I noticed a similar thing showing up in my website’s stats in the ‘click paths’:
/myproxies/azenv.php which from the root of my site does not exist.
Yahoo says azenv.php is ‘A list of environment checkers and ProxyJudges, especially prxjdg and azenv scripts’
When I googled ‘myproxies/azenv.php’ I kept get results pages that showed me other people’s website stats when I clicked on them! Not sure if these were intentionally posted or not, I know that my own stats require a username/password.
Not sure if this any help whatsoever but it is kind of odd.
Also, maybe not relevant to your situation but in the case of /myproxies/azenv.php (i assume azenv means a to z envelope?) I kept seeing htp://scifi.pages.at/myproxies/azenv.php (I took out a t from http to break the link) which links to a German site that has a php script on it.