Forum Replies Created
Same problem here.
All my reviews no longer are displaying the stars when searching at google… i think it’s not a problem of the algorithm because other wordpress sites still using sucessfully this plugin with Google Rich Snippets….Same problem here….
Is there anything we can do to get back the stars rating when searching at google?
Weird stuff… i have some reviews on my website and they where appearing at google with the rating stars until one month ago, and now not even one link is appearing with the stars…If i make a search at google i see many other sites using this plugin that still have the stars rating, like this search:…5700.6274.5.6408.…1c.1.mtE0B1gEIuk&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41524429,d.ZG4&fp=2133deba519e1bd2&biw=1137&bih=752
Thanks for any help solving this problem.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Help with dropdown menu text – aligned rightOk sorry, didn’t know i could not post in here regarding commercial themes. I’ve contacted them, they say not possible, but just found now the demo with text aligned center…
I’m new to wordpress, sorry about newbie questions.
And not exactly theme-related,another question, how can i make disappear “categories”, “archives” and “search” box from right side from pages!?!?