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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] yarpp slow queriesI have also found this query has a very long execution time. I discovered it by using the plugin WPDB Profiler, which shows it as the worst of all the queries run when a page is displayed.
insert into wptable_yarpp_related_cache (reference_ID,ID,score) SELECT 2594, ID, (0+ (MATCH (post_content) AGAINST ('fast threat slow gear damage nerubian tank gain fc dps its weapons parry weapon avoidance rune runeforges total hand vs ')) * 1+ (MATCH (post_title) AGAINST ('wield threat dual effect speed weapon ')) * 1+ COUNT( DISTINCT tagtax.term_taxonomy_id ) * 1+ COUNT( DISTINCT cattax.term_taxonomy_id ) * 1) as score from wptable_posts left JOIN wptable_term_relationships AS thistag ON (thistag.object_id = 2594 ) left JOIN wptable_term_relationships AS tagrel on (tagrel.term_taxonomy_id = thistag.term_taxonomy_id AND tagrel.object_id = wptable_posts.ID) left JOIN wptable_term_taxonomy AS tagtax ON ( tagrel.term_taxonomy_id = tagtax.term_taxonomy_id AND tagtax.taxonomy = 'post_tag') left JOIN wptable_term_relationships AS thiscat ON (thiscat.object_id = 2594 ) left JOIN wptable_term_relationships AS catrel on (catrel.term_taxonomy_id = thiscat.term_taxonomy_id AND catrel.object_id = wptable_posts.ID) left JOIN wptable_term_taxonomy AS cattax ON ( catrel.term_taxonomy_id = cattax.term_taxonomy_id AND cattax.taxonomy = 'category') where (post_status IN ( 'publish', 'static' ) and ID != '2594') and post_password ='' and post_date > date_sub(now(), interval 6 month) group by id having score >= 4.00 order by score desc limit 6 on duplicate key update date = now()
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] tinyMCEcommentsI downloaded a new browser (Opera), cleared its cache, then went to this page: that page, the tinymcecomments do not appear in the add comment box.
Settings, in JS file management I have, in default group:
(footer not blocking)
(header)No others. I have a few CSS listed in their section, but not from mcecomments.
Then, when I log in, the mcecomments work again in Opera.Thanks for humouring me; I know it’s not an end-of-the-world problem, but would be interesting to solve.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Get Recent Comments] How to use it twice in 1 installationI have the same question.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] tinyMCEcommentsYes, I was talking about JS. I double-checked and have not got the tinyMCEcomments being minified nor css combined; it’s not there.
Yet, when I am logged out mcecomments do not work, when I am logged in they do work. The settings “Don’t cache pages for logged in users” does not change this behaviour.
Any ideas then on how I exclude it from being effected? Seems peculiar.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] Minify troubleshooting: WP Ajax Edit commentsThanks, paying more attention to the GET ? seems to allow me to minify it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] tinyMCEcommentsAhhh I see, thank you. I didn’t realise it could just be flat-out incompatible with Minify.
Is there an ‘exclude this code’ section somewhere I am missing, so I can prevent w3tc from trying?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: TinyMCEComments] Very “interesting” problem in wp 2.9I’ve not seen this, sorry.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] This is mother of all wp cache plug-insAgreed!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] MobilePress compatibilityI just swapped back to W3 Total Cache, and also changed to WP Touch (for mobile users). I have done as Strictly suggested, too:
1) copied mobile user list from the existing field, provided on install
2) pasted into rejected user agents
3) deleted the mobile user list
4) saved.I can confirm it’s compatible.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Section Widget] Keep same tab when switching pagesI worked out, with help of my own site reader, that this is the code to insert. I’m not sure into which file to put it into?
var $tabs = $('#example').tabs(); var selected = $tabs.tabs('option', 'selected'); // => 0
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: TinyMCEComments] Not working with nested comments in 2.70.48 from MK fixed the nesting Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Section Widget] Keep same tab when switching pagesI think you refer to this code element as the solution, yes?…immediately_select_a_just_added_tabin which case, we stick that code within the plugin source code as instructed there?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Section Widget] Multiple lines of tab, makes them jump aroundThanks. Done.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Allow contributor to upload mediaMembers is great, thanks for the referral.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] CPU usage?Thanks Frederick.