Thank you for the quick reply!
Well, I got it fixed as well as I know how… Most of the errors were coming from a couple of cruddy plugins I installed. But I have no idea what to do with the remaining errors and the post titles are still not right. I got an error with </body> and </html>:
# Error Line 260, Column 7: XML Parsing Error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: div line 78 and body .
# Error Line 261, Column 7: XML Parsing Error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: div line 36 and html .
As far as I know, that is the correct way to end those tags.
Also this error:
Line 36, Column 0: start tag was here .
<div id="Wrapper">
Also, a couple errors seems to be generated by a plugin like is my footer. Somewhere, something is adding an extra </div> AFTER </html> but I do not see it in my code for theme.
Any help on these remaining errors would be greatly appreciated!