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  • Plugin Author Bjoern


    I just tested Tribe Cache and the first thing that bothered me is that you can’t select which cache method to use and it doesn’t display any Information about installed caches. It selects the used cache method in a fixed order and if none is detected, it falls back silently to WordPress’ native cache (which isn’t persistent).

    WPPP “detects” an installed object cache simply by checking if the file object-cache.php exists, which exists when using Tribe Cache, even if it falls back to WordPress cache implementation.

    Plugin Author Bjoern


    In my tests using APC Object Cache ( caching improves performance. But to do so, it must be installed correctly (the plugin and APC itself). I guess the same goes for other caching methods like XCache.

    My guess is, that something is wrong with your cache installation. Maybe not the plugin itself, but the server side cache.

    I’ll upload version 1.0 of WPPP later today, which features amongst other things debug infos about caching. With that version you can check if any translations got loaded from cache or not.

    And if caching just doesn’t work with your hosting environment: I could tune WPPPs Mo-Dynamic implementation a little more in 1.0, even without caching.

    Plugin Author Bjoern


    WPPP doesn’t create any Folders except for sub folders in the language dir (which is needed for native gettext, but the folders are even created when gettext is disabled… thats something I’ve got to rework for 1.0).

    mu folder, if you mean mu-plugins, could be created by some plugins, e.g. P3 Plugin Profiler. It was introduced for multisite once but since it’s been dubbed “must use plugins”.

    Plugin Author Bjoern


    I reworked caching and it now (version 0.9) uses way less cache space.

    Directly after activating an object cache the first calls of your wordpress might be slower, as the cache Needs to be filled first (and since not only WPPP uses the cache, and caches like APC also cache PHP object code) this can take a while. The second time it should be faster. But the cache has to work. If something is not working with the object cache itself, this will slow down your site, as data will be cached, but can’t be retrieved (which makes caching a useless overhead, like it would be if you use it without a persistent object cache).

    If caching still slows down your site, try different caching options if available.

    Plugin Author Bjoern


    Which cache type do you use with tribe cache? Did it become gradually slower?

    I’ll include some extra cache debugging in the next WPPP version. Maybe that can help to identify the cause.

    Edit: Maybe you are running out of cache memory. E.g. default cache Memory for APC is 32MB which is used up quite fast (you can use WP APC Panel plugin to check your cache memory). Translations can take up quite a lot cache memory, the way WPPP cach works right now.

    Plugin Author Bjoern


    Version 0.8 introduces the option to select a default user setting for backend translation, just as you suggested.

    Plugin Author Bjoern


    Version 0.8 contains the fix.

    Plugin Author Bjoern


    Do you mean the plugin MO Cache? No need to use that if you activate MO-Dynamic caching in WPPP.

    Plugin Author Bjoern


    Hi, thanks the info. I already found that bug earlier today and could fix it. Update is coming later today.



    WP Performance Pack can make that possible. It allows you to disable admin translations but let each user reenable them in his user profile.

    Plugin Author Bjoern


    Only some minor changes since 0.6.2. I’m reaching the limit of optimizing translations without WordPress core patches. I’ve got only a few items left on my to do list, mostly regarding cache expiration times.

    Plugin Author Bjoern


    Found that (stupid) bug too. Should be fixed with 0.7.2

    Plugin Author Bjoern


    The view change should be fixed with 0.7.1.

    Plugin Author Bjoern


    Take a look at the update (v0.7). It features a new “simplified” interface. Any feedback is welcome.

    Some more polishing is required (internal and external – e.g. code cleanup and the help needs a complete rework), but I’m nearing verion 1.0 which will mark the “finish” of the translation optimizations.

    Plugin Author Bjoern


    Which object cache is best depends on your hosting environment and if any advanced caching options are available. For APC or similar ro work APC has to be installed on your host.

    Most object caches offer some simple methods like DB cache or file cache which should be available on most Hosting evironments. But the performance of these might not be very good.

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