Forum Replies Created
Hi @bwmarkle,
Unfortunately no I didn’t recieve an email, the webmaster for the website might have but he is away and I don’t have access to his email.
I will send him a message to see if he got anything. I’ll keep you posted.
Ben.Hi @bwmarkle,
Unfortunately after the Update to the plugin my WordPress site went into the critical error warning on all pages that came out with the WP update awhile ago for when something goes wrong.
I had to get the host to backup their server to a point in time before the update and luckily no one else on the server has been impacted by that update. I am still looking to see if it was the updraft update that caused it or something else. However, that was the only change made between the site working and it not.
BenHI @bwmarkle,
Looks like after the update the Sanity check worked.
I am running a full manual backup now to see the outcome.
[2020-10-14 23:30:31 UTC] PHP Version: 7.3.16
[2020-10-14 23:30:31 UTC] WordPress Version: 5.5.1
[2020-10-14 23:30:31 UTC] Total Upkeep version: 1.14.6
[2020-10-14 23:30:31 UTC] Backup process initialized.
[2020-10-14 23:30:31 UTC] ——————————————————————————–
[2020-10-14 23:30:31 UTC] Starting dump of database…
[2020-10-14 23:30:31 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74544144 (71.09 MB) / 75190288 (72 MB)
[2020-10-14 23:30:31 UTC] No database tables selected to backup. A database export will not be in this backup.
[2020-10-14 23:30:31 UTC] Dump of database complete! $status = 1
[2020-10-14 23:30:31 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74564736 (71.11 MB) / 75190288 (72 MB)
[2020-10-14 23:30:31 UTC] ——————————————————————————–
[2020-10-14 23:31:42 UTC] Starting archiving of files. Chosen compressor: system_zip
[2020-10-14 23:31:42 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74651408 (71.19 MB) / 96663144 (92 MB)
[2020-10-14 23:31:42 UTC] Starting to create list of files to include in zip.
[2020-10-14 23:31:42 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74615072 (71.16 MB) / 96663144 (92 MB)
[2020-10-14 23:31:42 UTC] Finished creating list of files to include in zip. 130 files in zip.
[2020-10-14 23:31:42 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74641456 (71.18 MB) / 96663144 (92 MB)
[2020-10-14 23:31:42 UTC] Starting to close the zip file.
[2020-10-14 23:31:42 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74619136 (71.16 MB) / 96663144 (92 MB)
[2020-10-14 23:31:45 UTC] Last error: Array
[type] => 2
[message] => mkdir(): File exists
[file] => /home/colmac_pestman/
[line] => 545
)[2020-10-14 23:31:45 UTC] Chunk closed in 2.710058927536 seconds. 100% complete closing
[2020-10-14 23:31:45 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74641352 (71.18 MB) / 96663144 (92 MB)
[2020-10-14 23:31:45 UTC] Finished closing the zip file.
[2020-10-14 23:31:45 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74620440 (71.16 MB) / 96663144 (92 MB)
[2020-10-14 23:31:45 UTC] Starting to add db dump to the zip file.
[2020-10-14 23:31:45 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74620440 (71.16 MB) / 96663144 (92 MB)
[2020-10-14 23:31:45 UTC] Finished adding db dump to the zip file.
[2020-10-14 23:31:45 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74620440 (71.16 MB) / 96663144 (92 MB)
[2020-10-14 23:31:45 UTC] Archiving of files complete!
[2020-10-14 23:31:45 UTC] Archive filepath / size: /home/colmac_pestman/boldgrid_backup/ / 1403479 (1.34 MB)
[2020-10-14 23:31:45 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74619800 (71.16 MB) / 96663144 (92 MB)
[2020-10-14 23:31:45 UTC] Starting sending of email…
[2020-10-14 23:31:53 UTC] Sending of email complete! Status: 1
[2020-10-14 23:31:54 UTC] Backup complete!
[2020-10-14 23:31:54 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74714088 (71.25 MB) / 96663144 (92 MB)Thanks for your help so far. Looks like we are getting somewhere
Hi @bwmarkle,
[2020-10-12 00:33:36 UTC] PHP Version: 7.3.16
[2020-10-12 00:33:36 UTC] WordPress Version: 5.5.1
[2020-10-12 00:33:36 UTC] Total Upkeep version: 1.14.5
[2020-10-12 00:33:36 UTC] Backup process initialized.
[2020-10-12 00:33:37 UTC] ——————————————————————————–
[2020-10-12 00:33:37 UTC] Starting dump of database…
[2020-10-12 00:33:37 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74510440 (71.06 MB) / 75155344 (72 MB)
[2020-10-12 00:33:37 UTC] No database tables selected to backup. A database export will not be in this backup.
