Forum Replies Created
Thanks a lot!
I’ll be waiting for it =)
Sure! It’s a rather long code… It’s in portuguese, but that should not be problem.
<label for=”wbk-name”>Nome da Equipe</label>[text* wbk-name class:wbk-text id:wbk-name]
<label for=”numero”>Número de integrantes</label>[select* numero class:wbk-select id:numero include_blank “3” “4” “5”]
<label for=”segunda”>Escolha uma tecnologia como segunda op??o</label>[select* segunda class:wbk-select id:segunda include_blank “0040_XILITOL” “0098_SEDA” “0147_POSTE” “0152_PENEIRAS MOLECULARES” “0176_LARANJA” “0192_CARNES” “0460_INDUSTRIAIS” “0624_FOTOELETROQUIMICAS” “0633_MICROREATOR” “0956_CEREVISIAE 127” “1008_CICLOPIROX” “1023_MICROBIORREATOR” “1025_CUMARINA” “1027_PLLA” “1028_DETEC??O” “1029_ESPIRA” “1035_BISFENOL” “1036_MUCOADESIVAS” “1037_CONFEITOS” “1040_INTEGRAIS” “1041_EPOXIDO” “1047_GENES” “1048_CELULASE” “1052_DEPLECAO” “1058_MANTEIGA” “1060_MULTIFUN??O” “1061_DISTRIBUIDOR” “1066_MALARIA” “1067_PREVIS?O” “1068_OSSEO” “1072_ACIDOS” “” “1077_FALCIFORME” “1079_PARENTERAL_P” “1081_ETIQUETA” “1082_CONTRACAO” “1083_LAMAS” “1085_CONDICIONADOR” “1096_CEREVISIAE 142” “1102_SINVASTATINA” “1104_SAMPLING” “1107_BIOCATALISE” “1109_CLOROGENICO” “1114_PLE” “1116_ESTATICOS” “1119_INJETOR” “1120_FOTOCATALITICO” “1121_RESISTENTE” “1123_FEBRE PURPURA” “1124_HIDROFOBICOS” “1125_INTEGRAL” “1126_FIBROSE” “1127_CISTICA” “1129_ESPUMA” “1142_FITOESTEROIS” “1145_ARABIDOPSIS” “1146_LIPIDICO” “1148_VORTEX” “1152_ANESTESICO” “1155_BIOPOLIMERICO” “1157_CONDUTORES” “1165_PCM” “1166_DESCASCADOR” “1171_RMN” “1194_IMOBILIZADAS” “PC064_RT2-Bus” “PC109_STOCKMOS” “PC110_TADDE” “PC111_RDM” “PC112_MultiMinFTTH” “PC113_Hipnos Acustica_P” “PC120_CITRIM” “PC126_BEHELPS 2.0” “PC130_SISCOFAD”]
<label for=”wbk-email”>E-mail para contato</label>[text* wbk-email class:wbk-text id:wbk-email]
<h5>Participante 1:</h5>
<label for=”nome1″>Nome Completo</label>[text* nome1 class:wbk-text id:nome1]
<label for=”rg1″>Documento de Identidade (RG)</label>[text* rg1 class:wbk-text id:rg1]
<label for=”your-email1″>E-mail</label>[text* your-email1 class:wbk-text id:your-email1]
<label for=”wbk-phone”>Telefone</label>[text* wbk-phone class:wbk-text id:wbk-phone]
<label for=”endereco1″>Endere?o Completo</label>[text* endereco1 class:wbk-text id:endereco1]
<label for=”universidade1″>Institui??o ou Universidade</label>[select* universidade1 class:wbk-select id:universidade1 include_blank “Cotil” “Cotuca” “Esamc” “Facamp” “Mackenzie Campinas” “Puc Campinas” “Ufscar” “Unesp” “Unicamp” “Unip Campinas” “USP” “Outros”]
<label for=”outra1″>Outra institui??o ou universidade?</label>[text outra1 class:wbk-text id:outra1]
<label for=”participou1″>Já participou de outra edi??o do Desafio Unicamp?</label>[select* participou1 class:wbk-select id:participou1 include_blank “Sim” “N?o”]
<h5>Participante 2:</h5>
<label for=”nome2″>Nome Completo</label>[text* nome2 class:wbk-text id:nome2]
<label for=”rg2″>Documento de Identidade (RG)</label>[text* rg2 class:wbk-text id:rg2]
<label for=”your-email2″>E-mail</label>[text* your-email2 class:wbk-text id:your-email2]
<label for=”fone2″>Telefone</label>[text* fone2 class:wbk-text id:fone2]
<label for=”endereco2″>Endere?o Completo</label>[text* endereco2 class:wbk-text id:endereco2]
<label for=”universidade2″>Institui??o ou Universidade</label>[select* universidade2 class:wbk-select id:universidade2 include_blank “Cotil” “Cotuca” “Esamc” “Facamp” “Mackenzie Campinas” “Puc Campinas” “Ufscar” “Unesp” “Unicamp” “Unip Campinas” “USP” “Outros”]
<label for=”outra2″>Outra institui??o ou universidade?</label>[text outra2 class:wbk-text id:outra2]
<label for=”participou2″>Já participou de outra edi??o do Desafio Unicamp?</label>[select* participou2 class:wbk-select id:participou2 include_blank “Sim” “N?o”]
<h5>Participante 3:</h5>
<label for=”nome3″>Nome Completo</label>[text* nome3 class:wbk-text id:nome3]
<label for=”rg3″>Documento de Identidade (RG)</label>[text* rg3 class:wbk-text id:rg3]
<label for=”your-email3″>E-mail</label>[text* your-email3 class:wbk-text id:your-email3]
<label for=”fone3″>Telefone</label>[text* fone3 class:wbk-text id:fone3]
<label for=”endereco3″>Endere?o Completo</label>[text* endereco3 class:wbk-text id:endereco3]
