GS Plugins
Forum Replies Created
Thanks for the update.
No board available named etched-slate-coasters
Correct board name is htv-pillowsPlease recheck.
Thanks / Sarwar
Hi @doylegirl
Thanks for your query.
Please check demo –
Under each demo shortcode mentioned to use –
[gs_pinterest user="pinterest" board="our-san-francisco-picks" count="20" theme="gs_pin_theme1" cols="4"]
replace your user & boardname.
Let us know for any assistance.
Thanks / Sarwar
Hi @krzxsiek ,
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Just released new version (1.8.10) with the captcha fix.
Please upgrade to latest version.Let us know know if you face any other issue.
I’ll be great-full if you change the rating, sorry again.
Thanks / Sarwar
Hi All,
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Just released new version (1.8.10) with the captcha fix.
Please upgrade to latest version.Let us know know if you face any other issue.
Thanks / Sarwar
Thanks for the concern.
Can you please write details at our Support?
Captcha should not display, anyway need to investigate.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Regards / Sarwar
Hi JP,
Thanks a ton for your cooperation.
Keep in touch & let us know for any assistance.
Thanks / Sarwar
Hi JP,
Thanks for the concern.
Can you please contact here & write more details with your site link?
Thanks / Sarwar
Hi @tracian
Thanks for your query.
To remove the “Book details” text add below css to Customizer.
.gs_book_theme1 .gs-book-desc a { display: none; }
To align-left the fields like “author”, “publisher” add below css to Customizer.
.gs_book_theme1 .gs-bookshowcase-info { text-align: left; }
Or just copy below css & add –
.gs_book_theme1 .gs-book-desc a { display: none; } .gs_book_theme1 .gs-bookshowcase-info { text-align: left; }
Let us know for assistance.
Thanks / Sarwar
Hi Iker,
Thanks for the concern.
Which version of Books plugin you are using – free or pro?
At free version Single Books Template not included.
Single Books page demo.For pro version please contact here.
Please go to WP Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks.
It’ll flush the url & single page will display instead of 404.Let us know for any assistance.
Thanks / Sarwar
Thanks a ton.
Keep in touch.Sarwar / GS Plugins
Hi Amarnath,
Thanks for the query.
Testimonial linking option not available right now.
Hope to add at later release.Thanks / Sarwar
Thanks for your query.
For Pro version query / concern, please write here.
Right now, single key don’t work on multiple site but we have plan for Localhost/Staging Environment later.
Thanks / Sarwar
Thanks a ton.
Keep in touch ??Thanks for the update.
Shortcode updated at Logo Slider demo site.
GS Logo With Theme : Slider – Default Color
Use following shortcode to display GS Logo With Theme : Slider – Default Color & Tooltip.
[gs_logo theme=”slider1″ tooltip=”tooltip”]
[gs_logo theme=”slider1″ tooltip=”tooltip” logo_cat=”clients,projects”]*logo_cat=”clients,projects” .. replace your logo category slug instead of clients,projects
Thanks / Sarwar
Thanks for the update.
Please use below shortcode –
[gs_logo theme=”slider1″ order=”ASC”]Previously Logo category was not available at free version but added at recent version.
Thanks / Sarwar