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  • Thread Starter gregor3001



    Thank you for the help. It appears i then understood the example (old to new shortcode)from the FAQ correctly. However, the search regex appears to no longer work as it gives a “There are no results.” message. A search & replace plugin found the short code and can do the replacement.

    I suggest you include a plugin that supports the latest WP in the guide / FAQ.

    Marking this one as solved.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by gregor3001.
    Thread Starter gregor3001


    Hello wflandon – i forgot to mention that i already did the blacklist scan and it passed well.

    As i mentioned – other email from wordfence arrives well (test e-mail, block info…). it’s only the “plugin needs an update” e-mail that does not arrive (or is perhaps not even sent?!). and i doubt this has something to do with the host.

    Thread Starter gregor3001


    It appears wordfence is sending emails that deal with intrusion attempts and similar (e.g. user blocked and such) but it doesn’t send me the alert that a plugin needs to be updated. What is wrong? is this feature no longer available?

    Thread Starter gregor3001


    Thank you for the suggestion. I tested it and for some reason payment over paypal testing account gave me a pending payment. otherwise it seem to be easy to configure and setup.
    in any case i also checked their PDF stamp addon. do you maybe know if they use fpdf for it? the addon has way more features than i would need.

    Thread Starter gregor3001


    edit funny though that last system scan in siteinfo is showing UTC or local (can’t be sure as this was auto scan):
    Last filesystem scan September 17, 2014 18:46

    Thread Starter gregor3001


    Version 1.7.0

    UTC time is 2014-09-17 18:47:37 Local time is 2014-09-17 19:47:37

    last plugin update (just about now +/- 5min):
    September 17, 2014 14:46

    Thread Starter gregor3001


    That is awesome!

    Thread Starter gregor3001


    this kind of answer doesn’t make me sleep at night ?? i am not ready to give up on updraft just yet. i like the interafce and i know it can do it as i saw it backup the database the first time i installed it.

    I have a programer i can contact. but before i do that – i was just watching a how to for another backup option. i noticed that they need a folder where token is saved (i am guessing from dropbox). is there something like that in this plugin? Because if it is i would probably need to manually add it (the folder) and give it at least temporary write permissions.

    after a hack i had to restore form old backup and then i hardened the site as much as i could and most folders are fully locked down now. if there is somehtign that dropbox is supposed to save in a plugin subfolder it probably can’t do it now.

    Thread Starter gregor3001


    I’ve now wiped all the settings. thn went to settings, set it to dropbox, saved, went back to settigns, clicked on the link to authenticate with dropbox and it went to dropbox immediatelly with this message there:

    The request to link the app is invalid.

    Thread Starter gregor3001


    i’ve somehow manager to re-authenticate the site. i immediatelly triggered a backup session to see if it will back it up to dropbox or not. nothing got uploaded. As far as i can tell only the first time i ran this plugin the database files were uploaded but nothing else. after that nothing get’s uploaded not even database files.
    here is an excerpt from the log:

    17717.420 (8) Cloud backup selection: dropbox
    17717.429 (8) Beginning dispatch of backup to remote (dropbox)
    17717.430 (8) Dropbox: begin cloud upload
    17718.386 (8) Parameter not found: oauth_token - need to reauthenticate this site with Dropbox (if this fails, then you can also try wiping your settings from the Expert Settings section)
    17719.342 (8) Dropbox reauthorisation needed; but we are running from cron, AJAX or the CLI, so this is not possible
    17719.344 (8) Dropbox Curl error: You need to re-authenticate with Dropbox, as your existing credentials are not working.
    17719.347 (8) An error condition has occurred for the first time during this job
    17719.348 (8) Dropbox error when trying to gain access: You do not appear to be authenticated with Dropbox (line: 84, file: /home/mithrasi/public_html/wp/wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/methods/dropbox.php)

    could Sucuri or Wordfence security plugins be somehow stoping the plugin? Why do i not appear to be authenticated with Dropbox if i managed to authenticate myself and that line with this message was gone before i started to perform a backup? Is there actualyl another way to see if i am authenticated or not? if updraft plus is authenticated or now on dropbox?

    Thread Starter gregor3001


    The settings were wipped succesfully, but this had no effect. I get the same message after tryign to authenticate. Is it possible my host is blocking me somehow? Would i be able to see that in some log?

    While i do have Sucuri and wordfence security plugins installed i did not have them on my first attempt at this. And like i wrote in the first attempt the databases were backedup succesfully but not the files.

    Thread Starter gregor3001


    note – this

    wiping your settings from the Expert Settings section

    did not work.

    the funny thing is it was succesfully authenticated before but when transfer is attempted….

    Thread Starter gregor3001


    Dropbox now – the first time it succesfulyl uploaded the databse however now it keeps saying i need to authenticate with dropbox (not sure why thi sis again needed). bu twhen clickign the link i get this message in dropbox: The request to link the app is invalid.

    the log says:

    3264.556 (3) Dropbox reauthorisation needed; but we are running from cron, AJAX or the CLI, so this is not possible
    3264.557 (3) Dropbox Curl error: You need to re-authenticate with Dropbox, as your existing credentials are not working.
    3264.559 (3) 1407698311: this backup set remains non-empty (0/1); will retain in history
    3264.560 (3) Examining backup set with datestamp: 1407698243 (Aug 10 2014 19:17:23)
    3265.419 (3) Parameter not found: oauth_token - need to reauthenticate this site with Dropbox (if this fails, then you can also try wiping your settings from the Expert Settings section)
    3266.337 (3) Dropbox reauthorisation needed; but we are running from cron, AJAX or the CLI, so this is not possible
    3266.339 (3) Dropbox Curl error: You need to re-authenticate with Dropbox, as your existing credentials are not working.
    3266.340 (3) 1407698243: this backup set remains non-empty (1/0); will retain in history
    3266.341 (3) Examining backup set with datestamp: 1407093584 (Aug 03 2014 19:19:44)
    3266.342 (3) 1407093584: db: this set includes a database (backup_2014-08-03-2019_Tasty_Indonesian_Food_dfe1550bfdb2-db.gz); db count is now 2
    3267.224 (3) Parameter not found: oauth_token - need to reauthenticate this site with Dropbox (if this fails, then you can also try wiping your settings from the Expert Settings section)

    Thread Starter gregor3001


    We had to delete the whole WP directory anyway. We registered and then used the dropbox. It backed up the databases fine to dropbox but couldn’t backup the rest of WP. Waiting now to see what it will do on next scheduled backup.

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