Heya, Miguel! Some coincidence I caught up to you only a week after 3 years dormancy of sorts.
On to business, in search of drop down archive widget that customizes all link names, goes by months and/or years, auto opens/closes certain items, and no known storing limits (good on you for making something that fits all those categories), I don’t have the slightest idea where to begin in putting that on my site.
I’ve downloaded it, got it extracted in it’s own folder, looked at the site where ‘installation’ tab is. Those 4 steps are Greek to me.. Can you make some sort of ‘for dummies’ version, basic set of directions of how to put the widget on their site? A quick youtube tutorial? Or set of directions here in the messages? If it’s of any help, I’m using blogger, firefox, and win7.
I’m very curious about this widget’s abilities and it’s a pain to create an account and keep track of it’s new password etc. and have no one help so please do respond if and when you see this.