[2020-10-12 00:33:37 UTC] Dump of database complete! $status = 1
[2020-10-12 00:33:37 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74531080 (71.08 MB) / 75155344 (72 MB)
[2020-10-12 00:33:37 UTC] ——————————————————————————–The above is the log from the sanity check I did the other day. The one below is from my attempt just now.
[2020-10-13 03:33:15 UTC] PHP Version: 7.3.16
[2020-10-13 03:33:15 UTC] WordPress Version: 5.5.1
[2020-10-13 03:33:15 UTC] Total Upkeep version: 1.14.5
[2020-10-13 03:33:15 UTC] Backup process initialized.
[2020-10-13 03:33:16 UTC] ——————————————————————————–
[2020-10-13 03:33:16 UTC] Starting dump of database…
[2020-10-13 03:33:16 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74496272 (71.05 MB) / 75141176 (72 MB)
[2020-10-13 03:33:16 UTC] No database tables selected to backup. A database export will not be in this backup.
[2020-10-13 03:33:16 UTC] Dump of database complete! $status = 1
[2020-10-13 03:33:16 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74516912 (71.06 MB) / 75141176 (72 MB)
[2020-10-13 03:33:16 UTC] ——————————————————————————–Hi @bwmarkle,
Manual backup – Yes.
Include – *.txt
Exclude – Empty
Yeah that is the full log.
I have also seen the server host activated the Automatic backups and this is the log from the one that ran this morninng at 0246 (I think the time between the site and the logs is off, do you know where the logs pull their time from? As they are 12 hours out from the displayed log time on the WP UI)
[2020-10-12 16:45:34 UTC] PHP Version: 7.3.16
[2020-10-12 16:45:34 UTC] WordPress Version: 5.5.1
[2020-10-12 16:45:34 UTC] Total Upkeep version: 1.14.5
[2020-10-12 16:45:34 UTC] Backup process initialized.
[2020-10-12 16:45:34 UTC] ——————————————————————————–
[2020-10-12 16:45:34 UTC] Starting dump of database…
[2020-10-12 16:45:34 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 75501544 (72.00 MB) / 76120184 (73 MB)
[2020-10-12 16:45:34 UTC] Database info: Array
[wp_ramvwz_actionscheduler_actions] => 41
[wp_ramvwz_actionscheduler_claims] => 0
[wp_ramvwz_actionscheduler_groups] => 2
[wp_ramvwz_actionscheduler_logs] => 121
[wp_ramvwz_ak_params] => 1
[wp_ramvwz_ak_profiles] => 1
[wp_ramvwz_ak_stats] => 1
[wp_ramvwz_ak_storage] => 2
[wp_ramvwz_ak_users] => 0
[wp_ramvwz_akeeba_common] => 3
[wp_ramvwz_commentmeta] => 0
[wp_ramvwz_comments] => 0
[wp_ramvwz_et_divi_ab_testing_stats] => 13895
[wp_ramvwz_frm_fields] => 15
[wp_ramvwz_frm_forms] => 2
[wp_ramvwz_frm_item_metas] => 0
[wp_ramvwz_frm_items] => 0
[wp_ramvwz_grp_google_place] => 1
[wp_ramvwz_grp_google_review] => 7
[wp_ramvwz_links] => 1
[wp_ramvwz_options] => 484
[wp_ramvwz_postmeta] => 646
[wp_ramvwz_posts] => 209
[wp_ramvwz_term_relationships] => 29
[wp_ramvwz_term_taxonomy] => 20
[wp_ramvwz_termmeta] => 13
[wp_ramvwz_terms] => 20
[wp_ramvwz_um_metadata] => 0
[wp_ramvwz_usermeta] => 128
[wp_ramvwz_users] => 3
[wp_ramvwz_wpforms_tasks_meta] => 15
[wp_ramvwz_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta] => 0
[wp_ramvwz_yoast_indexable] => 42
[wp_ramvwz_yoast_indexable_hierarchy] => 0
[wp_ramvwz_yoast_migrations] => 15
[wp_ramvwz_yoast_primary_term] => 0
[wp_ramvwz_yoast_seo_links] => 80
[wp_ramvwz_yoast_seo_meta] => 365
)[2020-10-12 16:45:35 UTC] Dump of database complete! $status = 1
[2020-10-12 16:45:35 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 75497656 (72.00 MB) / 77875896 (74 MB)
[2020-10-12 16:45:35 UTC] ——————————————————————————–
[2020-10-12 16:46:01 UTC] Database dump file added to file list: /home/colmac_pestman/boldgrid_backup/thepestman_com_au.20201012-164534.sql / 3444035 (3.28 MB)
[2020-10-12 16:46:01 UTC] Starting archiving of files. Chosen compressor: system_zip
[2020-10-12 16:46:01 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 93759968 (89.42 MB) / 95374904 (91 MB)
[2020-10-12 16:46:01 UTC] Starting to create list of files to include in zip.
