Forum Replies Created
Thanks a lot for giving me some light on this!!!
Now everything started to fall into place for me:
The Post Type Slug field is used in the database. Therefore, there is a need for its value to be unique. (I mean, it should not be the same as the names of other objects in the database.) But as a result, it will not always be human and SEO friendly.
This is why we need a field that would overwrite this field.
And the fact that we have two such fields is also an advantage. Thanks to this, we can have a different slug for the archive and a different one for individual postws. I think there are times when it is useful for SEO.
And one last thing. I did a similar experiment as you did. When a value is removed from the Custom Rewrite Slug field, the slug for the individual posts is taken from the Post Type Slug field.
Best wishes!
GrzegorzForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Attaching images to posts vs displaying them in the postsOK ??
Thanks for the explanation!
I found the solution ??
It is enough to replace
add_filter( 'jvm_richtext_icons_css_file', 'add_my_css');
add_filter( 'jvm_richtext_icons_css_file', 'add_my_css', 10, 1);
Only now I noticed Global Preset Priority setting. And I think it solves my problem ??Grzegorz
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YayMail - WooCommerce Email Customizer] Installation failed: log.txt issueHi!
It works now ??
Thank you very much!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CodeMirror Blocks] Background color of active line and selected textHi!
I found that for code sellection the following snippet works:
div.CodeMirror-selected { background: green !important; }
thank you! ??
GrzegorzForum: Plugins
In reply to: [CodeMirror Blocks] Background color of active line and selected textHi!
Thank you very much!
It works very well. Just one modification:
Instead of background I put background-color
??What about background color of code text selected by cursor?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CodeMirror Blocks] Execute Code buttonHi!
Yes, I know it is not for all languases.
I am very happy that control at Block Level will be available soon ??
Thank you very much!
Please take a look on my previous question: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Blocksy] WooCommerce only for pro?OK.
Thank you very much for your answer!
GrzegorzForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Blocksy] WooCommerce only for pro?I have no WooCommerce experience yet. So maybe my question didn’t make sense. So I’ll try again.
I am watching one of the tutorials ( about the free Blocksy.
I can see that there you can add a Cart item to the menu. Unfortunately, I do not have such an option.
So do I just need to install a WooCommerce plugin?
worm regards!
GrzegorzForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Blocksy] Multilanguage page with BlocksyOK
Thank you very much for info!
It works now! Thank you very much!!!
In fact, I had the wp_reset_postdata () before, but after the “return …” line, not before it.
You are right!
At the moment I do not know what exactly but somothing is wrong with my loop.I commented it and allow to display just text and it works!
I will let you know when I find what is going on.
thanks a lot!It is my first loop in php! So I have no experience how to properly code it ??
The aim of my shortcode is to display all ski images of accessories.
Images are taken from simple Custom Post Type (“akcesoria”): only post title and featured image.I have prepared two pages to explain the issue.
In both of them I have selected “Insert table of contents” and headings (h3, h4) checkboxes.First page: content:
<h3>Sapien sed neque</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet sapien sed neque.</p> <h4>Sed enim consectetue</h4> <h3>Fusce quam eu</h3> <p>Sagittis ultricies. Donec odio a purus. Fusce quam porta nisl.</p>
Second page: content:
<h3>Sapien sed neque</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet sapien sed neque.</p> <h4>Sed enim consectetue</h4> <h3>Fusce quam eu</h3> <p>Sagittis ultricies. Donec odio a purus. Fusce quam porta nisl.</p> [display-accessories]
First page displays Table of Contents.
Second not, but displays table of images.I do not think it is important but just in case there is the snippet of my shortcode:
function display_accessories_function() { $args = array('post_type' => 'akcesoria', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page'=>-1 ); $loop = new WP_Query( $args ); $unpaired_loop = true; $number_of_accessories = 0; if ( $loop->have_posts() ) : while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post(); $number_of_accessories = $number_of_accessories + 1; $akcesorium = get_the_title(); $akcesorium_featured_img_url = get_the_post_thumbnail_url(); if($unpaired_loop){ $col_1 = '[su_row class=""] [su_column size="1/2" center="no" class=""] <h5>' . $akcesorium . '</h5> <img src="' . $akcesorium_featured_img_url . '" > [/su_column]'; $unpaired_loop = false; $last_akcesorium = $akcesorium; $last_akcesorium_featured_img_url = $akcesorium_featured_img_url; } else { $col_2 = ' [su_column size="1/2" center="no" class=""] <h5>' . $akcesorium . '</h5> <img src="' . $akcesorium_featured_img_url . '" > [/su_column] [/su_row]'; $unpaired_loop = true; } if($unpaired_loop) { $accessories_table = $accessories_table . $col_1 . $col_2; } endwhile; endif; if ( $number_of_accessories & 1 ) { $accessories_table = $accessories_table . '[su_row class=""] [su_column size="1/2" center="no" class="kol_1"] <h5>' . $last_akcesorium . '</h5> <img src="' . $last_akcesorium_featured_img_url . '" > [/su_column] [/su_row]'; } return do_shortcode($accessories_table); } add_shortcode('display-accessories', 'display_accessories_function');
After some tests I think you are right. But fortunately I found which php files I can modify to remove Featured Images. Thank you once again!