<label for=”universidade3″>Institui??o ou Universidade</label>[select* universidade3 class:wbk-select id:universidade3 include_blank “Cotil” “Cotuca” “Esamc” “Facamp” “Mackenzie Campinas” “Puc Campinas” “Ufscar” “Unesp” “Unicamp” “Unip Campinas” “USP” “Outros”]
<label for=”outra3″>Outra institui??o ou universidade?</label>[text outra3 class:wbk-text id:outra3]
<label for=”participou3″>Já participou de outra edi??o do Desafio Unicamp?</label>[select* participou3 class:wbk-select id:participou3 include_blank “Sim” “N?o”]
<h5>Participante 4:</h5>
<label for=”nome4″>Nome Completo</label>[text nome4 class:wbk-text id:nome4]
<label for=”rg4″>Documento de Identidade (RG)</label>[text rg4 class:wbk-text id:rg4]
<label for=”your-email4″>E-mail</label>[text your-email4 class:wbk-text id:your-email4]
<label for=”fone4″>Telefone</label>[text fone4 class:wbk-text id:fone4]
<label for=”endereco4″>Endere?o Completo</label>[text endereco4 class:wbk-text id:endereco4]
<label for=”universidade4″>Institui??o ou Universidade</label>[select universidade4 class:wbk-select id:universidade4 include_blank “Cotil” “Cotuca” “Esamc” “Facamp” “Mackenzie Campinas” “Puc Campinas” “Ufscar” “Unesp” “Unicamp” “Unip Campinas” “USP” “Outros”]
<label for=”outra4″>Outra institui??o ou universidade?</label>[text outra4 class:wbk-text id:outra4]
<label for=”participou4″>Já participou de outra edi??o do Desafio Unicamp?</label>[select participou4 class:wbk-select id:participou4 include_blank “Sim” “N?o”]
<h5>Participante 5:</h5>
<label for=”nome5″>Nome Completo</label>[text nome5 class:wbk-text id:nome5]
<label for=”rg5″>Documento de Identidade (RG)</label>[text rg5 class:wbk-text id:rg5]
<label for=”your-email5″>E-mail</label>[text your-email5 class:wbk-text id:your-email5]
<label for=”fone5″>Telefone</label>[text fone5 class:wbk-text id:fone5]
<label for=”endereco5″>Endere?o Completo</label>[text endereco5 class:wbk-text id:endereco5]
<label for=”universidade5″>Institui??o ou Universidade</label>[select universidade5 class:wbk-select id:universidade5 include_blank “Cotil” “Cotuca” “Esamc” “Facamp” “Mackenzie Campinas” “Puc Campinas” “Ufscar” “Unesp” “Unicamp” “Unip Campinas” “USP” “Outros”]
<label for=”outra5″>Outra institui??o ou universidade?</label>[text outra5 class:wbk-text id:outra5]
<label for=”participou5″>Já participou de outra edi??o do Desafio Unicamp?</label>[select participou5 class:wbk-select id:participou5 include_blank “Sim” “N?o”]
Ao realizar a inscri??o, todos os integrantes da equipe est?o concordando com os termos aqui apresentados
[acceptance concordo “Concordamos com os termos”]
[hidden wbk-comment class:wbk-textarea id:wbk-comment]Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Before Download] 404 error on direct linkHi!
My problem was that the plugin folder had wrong access permissions due to faulty server configuration and therefore the site was not able to find the download.php file. Try checking your ftp privileges and if your plugin folder is correctly named as “email-before-download” (I’ve noticed that sometimes if you download through github it gets named “email-before-download-master”).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email Before Download] 404 error on direct linkThanks!
This helps a lot. I’ll check but probably I have some problem with the folder permissions or file access indeed.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Conditional wrapper for events of a certain category?Thanks George!
I wasn’t aware that WordPress had this function. It works exactly as I need.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Conditional wrapper for events of a certain category?Hi Geoff!
Thanks! I’ve found those those already, but they are not what I really need.
I’m asking for something similar to the in_category() wrapper.
Say I have an event category called “courses” and I’d like to display a different background in the single event page of every event within this category. If this was a normal post, I could code it editing the single page template file and using “if (in_category(‘courses’))”. Is there something similar that works within the events calendar taxonomy and that I can place in the single event template page?