Forum Replies Created

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  • Thread Starter Grazia1969


    Hi thanks for the suggestion but it keeps expanding (the height of the menu container). You can have a look here , it does it with – nice drop down with flags – and with – float

    Thread Starter Grazia1969



    All I need is a dropdown with flags that doesn’t expand, thank you so much for your reply

    Thread Starter Grazia1969


    Hi Frank, thanks for your prompt reply. There are subdomains connected to the main site (separate wordpress installed sites) but Autoptimize plugin it’s installed only on the main site.
    Alse the plugin is deactivated but I can still see that is working on the page – on the top bar with cache information

    Thread Starter Grazia1969


    sorted, it’s working now!

    Thread Starter Grazia1969


    Hi, I updated everything but still nothing.
    As I said the feed is from

    On the homepage the feed is working, as you can see by clicking on the links (bottom left – Penelope / Chiatto) but is not importing the image.
    The feed is custom post types.

    Thank you so much for your help

    Thread Starter Grazia1969


    Thank you for your prompt reply! That’s the way I always do it, I thought I could use the plugin to give a print command directly bypassing the opening in a new page. Thank you again

    Thread Starter Grazia1969


    Thanks I can see it now ??

    Thread Starter Grazia1969


    Basically I’m trying to create a cpt for dog breeds (Razze Cani) and the taxonomies for Breed Name and Size

    Thread Starter Grazia1969


    ### Begin Custom Post Type UI Debug Info ###

    Multisite: No


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    {“razze_cani”:{“name”:”razze_cani”,”label”:”Razze Cani”,”singular_label”:”Razza Cane”,”description”:”lista di razze canine”,”public”:”true”,”publicly_queryable”:”true”,”show_ui”:”true”,”show_in_nav_menus”:”true”,”show_in_rest”:”false”,”rest_base”:””,”has_archive”:”false”,”has_archive_string”:””,”exclude_from_search”:”false”,”capability_type”:”post”,”hierarchical”:”false”,”rewrite”:”true”,”rewrite_slug”:””,”rewrite_withfront”:”true”,”query_var”:”true”,”query_var_slug”:””,”menu_position”:””,”show_in_menu”:”true”,”show_in_menu_string”:”Razze Canine”,”menu_icon”:”<i class=\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\”fa icon-eye\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\”><\/i>”,”supports”:[“title”,”editor”,”thumbnail”],”taxonomies”:[“nome_razza”,”taglia”],”labels”:{“menu_name”:”Razze Canine”,”all_items”:””,”add_new”:””,”add_new_item”:””,”edit_item”:””,”new_item”:””,”view_item”:””,”search_items”:””,”not_found”:””,”not_found_in_trash”:””,”parent_item_colon”:””,”featured_image”:””,”set_featured_image”:””,”remove_featured_image”:””,”use_featured_image”:””,”archives”:””,”insert_into_item”:””,”uploaded_to_this_item”:””,”filter_items_list”:””,”items_list_navigation”:””,”items_list”:””},”custom_supports”:””}}


    ### End Debug Info ###

    Thread Starter Grazia1969


    I have upgraded the plugin and it’s working now ??

    Thread Starter Grazia1969


    I have upgraded the plugin and it’s working now ??

    Thread Starter Grazia1969


    I have upgraded the plugin and it’s working now ??

    Thread Starter Grazia1969


    I have checked it but it’s not working for some reason – I have tested it other pages and the Screen options button is working but, when on Listing, on click it’s not responding.
    Is there a code that I can check controlling the Screen Options button?
    Now I have 9 listings and it’s only showing the last one.
    thank you for your interest

    Thread Starter Grazia1969


    I figured out how to change taxonomy names in class-taxonomies.php

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