[2020-10-12 16:46:01 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 93750016 (89.41 MB) / 95374904 (91 MB)
[2020-10-12 16:46:01 UTC] Finished creating list of files to include in zip. 28610 files in zip.
[2020-10-12 16:46:01 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 98544192 (93.98 MB) / 101743192 (97 MB)
[2020-10-12 16:46:01 UTC] Starting to close the zip file.
[2020-10-12 16:46:01 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 93754080 (89.41 MB) / 101743192 (97 MB)Cheers.
Hi @bwmarkle,
The Sanity Check seems to not have worked. Latest logs:
[2020-10-12 00:33:36 UTC] PHP Version: 7.3.16
[2020-10-12 00:33:36 UTC] WordPress Version: 5.5.1
[2020-10-12 00:33:36 UTC] Total Upkeep version: 1.14.5
[2020-10-12 00:33:36 UTC] Backup process initialized.
[2020-10-12 00:33:37 UTC] ——————————————————————————–
[2020-10-12 00:33:37 UTC] Starting dump of database…
[2020-10-12 00:33:37 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74510440 (71.06 MB) / 75155344 (72 MB)
[2020-10-12 00:33:37 UTC] No database tables selected to backup. A database export will not be in this backup.
[2020-10-12 00:33:37 UTC] Dump of database complete! $status = 1
[2020-10-12 00:33:37 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74531080 (71.08 MB) / 75155344 (72 MB)
[2020-10-12 00:33:37 UTC] ——————————————————————————–This seems to not have even tried to backup the .txt files at all.
Hi @jessecowens,
I have done the upgrade and the settings change.
This did progress further but now I am getting backup files that when I open them to view contents they don’t appear to correctly reflect modifications I did. For instance the last modified date on the Index.php is from Jan 9 2012 Which is before this website was even created.I don’t have to tell you my hesitation to use this backup with dates like that haha.
Logs from today: Note it appears to have stopped at 6%
[2020-10-08 23:34:58 UTC] PHP Version: 7.3.16
[2020-10-08 23:34:58 UTC] WordPress Version: 5.5.1
[2020-10-08 23:34:58 UTC] Total Upkeep version: 1.14.5
[2020-10-08 23:34:58 UTC] Backup process initialized.
[2020-10-08 23:34:58 UTC] ——————————————————————————–
[2020-10-08 23:34:58 UTC] Starting dump of database…
[2020-10-08 23:34:58 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74301024 (70.86 MB) / 74947992 (71 MB)
[2020-10-08 23:34:58 UTC] No database tables selected to backup. A database export will not be in this backup.
[2020-10-08 23:34:58 UTC] Dump of database complete! $status = 1
[2020-10-08 23:34:58 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 74321616 (70.88 MB) / 74947992 (71 MB)
[2020-10-08 23:34:58 UTC] ——————————————————————————–
[2020-10-08 23:36:07 UTC] Starting archiving of files. Chosen compressor: system_zip
[2020-10-08 23:36:07 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 94806824 (90.41 MB) / 96422192 (92 MB)
[2020-10-08 23:36:07 UTC] Starting to create list of files to include in zip.
[2020-10-08 23:36:07 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 94770488 (90.38 MB) / 96422192 (92 MB)
[2020-10-08 23:36:07 UTC] Finished creating list of files to include in zip. 28597 files in zip.
[2020-10-08 23:36:07 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 99563320 (94.95 MB) / 102762320 (98 MB)
[2020-10-08 23:36:07 UTC] Starting to close the zip file.
[2020-10-08 23:36:07 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 94774552 (90.38 MB) / 102762320 (98 MB)
[2020-10-08 23:36:21 UTC] Last error: Array
[type] => 2
[message] => mkdir(): File exists
[file] => /home/colmac_pestman/
[line] => 545
)[2020-10-08 23:36:21 UTC] Chunk closed in 13.239024162292 seconds. 3% complete closing
[2020-10-08 23:36:21 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 96195536 (91.74 MB) / 102762320 (98 MB)
[2020-10-08 23:36:36 UTC] Chunk closed in 15.238355875015 seconds. 6% complete closing
[2020-10-08 23:36:36 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 1073741824 / 96310224 (91.85 MB) / 102762320 (98 MB)Thanks for your help so far ??