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Hi Jarryd,
Thank you very much for your suggestions. I didn’t set this WordPress site up; a colleague did. And I was wondering whether the cache plugins might be causing the problem but I didn’t want to overstep and disable them. But based on your suggestion I just disabled them both and it corrected the problem ??So, again, thank you very much for your time and attention on this … and have a great weekend!
GregHi Jarryd, Thanks very much for your response to my query about the membership levels not working correctly. To replicate the error I'm getting... - Visit - Select the 'Login' button. - On the Login/Register pop-up page, select the 'Register an Account' button. - On the Registration page, fill in the fields with dummy-member information. - On the Membership-Levels page, click the 'Select' button to the right of the Free level. All being well, the Membership-Checkout page will correctly confirm that "You have selected the?Free?membership level." But if you then change your mind and hit the browser back button to return to the Membership-Levels page and select the Monthly or Annual level, the Membership-Checkout page will incorrectly confirm that "You have selected the?Free?membership level." It does not refresh to confirm a reselection of a different membership level. (Note: If you start in the very beginning by selecting the Monthly membership level, for example, and go back and choose, say, the Free membership, it will incorrectly confirm you selected the Monthly level, and so forth.) I foresee this being an issue with some people who change their minds during the membership-level selection process. Here's the site health info you've asked for, below. Thanks in advance for your further help and suggestions! Regards! Greg
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