Thanks Aleister and Dgold!
Dgold, I agree, your way seems easier, but I’m worried the authors will just forget to select a category and I don’t want to be spending all my time editing their posts. I’m dealing with a group of people who are new to blogging and (for some) new to using the internet for anything other than email and yahoo.
Would I be able to use subdomains with either method? i.e.
In all honesty I’m surprised that multiple blogs haven’t been implemented into WP yet, as it has in MT. Having to do a separate install for each user limits the feasibility, especially if someone needs to do this for a larger number of users.
Would it be hard to add multiple blog functionality to WP? I was going to pay the $200 MT commercial license anyways, so maybe if a few other people chipped in, we could pay someone to program it for us and then release the code under GPL?