find the peace I want to change and then I change it first in inspector to see if it works and then copy paste into child theme css.
The worst part is finding what to change and in how many places in css.
This is how a non-html-guy-who-googles-a-lot does this.
Good luck!
P.S. When changing css in child theme you can see the changes as css changes in inspector. When changing with jetpack (there is css editor in jetpack as well) those changes appear as inline… meaning they are applied in different way… If you want to have all the changes in your child theme css you should probably copy the changes made by plugins to child theme css. I am not sure how to do this confidently. Maybe some experienced users could give some advice.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Pique theme logo and colorsAnyone?