Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SearchWP Live Ajax Search] Dequeue styles via code doesn’t workIt appears that a priority greater than 20 is needed to dequeue the styles. So this works:
function custom_search_dequeue_scripts() { wp_dequeue_style( 'searchwp-live-search' ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'custom_search_dequeue_scripts', 21 );
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SearchWP Live Ajax Search] 1.8.0 bug with Relevanssi PremiumThank you for that information. The filter does work so we can use that until the plugin is updated.
@subiewrx I can confirm that 4.1.10 addresses this issue on my system.
@subiewrx I can confirm that I see this same issue on both and In my case the issue is the
value is ending up blank in the database query. If I save a post with the “Don’t update the modified date” checked it saves the SEO data fine. If I have that unchecked it fails for all post types, including pages.This is the error from the error log. You can see limit_modified_date = ” in there. Which is causing the error.
[30-Mar-2022 17:15:35 UTC] WordPress database error Incorrect integer value: '' for column
limit_modified_date` at row 1 for query UPDATE fb_aioseo_posts
= ‘1854’,post_id
= 1288,title
= ‘Learn About Us | #site_title’,description
= ‘Trying once more a custom meta description.’,keywords
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= ‘1854’
/* 1 = 1 */ made by AIOSEO\Plugin\Common\Utils\Database::run`@arnaudbroes certainly, I’ve reached out there and look forward to working through the items with you.
@arnaudbroes , no there are no console errors. I do see some error log errors, which may be related. Nothing that specifically appears to be the write from this robots.txt save process, but things which may be triggered by other parts of the plugin and are preventing the save from happening later.
It is possible this bug is related to the other errors I’ve reported here with incorrect bool to empty string write errors.
When I hit save on the robots.txt admin page, I see these errors in the log:
[05-Jan-2021 13:40:31 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: AIOSEO\Plugin\Common\Models\Notification::$id in /var/www/html/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/app/Common/Models/Model.php on line 362 [05-Jan-2021 13:40:32 UTC] WordPress database error Incorrect integer value: '' for column <code>site-2019</code>.<code>fb_aioseo_notifications</code>.<code>dismissed</code> at row 1 for query INSERT INTO fb_aioseo_notifications SET <code>slug</code> = '5ff46c508ae80', <code>title</code> = 'Physical Robots.txt File Detected', <code>content</code> = 'AIOSEO has detected a physical robots.txt file in the root folder of your WordPress installation. We recommend removing this file as it could cause conflicts with WordPress\' dynamically generated one. AIOSEO can import this file and delete it, or you can simply delete it.', <code>type</code> = 'error', <code>level</code> = '[\"all\"]', <code>notification_id</code> = NULL, <code>notification_name</code> = 'robots-physical-file', <code>start</code> = '2021-01-05 13:40:32', <code>end</code> = NULL, <code>button1_label</code> = 'Import and Delete', <code>button1_action</code> = 'https://action#tools/import-robots-txt?redirect=aioseo-tools', <code>button2_label</code> = 'Delete', <code>button2_action</code> = 'https://action#tools/delete-robots-txt?redirect=aioseo-tools', <code>dismissed</code> = '', <code>created</code> = '2021-01-05 13:40:32', <code>updated</code> = '2021-01-05 13:40:32' /* 1 = 1 */ made by AIOSEO\Plugin\Common\Utils\Database::run [05-Jan-2021 13:40:32 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: AIOSEO\Plugin\Common\Models\Notification::$id in /var/www/html/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/app/Common/Models/Model.php on line 362
This issue also impacts other saves of content. For example trying to save a custom description on a page yields a similar error and no data are saved:
WordPress database error Incorrect integer value: ” for column
at row 1 for query UPDATE fb_aioseo_posts
= ‘1854’,post_id
= 1288,title
= NULL,description
= ‘Testing to see if custom meta descriptions save or not.’,keywords
= ‘[]’,keyphrases
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= ‘2021-01-04 22:39:52’,priority
= ‘default’,frequency
= ‘default’,videos
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= ‘{\”businessInfo\”:{\”name\”:\”\”,\”urls\”:{\”website\”:\”\”,\”aboutPage\”:\”\”,\”contactPage\”:\”\”},\”address\”:{\”line1\”:\”\”,\”line2\”:\”\”,\”zip\”:\”\”,\”city\”:\”\”,\”state\”:\”\”,\”country\”:\”\”},\”contact\”:{\”email\”:\”\”,\”phone\”:\”\”,\”fax\”:\”\”},\”ids\”:{\”vatID\”:\”\”,\”taxID\”:\”\”,\”chamberID\”:\”\”},\”payment\”:{\”priceIndication\”:\”\”,\”currenciesAccepted\”:\”\”,\”methodsAccepted\”:\”\”},\”areaServed\”:\”\”},\”openingHours\”:{\”show\”:false,\”closedLabel\”:\”\”,\”open24h\”:false,\”open24hLabel\”:\”\”,\”open247\”:false,\”use24hFormat\”:false,\”twoSets\”:false,\”timezone\”:\”\”,\”hours\”:[]}}’,updated
= ‘2021-01-04 22:40:23’
= ‘1854’
/* 1 = 1 */ made by AIOSEO\Plugin\Common\Utils\Database::runI think I’ve found the culprit. In the
function in Model.php, around line 250 there is:$key = $this->transform( $key, true );
If I log
immediately before this step, the dismissed value of 0 is present. When I log$key
immediately after this line, dismissed is blank.Within the
function in Model.php there is this (around line 200):foreach ( $this->booleanFields as $field ) { if ( isset( $data[ $field ] ) && '' === $data[ $field ] ) { unset( $data[ $field ] ); } elseif ( isset( $data[ $field ] ) ) { $data[ $field ] = (bool) $data[ $field ]; } }
is 0, this results in it being set as false, which is then blank and causes the database error when writing to the database. I’m not sure the best solution, if removing dismissed from the set of booleanFields is better, or if refactoring the database write to handle this is preferable.Sorry, this is a duplicate of another ticket I opened because the ticket system was marking it as spam. I am updating that other ticket:
- This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by grahambudd.
If it is helpful, I tracked down the
public static function addNotification
function in Notification.php and I see this code around line 170:// Set the dismissed status to false. $fields['dismissed'] = 0;
If I change this to something like:
$fields['dismissed'] = 5;
then the notifications do get written (albeit with a dismissed status of 1). I highly suspect this is due to PHP shenanigans around bools and truthiness.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] Updating to 0.14.0 leads to 404 error for imagesForum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] After update NO more images are displayed!Based on the note that the relative path was being added to the URL, I highly suspect this is the same issue as here and probably the same root cause. I added more detailed notes to that ticket, but I believe the error is in UriRewriter.php in the _processUriCB method.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] Updating to 0.14.0 leads to 404 error for images@vmarko , @eugeniopl ,
99% sure this is due to the new local URI determination in the latest update. I had this happen as well and hunted down the issue. The error is in UriRewriter.php in the _processUriCB method.
The old logic checked for a file relative URI with a bunch of tests including:
&& false === strpos($uri, '//') // protocol (non-data)
while the new update uses this:
&& '/' !== substr($uri, 0, 1) // Root-relative (/) and protocol/non-data (//).
The difference is that the old code looks for ‘//’ anywhere in the string, the new logic only looks for it at the start. So you cannot have http or https at the start. So this sort of CSS breaks:
while this works:
Once I changed my URLs in CSS to exclude the protocol, it was happy again. That said I think this is a bug and should be fixed. Let me know if I can provide any more details.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by grahambudd. Reason: adding @mentions
- This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by grahambudd.